
Day 264 roundtable: The night won't end

Electronic Intifada - 27 June, 2024 - 00:21

Nora Barrows-Friedman delivers the latest news highlights (01:12); Al Jazeera’s Fault Lines executive producer Laila Al-Arian talks about her documentary The Night Won’t End (28:25); Jon Elmer delivers resistance report on the ongoing defense of Rafah (01:17:19); Group discussion on topics including Israel’s irrational threats for an expanding war against south Lebanon, and the Israel lobby’s influence on US politics (02:27:23).

Violent people get violent

Indigo Jo Blogs - 26 June, 2024 - 23:17
The attacker’s car (screenshot from Ashley Neal video)

In the last few years a whole genre of videos has sprung up on YouTube of compilations of clips from people’s dashcams, or from the channel author’s own. Some of these channels (particularly the American-based ones) specialise in spectacular crashes or egregiously bad driving; the ones here in the UK seem to be full of merely irritating driving — people pulling out in front of the author at a junction where they should have given way, for example. One American channel titled “Idiots in Cars” mostly features crashes, but one episode featured, amid the wreckages from the American ‘stroads’, a tame British clip featuring a driver who had pulled out onto a road when he shouldn’t, and after a brief stand-off, pulled back in. One branch of it consists of people riding around on pushbikes trying to catch people using mobile phones at the wheel, sending the footage to the police then gloating that they got the driver fined or banned from driving. There are also driving instructors who have their own channels, in which they give advice on dealing with situations you might encounter while driving, but also sometimes offer commentary on clips sent in by viewers. Last week, the Liverpool driving instructor Ashley Neal posted a video in which a driver who had been driving impatiently, swerving left to overtake and then weaving between that car and another which got in his way, was stopped at a set of lights next to one of the two cars, whose driver got out and smashed his window. What was appalling was the nature of some of the comments.

The comments included things like “cammer f***ed around and found out”, “you reap what you sow”, “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” and “if you go about annoying people all day, guess what happens”. A few of the comments noted that there was “no excuse for the smashed window”, or called both parties idiots, but there was a general sense that the cammer had asked for it, got what he deserved or at least deserved no sympathy. The fact that this was a bit of quite unprovoked and uncalled-for violence by someone who must have been carrying something in his car to use for this purpose (a baton or a brick, maybe), which is illegal, did not seem to occur to anyone.

It actually is not natural or normal to respond to ‘disrespect’ or minor provocations or annoyances with violence. People who do this are people who have not been conditioned to control their temper and have got away with using violence in the past, often from childhood. Any normal driver would have just ignored the aggressive driver when they met him at the set of lights, or at most tooted their horn and called him an idiot; only someone accustomed to using violence would get out of their car and attack them. I remember this quite clearly when I was at school, where violence was an everyday occurrence: it was the boys used to being at the top of the pile who would attack others in response to insults, annoyances or ‘disrespect’ from someone else, especially someone beneath them in the bullyarchy. People who were not would at most scream and shout. I recall one incident where a boy came into a class, read out something that had been written on a desk in another classroom about one of the bigger boys in my class and his ex-girlfriend; another boy, amused by the sexualised language and swear words, sat at his desk giggling at what he had heard. The boy the graffito was about got up and attacked him in front of the teacher. We later heard that this boy had been ‘moody’ as a result of some medication he was on, and as far as I recall, he suffered no consequences or at least we heard nothing if he did.

I don’t know the history of the thug in the red Ford in Ashley Neal’s video, but I do know that what I saw not only did not justify any violence; only a thug would respond to someone pulling in front of them on a dual carriageway with a brick through their window. We are really too quick to ‘understand’ a bully and too quick to furnish them with excuses or blame their victims. I have even read of police officers telling a teenager, after being assaulted following a road accident, that “you can’t give ‘verbal’ and expect nothing in return” and then refusing to prosecute the man responsible. It is only violent people who behave like this and ordinary people have no duty to keep their mouths shut or tiptoe around them and their sense of entitlement.

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The Guardian World news: Islam - 26 June, 2024 - 17:57

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The Guardian World news: Islam - 25 June, 2024 - 15:57

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A Maryland couple died recently while completing the hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia amid extreme heat.

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Podcast: Meet the Ultimate Muslim Power Couple | Imam Mahad & Ustadha Safiya

Muslim Matters - 25 June, 2024 - 11:00

Imam Mahad Qamar and Ustadha Safiyah Ravat are the ultimate Muslim power couple, mashaAllah – a married couple who formally studied Arabic & Islamic studies, graduating from the International Islamic University of Malaysia, and going on to establish Suhbah Institute in Houston, Texas.

Join us on this episode to learn all about how they embarked on this epic journey of marriage and da’wah together, their work in marriage counseling and college chaplaincy, & striking a healthy work-life-da’wah balance as a family.

Mahad Qamar and Safiya Ravat are an American couple from Houston, Texas – of Pakistani (Mahad) and South African (Safiya) heritage. 

Mahad and Safiya began their Islamic Studies journey in 2008 under Shaykh Isam Rajab at Arees Institute, and continued on to attend the Bayyinah Dream Arabic Program. They then pursued their Bachelor’s degrees in Islamic Fiqh and Usul al Fiqh (Islamic Law and Jurisprudence) from the International Islamic University of Malaysia and finally completed their Master’s in Pastoral Counseling in Marriage and Family Therapy. Safiya also holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Houston. Mahad and Safiya are currently the lead instructors at the Suhbah Seminary, pre marital training facilitators for Suhbah’s Strong Couples program, and will serve as the inaugural Chaplains at the University of Houston’s Muslim Students Association.


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At least 1,300 hajj pilgrims died during extreme heat, Saudi Arabia says

The Guardian World news: Islam - 23 June, 2024 - 21:05

Riyadh says more than four-fifths did not have permit to make pilgrimage to Mecca, where temperatures hit 51.8C

At least 1,300 people have died during the hajj pilgrimage, which took place during intense heat, Saudi Arabia has said, adding that most of the deceased did not have official permits.

“Regrettably, the number of mortalities reached 1,301, with 83% being unauthorised to perform hajj and having walked long distances under direct sunlight, without adequate shelter or comfort,” the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

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