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Everything you need to make this the best Ramadan EVER!

Everything you need to make this the best Ramadan EVER!

The following links are all the resource's you need to make this the best and most productive Ramadan ever:

Maximising worship during Ramadan:

10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan

12 Ways to Maximize Everyday in Ramadan

Have we just wasted the whole of Ramadan?

Have we just wasted the whole of Ramadan?


Many of us are feeling right now that we have wasted the whole of Ramadan.

We feel we could have read more Qur'an, done more dhikr, done more prayers, made more Dua's. We also feel that we have done a lot of sins and that we have been lazy and have procrastinated much.

However all is not lost! A Muslim does not give up near the last few hurdles! There are still 7 days and nights to go and many scholars state that Laylatul Qadr is more likely to fall within the last seven nights:

Dates for last 10 Nights of Ramadan & Laylatul Qadr - UK – 2016

[B][U][SIZE=4]Dates for last 10 Nights of Ramadan & Laylatul Qadr - UK – 2016

[/SIZE][/U][/B]So valuable is Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) that the Quran devotes a special surah to it [COLOR=#ff0000]“Lailatul Qadr is better than a thousand months”[/COLOR] [B][97:3][/B]

 Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: [COLOR=#ff0000]“Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, [B]will have all of his previous sins forgiven.”[/B][/COLOR] [B](Bukhari and Muslim).[/B]

Rewards on Laylatul Qadr Worth More than a Lifetime of Worship!

[U][B]Rewards on Laylatul Qadr Worth More than a Lifetime of Worship![/B][/U]

The Night of Power is better than a 1000 months, which is over 83 years. Therefore any act of worship during this night is rewarded to worship equal to over 83 years. Subhanallah!

 This applies to prayers, Qur'an recitation, Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah) and giving to charity and so on.

Giving to charity during the Night of Power (Laylat-ul-Qadr) for example is equal to an act of giving to charity for a 1000 months = 83.33 years x 365 days = over 30,415 days.

Therefore giving just £10 to charity during such a night is equal to £300,000!

Reciting each letter of the Quran is worth over 300,000 good deeds (10 rewards each letter × 30,415 days = 304,000 good deeds

Do you want to help Widows & Orphans in Syria this Ramadan?

Do you want to help Widows & Orphans in Syria this Ramadan?Asalaamu Alaikum.

The situation in Syria is dire especially for widows & orphans who have no home or protection because the Father has passed away & home destroyed.

So I am raising £4800 for a home for a Widow & 3+ orphans.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "The person who strives on behalf of the widows & poor are like those who strive in the way of Allah & fast in the day & pray at night." [Bukhari, Muslim]

He also said "I and the guardian of an orphan will be in Jannah like these two." (His two fingers together) [Muslim]

Regret for Wasting Ramadan so far!!!

Regret For Wasting Ramadan so far!!!

Two thirds of Ramadan have passed and only one-third - the last blessed 10 days remains.

Although we may all differ regarding the two thirds that have passed, there should be only one type of person in the remaining third: the person who is regretful of his negligence and conscious of his shortcomings.

Regardless of one's eagerness to do good deeds, each one of us is guilty of negligence to a certain extent, and thus, we should be absolutely determined to make up for the time we have wasted and strive much harder from this moment onwards.

The Best Opportunity to Change Our Lives Forever!

[B][U][SIZE=4]The Best Opportunity to Change Our Lives Forever!


[/SIZE][/U][/B]Have you ever felt like having fresh new start again in life? Have you ever wished that all of your past sins were wiped out like you were a new born baby?

Have you ever felt like you just have not done enough for the hereafter and that you have an empty good deed account that needs filling?

Have you also ever wanted to really get closer to Allah and to renew & strengthen your imaan (faith)?

Well the next few days are the perfect opportunity for us not only to have a fresh new start again in our lives but to have our entire lifetime sins wiped away like a new born baby and to have our good deed accounts filled!

Dates for last 10 Nights of Ramadan & Laylatul Qadr - UK

[B][U][SIZE=4]Dates for last 10 Nights of Ramadan & Laylatul Qadr - UK

[/SIZE][/U][/B]So valuable is Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Power) that the Quran devotes a special surah to it [COLOR=#ff0000]“Lailatul Qadr is better than a thousand months”[/COLOR] [B][97:3][/B]

 Abu Huraira (RA) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: [COLOR=#ff0000]“Whoever stands (in prayer) in Laylatul Qadr while nourishing his faith with self-evaluation, expecting reward from Allah, [B]will have all of his previous sins forgiven.”[/B][/COLOR] [B](Bukhari and Muslim).[/B]

Everything you need to make this the best Ramadan EVER!

[SIZE=4][B]Everything you need to make this the best Ramadan EVER![/B][/SIZE]
[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]The following are all the resource's you need to make this the best and most productive Ramadan ever:[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR]

[COLOR=#FF0000][B]Maximising worship during Ramadan:[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[B]10 Ways to Prepare for Ramadan[/B]

[B]12 Ways to Maximize Everyday in Ramadan [/B]
