1believer's blog

IslamExpo- My Experience

After begging my Dad for tickets, persuading my mum to come (even though she's not a Muslim) as well as my Auntie who had just found out I was a Muslim, we made our way to Olympia ( the train was completely full of Muslims lol I think the non-Muslims were nervous) on Saturday. After watching, hearing and reading about how amazing it was I didn't want to be dissapponted and I wasn't! I bought loads of books, spoke to some of the sisters and finally got a copy of the Revival Magazine! and subscribed! The magazine is well presented and amazing- it was worth it. My dad was having debates with some brothers and my mum and auntie was given leaflets and leaflets because they said they weren't Muslim! They eventually bought a Qu'ran for 69p lol! But, in my Auntie's words:

Telling The Family

So the hard part is over. I've told my mum, dad and brother that I am converting to Islam, alhamdulliah, and am going to wear the hijab asap. Coming from a family of agonostics (my mum and brother) and a new revert to Islam ( my Dad) this wasn't as hard as I thought. Now it came to telling everyone else.

My mum and Dad came from a very strong Pentecostal church- which I used to go to in my search for God- where Christianity was the [b]only[/b] religon and if you mentioned another one prayer immediently followed. To my aunties, grandmother,uncles and cousins, Islam was a made up religon which was all about violence etc. I never thought this even when I was a christian, I knew Islam came from the word Salaam which meant peace ( I had a lot of muslim friends).

Spring is Here!

I went out today in my back garden, hanging clothes up on the line and just looked and saw how beautiful it was. Then I relise I hardly go out. I used to be a great netball player until I converted to Islam and my teacher wouldn't let me wear trousers instead of short skirts so I gave it up. I'm not sad, just disappionted that I can't keep active. But then I went outside then I asked my mum if we could drive to our nearest park. I walked with her up to the top of the hill then back and I felt fitter. Me and my friends are going running there soon. I'm going to make a weekly thing out of it.