
Shia Sisters

Shia muslim girls are most lovely and loving wives that a man can find on Earth.

Shia women love God, and His Prophet Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him and his family.

They have a pure heart full of light and peace.
The mind of Shia muslim sister is clean.
It is not influenced by Kafir TV and Western cultures of immorality and nakedness.

Shia girls makes the best homes for their husband and children.

Ya Ali Madaad.


Islam is not the problem. Muslims are.

Their unwanted backward mentality of not wanting to change and wanting to be stuck in the 7th Century.

No civilised society would want to still whip women because they are rape victims (evident in S.A) no other set of people kill their own because they bring shame on the family (Honor Killings), no other set of people kill each other (like Muslims do) in the Name of MY religion (evident in War - Torn countries) notice how many suicide bombing happen every day? And who the main victims are? No other set of people think that the word "Allah" belongs to them simply because it is Arabic (Malaysia).

It is very easy to blame someone else. Yet Muslims have a problem of not wanting to blame their own (yet some would happily kill their own - irony)

IslamExpo- My Experience

After begging my Dad for tickets, persuading my mum to come (even though she's not a Muslim) as well as my Auntie who had just found out I was a Muslim, we made our way to Olympia ( the train was completely full of Muslims lol I think the non-Muslims were nervous) on Saturday. After watching, hearing and reading about how amazing it was I didn't want to be dissapponted and I wasn't! I bought loads of books, spoke to some of the sisters and finally got a copy of the Revival Magazine! and subscribed! The magazine is well presented and amazing- it was worth it. My dad was having debates with some brothers and my mum and auntie was given leaflets and leaflets because they said they weren't Muslim! They eventually bought a Qu'ran for 69p lol! But, in my Auntie's words:

Property of Allah

Sajid Iqbal

Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X, Mike Tyson, Chris Eubank, Niel Armstrong, Nicolas Anelka, Hakeem Olajuwon, Jemima Khan, Yusuf Islam… and the list is endless.

These are just some of the famous personalities who had all the money, power, luxuries, enjoyment and fame you could ever imagine but they only found real happiness and inner peace once they embraced Islam and gave up everything for the sake of their Creator.

Now you could be thinking whilst scratching your head and with your mouth wide open, what made these extremely rich and famous individuals embrace Islam?
