There is a difference between questioning & asking Qs

Although Islam recommends us to ask questions and clarify what we are unsure of, I think sometimes, it is possible to go too far with the questions. It's no longer asking questions, but questioning the reasoning, logicalness of something - it is easy to go from trying to clarify our own understanding to trying to make Islam make sense based on our understanding.

Wait, does that make sense?

It's a bit like the difference between"Is it compulsary to pray five times a day?" and "why do we need to pray 5x? once should be enough". 

That's not a great example but I think you'll get what I mean.

I think, this problem mostly arises when there is a lack of Islamic knowledge. 

The more we learn, the more closer we get to Islam, and the more our heart opens, the more wary we become of losing that guidance.

Yes, we should be able to listen to people who haven't got the same opinions as us, and take into account what they are saying, without biting their heads off. I mean, that's the only way we can make people listen to the true message of Islam and show them the beauty of it. But we should also understand that entertaining some ideas will be bad *for us*.

If our imaan isn't very strong and we don't have enough Islamic knowledge, then the stuff that we hear from non-believers or anyone who challenges Islam will affect our imaan too. It may come creeping at the back of our minds, at silly times, and we may not be able to answer the questions straight away, due to our lack of knowledge, therefore the thoughts may keep coming and going, and keep having a negative affect on our imaan.

It's great knowing it's definitely wrong, and being able to tell yourself that although you do not have the answer now, you will get it one day, when you know more, because Islam is definitely the truth.

However, not having to put yourself, and your imaan through that is even better. 

Our imaan is a very dangerous thing to mess with, and a weak imaan may be easily led astray with a lack of knowledge, so we should be careful with how we approach information that opposes Islam and always make dua to Allah to not let us go astray!


I hear what you're saying.

There MUST an element of blind faith in order to have the full benifits of what Islam has to offer.

There was a time when it wouldn't make sense to people to have dates at the dawn meal in Ramadan, but now with the dietary knowledge that we have we know dates have slow releasing carbs that'll make it easier to get through the day. (I know that having dates is not an Islamic REQUIREMENT, but it's Sunnah)

As long as we do what we're told to, nothing can go wrong right?

I mean, who knows better than the being that created all this....


Well, I hear your point but you cannot truly appreciate Islam if you're in blind faith. I'm all for giving Islam the benefit of doubt and getting the rght knowledge later, but it's not better to not question and leave all doubts unsolved. They build up.

Some molvis might tell you to not question, but that's because they're afraid of being challenged themselves, or not knowing the answer.

True, there are somethings we may not know the answer to, or the answer may do nothing for us, but the trick is to be hold out for the answers. You do that by looking to Allah (swt) for guidance.

 Also you could start by analysing the benefits of praying five times, rather than asking "why not only once?"


Not questioning can be just as dangerous, with someone believing that something misguided is Islam, for example there may be some who actually believe that domestic violence or cutting contact with non/not yet Muslims is part of the Deen.


From my experience, had I not questioned Islam then my Imaan would actually be a lot weaker than it is now. 

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

there;s the questionning and just sitting there letting the question simmer and break down ur faith


then there's what Lamp is talking abt. havign questions AND looking for the answers.

its basically a misxture of everything you said isnt it?

question, but look for the answer, meanwhile ALWAYS believing the answer IS out there head is hurting...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I think this is relevant and may help you understand what I mean.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi