Arab revolt

Tunisia goes to the poll stations

Today, Tunisia - the country where the Arab revolt/Arab spring started at the start of the year - goes to the polls.

Much is being said about these elections, with many people having many opinions.

Some fear that Tunisia will fall back from the heights of "feminism" that it reached under the previous secularist govenments which had forced women to uncover.

Others say that if the Islamic minded parties win, then freedom will be eroded.

Ofcourse, the previous governments lacked both feminism and freedom (forcing people into a garbs they do not want to wear is not feminism or freedom - the only "free" people were the ones that benefitted from the misery of the rest).

The Tunisians can now take their destiny into their own hands and we will watch to see how high they can soar.

Gaddafi falls

Well, the rebels have entered Tripoli, there seems to be some sense of jubilation in some segments of the capital while others are still held by Gaddafi's forces.

Gaddafi's son Saif al Islam Gaddafi has been captured and this seems like the ned of the civil war and of the Gaddafi regime.

Now the hard work starts of rebuilding the state - NATO has offered its assistance, which Abdul Bari Atwan of Al Quds on BBC News said was just them/us telling the rebels who is actually in charge.

"Gay Girl in Damascus" turns out to be "White married American dude in Edinburgh"

Now, who'd have thunk that?

A popular Syrian blogger that had been blogging the Syrian uprising "from the inside" actually turns out to be a 40 year old American studying in Edinburgh.

Yemen Falls?

Is this the end of the regime in Yemen?

The President who refused to release his grip on power - who has been in his position for 33 years - was injured in a rocket attack on Friday and has now
Saudi has been backing this president for a very long time, but since the president is now outside the country, his grip on his supporters will naturally loosen.

So is this the end of president Saleh's reign?

The people think so and are rejoicing.

Reports say that Saleh took 35 members of his family and a few other supporters with him.

Freedom is cheap

Currently the middle east is going through a set of disturbances, something which is undoing a part of what was done there a century ago when the countries were carved up and eventually lead to a multitude of despicable regimes.

What they are fighting for is also a multitude of things, but a major theme is one of dignity and freedom. and jobs and prosperity, but the latter can be eased by the former.

So far Tunisia and Egypt caved and the regimes fell - the end result may be for the good, or it may be the same or worse, as instability always has a price.

Yemen is brinking on the edge of total chaos where the ruling President has promised to stand down but not many believe him. Some prominent figures, including in the army have asked him to go, others have asked him to stay.

The UN declares war on Gaddafi

The UN has backed all necessary measuers short of a full on occupation force to help defend the civilians in Libya and air strikes could start against government targets within hours.

Good news or bad?

Gaddafi needs to go but I dont think there should be outside meddling. I may be wrong on this though, and maybe the world will unite under genuine grounds and not turn this into another Iraq from 20 years ago.

Then again I wouldn't be too angry about a single missile strike that takes out Gaddafi. I doubt that will happen though.
