
Talking to your children about sexual abuse

PANTS rules for child safety

The horrific news about 7 year old Zainab, raped and murdered in Kasur, Pakistan, has created a public outcry across Pakistan and beyond.

I hope and pray the monster who did this gets what he deserves and Zainab and her family receive justice.

If there's one thing we can all do after this tragic incident is to talk to our children about sexual abuse and it's signs.

The idea of talking to your kid about sexual abuse probably seems worse than even talking to them about sex. But talking to them about sexual abuse is probably one of the most important discussions you will ever have with them.

Part Four. My opinions of Jesus’s missing years.

My opinions of Jesus’s missing years.

There as been lots of speculation of Jesus’s missing years, did he just live a quiet life with his parents, did he travel round Judea as a jobbing builder, there are even theories that he travelled to India and met Buddhist monks? I have my own opinions that I will share with you.

I am allowed to do this [speculation] but this as not always been the case, a Christian had to agree with the official doctrine and interpretation, or face blasphemy charges and punishment [not by God] but by the religious hierarchy. I suppose a bit like Islam today?

Bombs that changed Britain

Bombs that changed Britain

There has been a series being shown on the BBC about the bombing of Britain in the war 1939-45. instead of the usual, “didn’t we all pull together and we showed our British stiff upper lip, singing patriotic songs etc”. This as been done to death that people now just switch off.

What is different in this series is it takes individual bombs? Then plots either lives of individuals, or how the authorities coped and what the results of that coping led to both locally and nationally. It also shows a snapshot of how life was like for the ordinary working classes at that time.

Part three of the Life of Jesus

The Holy Family returns to Galilea

Joseph is told [in a dream] that Herod TG is dead and that he and his family can return to Galilea.

As mentioned before Jesus’s birth is only mentioned in two of the four gospels [Mathew and Mark] the other two gospels [Luke and John] don’t. Why?

The first thing is that they were written from different viewpoints

Part one of the life of Jesus.

Part one of the life of Jesus.

What was Jesus like? Who was Jesus? What made Jesus do and say the things he did?

To know Jesus you have to learn a little of is life, before you can try to understand his teachings and beliefs. Also the main recorded events of Jesus life are in a three year period in which he gathered together his disciples [imagine Mohammed’s companions] Taught his disciples and preached to the mass of the people mainly in Galilea, regardless of religion, nationality, or sex.

Why Channel 4 Documentary "My Week As A Muslim" is a success

Muslim woman using her iphone

There is a lot of criticism out there for the Channel 4 Documentary called “My Week As a Muslim” that was aired tonight.

A lot of it is based on the fact that a non Muslim was taken and “black-faced” to fit as a Muslim/Pakistani stereotype instead of actually talking to actual Muslims.

There are a lot of comments on it on Twitter, a lot of ridicule.

However I think that is part of what makes it a success.

A lot of the comments are accurate. It shouldn't take a white woman to disguise herself as a Pakistani Muslim woman to see the abuse and hate that Muslims can experience.

But it has taken that.

Hate crime is not a new thing. Racist attacks are not a new thing. Even murder of Muslims due to their beliefs is not a new thing.
