Forum Topics

Valley Of Jinns

Salaamz, I came across a video that a road in Medina is known as valley of jinns. Its really intresting that the engine if off and in nuteral and its going at 110mph.
Is it really a valley of jinns or is there some other logic behind it?


salaam all, im in a dialema.. my sis done istekhara about marriage and she had a good feeling, then another was done my an imaam sahib and that was negative so my parents are saying to forget about the topic of marriage to a particular person. So wat about the feeling my sis had? does that have no meaning? plz help on this...


salaamz ppl and happy new year to u all, new year new begining as i say.. so where shall one start? i want to make a new start but there are ppl stopping me like family.. do this dont do that!! my life is being controlled!! i dont want to be disrespectful to them but how do i go about this? as i have been taught u must respect elders....


Do you believe in casts? There are so many. Im a Rahja as my parents tell me. My parents want us be married in the same cast. What difference will it make if they arnt the same cast? we had issues regarding this with my family because the girl my bro wanted to marry was a chaudary.
