Forum Topics



"If a woman offered one of her breasts to be cooked and the other to be roasted, she still will fall short of fulfilling her obligations to her husband. And besides that if she disobeys her husband even for a twinkling of an eye, she would be thrown in the lowest part of Hell, except she repents and turns back."

By Mohammad Tuffaha, Ahmad Zaky, Al-Mar'ah wal- Islam, Dar al-Kitab al- Lubnani, Beirut, first edition, 1985, p. 176. It is also quoted in Al- Musanaf by Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn 'Abd Allah Ibn Mousa Al-Kanadi who lived 557H., vol. 1 part 2, p. 255.


This is research for my essay, so pleeeeeeeeeeeease contribute your thoughts/opinions WHATEVER it is. 

Do you think there's any aspect of sufism that there could be considered cultlike? 

Any over emphasis on authority etc for example? 

This IS a process, for anyone who answers (I hope a few of you will) I then want to run a checklist by you and ask if you think those things apply to sufism. Itll only be yes/no so it won't take you but a few minutes. 

I repeat... PLEEEEEEEEEEASE help me. & please be honest! I need both sides. 

Need your ideas - religion online

One of my assignments for one of my mods has to be a case study essay regarding religion (or a religious aspect) online. For example in the past someone did it about confessionals online and the religious nature of those. 


I would really appreciate your ideas no matter how vague or crazy etc they might be, as I might be able to draw something from them and I'm really at a loss with this. 


Cheers guys, hope you're all well and have a great Eid on Friday Smile  

Is male circumcision immoral genital mutilation?


Everyone knows the female version is, but I thought the male one generally had a lot of health benefits. I'm reading now that it doesn't actually though, it apparently is not nec recommended by docs and obviously when its done on children its not consensual. So unless there's an already there medical issue, is it necessary?

Thoughts? Evidence?

What is the point of fasting?

In school I was taught that the main reason for fasting was to empathise with the plight of the poor 

In college I was told that that was a very very small part of it. 

So whats the real point of it, and how do we make the most of it? What does the not eating and drinking part of it teach us?

Does anyone know of any good (philosophical) books on this topic? 



A snake with a human head?

I just saw a link so I searched it on Google expecting to see really photoshoppy and fake looking pics and videos and sites explaining how it was a hoax, but actually I was really creeped out by the videos.

Just search Snake with a Human head in Malaysia, and there are videos and stuff.

Tell me this cannot be true, how is it possible?
If it is, does it mean anything? Is it anything to be creeped out about or is that just cos it seems so unnatural?

Mental health help wanted!

Apologies for misleading title
InshAllah I will be doing a dissertation in my final year on mental health, psychosis and religion.

It would be really great also to give a positive take on how spirituality is necessary for good mental health so

if you know someone who has been through depression or jinn possession or some sort of metal health problem that religion helped them overcome, I WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO THEM. Obviously they can remain anonymous and don't have to see me, I can call them or if that's a problem, we can also do it by email or however they feel comfortable.

