I'm sure we all must be here for diff reasons
when I first joined this forum is was only to tease my sister cos she spent so much time here
but that got boring cos I can do that in real life better
then I become drawn in the debates and HAD to always have the last word
I confess that 95% of the time I dont know much about what we debate about-so I always get my sister to properly explain sumin before I start arguing-I've even phoned her up in the past when I've been corned in a debate :oops:
but I've realised that in the process I've actually started to learn sumin-No joke :shock:
I've realised how Islam can be interpreted diff-how some people are responsible for giving a negative image of Islam...and that Islam can be cool
I enjoy posting here-I like the sense of humour of some people
why do u guys post here?
Well b4 i used 2 chek out the revival n dat waz ages ago. Then i rememba chekin out of its magazines n really enjoyed them. Then i decided 2 chek out the forum, didnt no wat 2 post at start but chekin out sum of the mssges put sum interest in me.
So, i started postin n Alhamdullilah im enjoyin it. In dis forum i feel like i can trust most of my bros n sis n i no wat i post wnt b criticised.
I dnt break rules n i dnt intend 2 either which means i wnt b botherin the admin either.hehe
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
I started posting here after I did a Google search to get peoples' views on Tariq Ramadan.
There was an archived Revival page with some really terrible opinions on Tariq Ramadan.
When I started posting most of the loons had gone. But I got sucked into the whole Revival community.
I still post because I have nothing better to do.
I was curious what muslims had to say about 911 and terrorism and stumbled across the Revival.
Now I stay because I have nothing better to do in college, and it's fun screwing around with you guys in my considerable free time. (Dave says this as he nervously watches 8:00 roll around)
Oh. I also like to make fun of lilsis and angel.
hhmm why are we here?
Why are any of us here... that is a philosophical question that has plagued many thinkers since the dawn of the wheel... lol no im not gonna go there.
I originally became interested in the revival when i used to go to a study circle (this is where i met MrEd) and i was given a copy of the revival. Now back in the day TheRevival was a small magazine that came out once in a blue moon, but whenever it did not only was it full of alot of things i didnt know but also presented it in a way that didnt have a lecture tone to it. It was actually fun reading TheRevival.
Then on one day i was in the library with my brother... i got bored so i jumped on a computer and started surfing google... now i cant exactly remember if i typed in 'muslim youth' or if i had a copy of theRevival with me at the time and typed 'revival'... anyways shortly after discovering the website i came across the message board... and since then i've been sucked into the community... it was mostly a way of getting answers to questions i had on Islam without the awkward part of going up to my molbi and asking him a question in urdu.
Now its simply to pass the time, and coz u guys make me lauf.
Remember im laufing with you... not at you.
{seraph points to the screen and starts laughing}

Back in BLACK
lol. funny thread.................i love the revival :oops:
been readin the leaflets/magazines ever since the started. lately ive bcome bored of the internet and thought i'll check whats new on the forum. started reading but enever joined. then the Al-Hadiyah thread came up....couldnt resist.
now im an addict :shock: either me or Dave have the highest post per day rating! lol
basically SOME of u are interesting, the rest are a bore
and some half decent topics now and then. 99% waffling tho, but hey....i love it 
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Yeah I knew that in the past, that it was muslim sis views I was arguing with, it was that she was polite to argue, so you used too, that why ExHt thought you were her alter ego.
Why I start posting was because I wanted to know about a scholar, I think it was Pir Asif Hussain Farooqi, there was a article about him on the forum. Too be honest was too scared to post when I first discover it as Abu T and Eazy D views came across as really itellectual and I used to just read and learn. But after a while and when more jokers started to post, I thought I would as well. Started primary with the ExHt thread or as guest, but then started too posted a little regularly after a while.
Too be honest, I feel too old to be posting on a youth forum now, so I limit myself now. But what this forum gave me most was common sense when discussing islamic matters, since then I been able to relax and understand more about islam and able to project islam better to people as well.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Good thread, i cant even rember when i started postin seems like all my life (in a good way thought)..i actually came in search for the revival magazine since it had suddenly disapeared so i searched for revival in google and the forum came up, so started readin everyone's discussions and found it very interestin....the forum also reminded me of the magazine in the sense that the revival magazine was the only magazine that taught u bout islam in a fun and light-hearted way....but at first i was reluctant to post cuz all you guys seemed to knw each other but then i decided why not...my first pm was sent to omro to tell him off for being annoyin and sayin stupid things to ppl on this forum...
I am glad i have joined it cuz i have come to know loads of ppl and have been able to learn a lot bout islam and to give my own views which weren't so easy to express to ppl normally.
p.s. who is the oldest member on this forum..i have asked this question but no1 has answered :evil:
Omrow been here the longest I think, of course Admin and Ed as well. I only could remember Muslim sis posting before me. The rest I think came after.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
...oh yes, Omrow's posts on the old forum made me revisit whenever i could. funny fella
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
My best mate joined this forum and kept on encouraging me to join…I never signed up but spent a good few months just observing what was going on.
