Forum Topics

What do you do when your sad?

We all get sad sometimes

sometimes cos of personal problems and sometimes cos loved ones are sad or sumtimes cos of no reason

how to get rid of this feeling > Cray 2 and become Biggrin again?

And how comes sadness is so contagious? :shock:

if one person is sad evryone who is close to that person becomes sad too

is this just a feeling that u ride out-or do u activaly do sumin about?

is british weather to blame for sadness? :shock:

So What Phobia Do YOU have?

Check out the list in [url=,8599,103754,00.html]THIS[/url] link and state ur phobia's

I know Dave has a lurgy phobia and Mr Admin has a fear of human contact :twisted:

So I want every one else to do some soul searching, and choose the proper technical term of ur phobia from this Times Online link, state ur phobia and we'll all chip in and try to offer cures

and I promise not to laugh at ur problem :twisted:

feel free to state the phobia in others

Muslim activists burn Valentine's Day cards

Nearly two dozen black-veiled Muslim women stormed gift and stationery shops Friday in Indian Kashmir, burning Valentine's Day cards and posters to protest a holiday they say imposes Western values on Muslim youth. No one was hurt in the half-dozen or so incidents, and police cordoned off the area to prevent the women from marching through Srinagar 's main shopping district to continue their ransacking.


Headstart Muslim Learning Centre invites all sisters to:


Date: Sunday 12th February 2006
Time: 10.00 am – 5.30 pm
Venue: Headstart, Unit 2, Church Road Studios, 56-62 Church Road,
Manor Park, London E12 6AF

Come and relax in total seclusion, with massage, facials, henna,
aromatherapy, haircutting, hair braiding, beading and more. Food
and refreshments for sale! Limited creche facilities for under
5's available. Please book creche in advance. Strictly no
children over the age of 5. £3 entrance or free entry via
advance booking.

Travels with my beard

After the 7 July London bombings could growing a beard completely change the way people treated a British Asian? There was only one way to find out.

It was a week after 7 July and I'd just got on an east London bus. I was on my way to buy razors as I hadn't shaved for days.

A couple of stops later a middle-aged Rasta guy got on, sat down next to me and asked: "So how's it feel brethren?" "Erm, how's what feel?" I replied. "How's it feel now it's your turn to be bottom of the pile?" he said.

We had a good chat, we talked about riots and muggers and bombs and beards.

Just Chill!

So -I FINALLY got my Uni assignements out the way

so I'm FREE for a week or so before Uni starts

So I'm chilling atm

How do YOU chill? do u get high on weed? on sheesha? on zikr?

do u eat a lot of chocolates? have bubble baths? watch trashy chat shows? go gym? shopping?

My brain has been working SO hard for the last few days-now I want to change it mush again.

How do u relax after working SO hard after a exam or assignment?

How to tell if your a mummies boy

Your mum still dresses you.

She still feeds you

She still does your washing/laundry and ironing

You can do no wrong in your mothers eyes. Your wife is always the problem.

He's Principal Skinner from The Simpsons

You still sleep with your mother

No one can cook/clean better than your mum

If your mum said jump off the cliff. You'd jump.

Your mum still has the ability to make you cry.

^^Got that from an email-I edited the crap ones

Add ur own

Baseless Superstitions

You guys must have heard your elders say stuff that make u go- :roll:

Here's some I heard

1-If you clank scissors there will be a fight in ur house

2-tea makes u dark and milk makes u white

3-if u kiss a babies feet they grow up to be thieves

4-if u lick a saucepan it will rain on ur wedding day

5-when ur eye twitches sumin bad will happen

Add ur own

Do You Think Hubbly-Bubbly Is Better Than Cigs? Think Again!

Do You Think Hubbly-Bubbly Is Better Than Cigs? Think Again!
M. Ghazanfar Ali Khan, Arab News

RIYADH, 5 January 2006 — Though water pipes, or shishas, are widely viewed as a safer way to smoke, they may be as damaging as cigarettes to the veins, hearts, teeth and gums, as well as many other vital organs, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Periodontology.

The study, whose findings have been supported by local doctors, said that the carbon monoxide, nicotine, tar and heavy metals in the smoke pose often-ignored health threats, including cancer and cardiac problems.

Be MORE Confident!

Those who may have met me in real life, know that I lack self confidence (and what :evil: )

So lets talk about self confidence.

How do u increase it?

Aint too much of it a bad thing?

Is anyone else more confident in this forum then they are in real life? :oops:

Do Muslims on the whole suffer from an inferiority complex?

How confident are YOU?

Do Discuss

