Forum Topics

Sexually perverted relatives

This is a serious issue and requires serious thought. I am specifically referring to homosexuality but shall refer to it as sexual perversion because I dont like the other word.

Now the issue is as follows. A person has known for about a year that one of his relatives female practices actively sexual perversion. He found out quite by accident but is absolutely certain that the issue is not mere rumour and that the person involved is actively practicing the sexual perversion. A year has elapsed.


How many brothers have done horseriding here? Do you know of any cheap places to do horseriding in UK, cos i think sheffield uni got a promo for horseriding in their freshers week and am definitely gonna give it a go inshaallah, but dont have much monies.

What type of muslim are you?

Just a question that popped into my head: what type of muslim are you? I dont mean are you hanafi or maliki, salafi or brelwi, zaydi or ithna ashari?

I mean are you moderate, hardline, liberal, extremist, jihadi, apologetic?

Moderate: think u can now take ur beards and scarves off cos ur in danger danger danger!

hardline: reject any movement from the old school. will not tolerate small changes in rulings or interpretations.

liberal: use their own sick minds to make up their own interpretations of islam.
