
if you just tell them......


this is a true story written anonymously by someone
i found it on the internet and thought it was quite interesting and decided to post it on here

I was sitting in the kitchen. Sabi (our servant) was washing the dishes & then she mop the floor. My Mom came in. Sabi why were you late again? She yelled at her. My bus...... Sabi was going to say something, when my Mom cut her off. That is not an excuse Sabi, she told her.

I had no idea what the excuse was. I decided to ask Sabi when my Mom won't be around. It was time for Zuher. We all made wudo & went to pray except Sabi. She was still working in the kitchen. I was shocked.


wrote a long time ago in response to my blog post:

But to say "lets not do anything, lets not even participate" is to say im afraid to loose something at risk of gaining nothing.

Is that true?

For many years I have disliked competing against people. My self justification was that it was unfair on others (elitist and condescending all in one!). Even is sport where I did not excel, I preferred to have the handicap of being in a weaker team and even then I would not use some tactics as "they would ruin the game for others".

and then there is life where the occasional choice of actions can cause metaphorical paralysis.

to a non-muslim woman

To A Non-Muslim Woman

When you look at me
All that you can see
is the scarf that covers my hair
My words you can't hear
because you're too full of fear,
mouth gaping, all you do is stare

You think it's not my choice
in your own "liberation" rejoice.
You think I'm uneducated,
trapped, oppressed and subjugated,
You're so thankful that you're free.

But non-Muslim woman you've got it wrong
You're the weak and I'm the strong.
For I've rejected the trap of man.
Fancy clothes - low neck, short skirt
those are devices for pain and hurt.
I'm not falling for that little plan.

I'm a person with ideas and thought.
I'm not for sale, I can't be bought.
I'm me - not a fancy toy,
I won't decorate anyone's arm,
nor be promoted for my charm.

Why do I read the Qu'ran?

Iv noticed people are putting up poems up as their blogs. I dont understand poems. So Iv decided to put up a nice and simple story, Iv read which Iv found inspirational Smile

Why do we read Quran, even if we can't understand a single Arabic word???? This is a beautiful story.

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quran. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.

One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Quran just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Qur'an do?"

What is and What Could be [Poem]

I've been here before
So many, many times

Felt the breeze on my skin
Looking into the night sky
Admiring the stars
Unfazed by the city lights
Unmoved by my drowning soul.

Your staring eyes
In the darkness of my mind
The memories of a house
What is and what could be
Just you and me.

My joy and love
Im in need of you
To cry and laugh
This is the truth
dont doubt my love.

Those who mattered to me
those who cared to love.
If not for you
The rivers would run red
The pain i could not forget.
When i lost you.

Allah (swt) is the best of Planners...

But does that mean we should not make plans? Or should we make them knowing they will not always go our way?

Or is that just trying to force the issue?

And how do you know whether your plans are really for the best?

Or is it like the fable (hadith?) that trusting in Allah (swt) is not like leaving your camel untied, but by tieing it and then trusting in Allah (swt)?

What to do in a lift

1. When there's only one other person in the lift, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.
2. Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
3. Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.
4. Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor you're on.
5. Hold the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"
6. Drop a pen and wait until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"
7. Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the lift.
8. Move your desk in to the lift and whenever someone gets on, ask if they have an appointment.

10 Ways On How To Loose A Rishta

There Comes A Time In Every Asian Life, When No Matter How Many Times You Tell Your Parents Your Not Interested, They Will Always Make You See A Rishta..

Well For All You People Out There... Heres How To Lose Rishta Without Your Parents Blaming You! Lol

1. Speak English.- For example, if they ask “how many years are you?”, you reply with “Huh? Oh you mean how old am I?” Make them look dumb.

- Speak English even when they speak to you in Urdu/Hindi/Punjabi/Gujju, especially if their English is terrible. Pretend you don't understand some words because of their thick accent. And then show them how to really pronounce those words.

A Muslim detainee to his beloved wife

Oh my love
When we met and married
Was a happy day
Tinged with sadness
For I knew one day we would part
And I treasured every moment
As we both worked hard
For the sake of the dawah

We travelled a lot
Up and down the country
For talks, meetings and demos
And discussed endlessly
On the way back

I knew one day it would end suddenly
And we would be parted
Either by arrest
Or martyrdom in the path of Allah swt
I wished for the latter
And knew our world would shatter

Being apart from you is agony
And the thoughts of the good times
Keeps me going
In this hell
A lonely cell

I know you are in prison also
Although you have your liberty
But every eid and special occasion
You think of our tragedy
And shed tears
And cry yourself to sleep

I also feel the pain
