TPOS's blog

The Unknown Companion

Jilbab is the term used for cloth in Arabic. 
When you nickname something in Arabic 
using the same root as the word you're 
nicknaming (it's called tasgheer)
then it's either a sign of affection 
or disregard (humiliation).
This companion was called Julaybeeb. 
It was not out of affection. 

In a culture and society were lineage
and money were paramount... he was born.

Yet, we know not who his parents were. 
It's rumoured
that he was left by a caravan coming from Medina.
Dumped next to a tree in Mecca. 

His parents left him.

Julaybeeb means small torn cloth. 
It's the derogatory form of jilbab. 

There is a difference between questioning & asking Qs

Although Islam recommends us to ask questions and clarify what we are unsure of, I think sometimes, it is possible to go too far with the questions. It's no longer asking questions, but questioning the reasoning, logicalness of something - it is easy to go from trying to clarify our own understanding to trying to make Islam make sense based on our understanding.

Wait, does that make sense?

It's a bit like the difference between"Is it compulsary to pray five times a day?" and "why do we need to pray 5x? once should be enough". 

That's not a great example but I think you'll get what I mean.

I think, this problem mostly arises when there is a lack of Islamic knowledge. 

Prophet Yusuf (as)

I thought I or someone else had posted a vid of a recitation of Surah Yusuf, but when I tried searching for it but couldn't. (instead I came across that old topic I bumped up - so no I wasn't just wasting time, looking through old topics! Smile )

Anyway I wanted to share a part of the introduction of Surah Yusuf, which is in my Quran:

The sound of tears

Recently came across this nasheed again and I'm not sure I understand it all but from what I do understand it's deep, powerful and beautiful. The sound of tears by Nader Khan: (I was going to attach the vid but Suhail beat me to it. See comment below Smile )

Redemption from desire
Desires a lonely crier

AstaghfiruLlaha inn Allaha Dhu Karamin (I ask forgiveness of God! Truly God possesses generosity)
Wa rahmatin lilladhi qad taba min zalali (And compassion for the one who turns away after his errors)