I thought the discussions were way too deep and that I wasn’t clever enough to chip in.
But I joined in the end, by that time my friend had left cos she was put off by some rude posters….I also ended up getting drawn into the debates and found myself getting addicted to the forum.
Few years prior to that, some other mate of mine from Uni showed me some old issues of the Revival…I remember thinking that this the best Islamic magazine that I have ever read…..I had never seen Islam being portrayed in such a fun/cool appealing manner….so today, its such an honour for me to be involved in this magazines.
I used to post a lot more in the past, but I’ve become more busy over the past year…and also my sister always seems to get here before me…
2 months back i was clearing out my bros room and found a stack of different mags so started readin over them.
the revival which was 1 of them from the year 2000 caught my eye and was well intresting and funny islamic mag i ever came cross.
i never bothered 2 check out the website until i wanted to learn more bout ppls different views on islam and dis forum came up.
i love readin alot of the threads i must say lilsis has good ones coming....but i hate all the cussing especially when some one gives their opinion and some dont agree.
ppl shud be more polite on dis forum and respect oda ppls views
for ur info my sister never tells me what to say
I only ask her for help whenever I get stuck in debates
and anyway we're sisters-it makes sense that we'd share the same views
btw why do u think ur the oldest guy here
I'm sure ur not older then most of the Grandpa's here i.e grandpa Ed, granda Admin and grandpa Omro
well i post on the forum because...mmm....im a moderator
all in all the forums have been a good experience
u get chance to discuss anything and everything
u can air your views on the latest issues..and of course discuss issues that mean alot to you
you can pick up alot of knowledge
u get a chance to speak to ppl from across the UK, world
before we set up this forum i used to go on to ym forum, mpac, a few non muslim ones but they were either too massive, no real discussion or too out of control, too agressive...compared to others this forum is not too bad....
we try to let everyone say whatever they want without interfering...but only do so when ppl cross th eline (judda, ex-ht, mujahid, omrow....)
modearting is not as easy as it looks, i have to read every thread, and almost every post....
it helps me to keep in touch with the issue sconcerning the muslim youth...im getting old now u see
i think this forum has enough young, talented, educated, outspoken muslims ppl..and a few nutcases...so all in all it sets a good environment and atmosphere for good discussion.
That was directed at me wasn't it?
I think someone reffered me to this site. I Had a read of the 911 debates and thought the Muslims on here were well brain washed by the media. So i started putting forward other analysis of 911.
I come and post here, to 'kill' time either at work or home. Intend to just read views. But end up posting. I'm getting too old for a youth forum too
[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]
Why do many people think that they're getting "too old" for a youth forum.
How old is "too old"? Or is one as old as they feel?
I know brother yuit is only a few years older then me....yet he thinks he's "too old" to be here? :?
How come I'm not feeling that yet?
You're only as old as you feel. Unless your over 25. Then you're past it!
Why am I here? where is here? is here real? IS it near there? are here and there the same?
Well I am here coz I is admin.
Just a confession, the main reason we had such lax moderating at the start was I did not come on here too much, and allowed most things. Then we got mods who did the hard work.
I like the relaxed style, as The Revival is relaxed itself. We attract a relaxed audience, and we have to cater to their needs.
However occasionally the forums have gone 'too girly'. I then have to think up some decent topics!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i started in this forum 1. cos of AS and 2. to try and engage more in dawat and tableegh and 3. cos i wanted a laugh
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Excuse me! when have the forums gone girly and might i add when have u ever come up with any decent topics!!?
As for what muslimsis was sayin i agree how come ppl feel "too old"? How can expressin your views bout islam have a limit on age?
I come on coz i is bored and i like calling u guys grave worshippers
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
and Judda, we love taking the mick out of you and love to make you look like a right proper prat
you make it so easy for us!
Y thank you
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
When I joined this forum, I had a issue with the fact that it was way too "boyish". I think I was one of the only female members at that time.
Most girls who are here today joined after me, I really went out of my way at that time to make the forum more "girly".
Now, its true that the forum at times is too "girly".
I think it different for girls, look at Aphrodite see was the biggest kid here when she posted and it didn't affect her. I wonder where she gone?
But I going to be 25 in 4 months time, and that is getting old, not in term of posting on the forum, but generally getting things done in life, I guess it frustration on my part.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Yeah, I know what you mean....I think 25 will be my wake up call as well, if I havent by then done everything that I "should have" done....my mate from Uni who's 25 says the same thing.
I've got four more years to chill until I start stressing-lol.
lol, no you haven't. This period between 21-25 goes really fast and it on you before you realise. My problem was not stressing early enough and maybe I wouldn't be feeling the way I am now.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
25 aint old :roll:
I think 30 is old-
and stop stressing guys MOST people here are between 18-26
so stop worrying about ur age
Exactly!!! Everyone is young on this forum...keep sayin that and you will start believing it :twisted:
yep that should be the mantra for those who are over 25 :twisted:
btw who is over 25 on this forum apart frm ed?