Forum Topics

Phobia of Phrobia?

Idea from the topic on the Euthyphro dilemma.

Do you think it's okay to ask critical questions about God?

Does not acting them show More faith because you just trust in God or less faith because not acknowledging those questions make it look like you lack conviction and answers?

E.g God and Good,
If God is omnip, and omnib, why is there evil

"An eye for an eye

Makes the whole world blind"

And "two wrongs don't make a right"

As i understand it though, I think the Shariah 'says' that if someone murders a loved one you're entitled to get revenge?

I'm not sure. But i've also read that any Shariah punishments including 'Hadd' penalties i think they're called, are cancelled out by repentance. Is this true?

Discuss (politely) in terms of Islam.

Moral relativism

= Haraam?

This is the beginning of the argument that went on in my head: (summarised points)

>Because we believe the Qur'an and it's content are absolute?

We are also able to decide if we believe in God or not, and we *must*do this

>We're meant to be tolerant of others though

We should follow the law of the country, this in itself is a different set of morals

< We should feel as though we 'have' to abide by these laws though, not that we want to. We should have complete faith in the shariah

And it went on like that,


Sod's law


Sod's law

Sod's law (uncountable)

1. (slang) the principle that what can go wrong, will go wrong, usually with some observed degree of irony

E.g Its Sod's law that the burgers are burned on the outside but raw in the middle


You do the work thinkin its in the next day, then turns out, isn't for another week, but if you hadn't have done it, it would have been deadline day today

Who knew there was a term for it ^_^
I've never heard of it till today, Must be an Irish thing x]
