How do you know if your in love?

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"angel" wrote:
"kuri/19" wrote:
its also easy gettin sick of chocolate cake....1 slice and thats it....

prefer chocolate icecream mmmm....

but IRN BRU is addiction.dunno how angel managed givin up that

Its not that hard even though irn bru was my life (shall i create a thread on how i gave it up?)

Rubican Mango aint even nice!

Is this true or what, i love jaffa cakes and on the packet i saw a number to call if you were addicted to jaffa cakes, i didnt dial it and cant rember if the number was real!

your thread will prob end up getting deleted like ed says many pointless threads....but try it out he may be soft.....

depends what rubican mango hayders talkin about, the juice i like 2 but the fizzy drink is a no-no

oh no angel jaffa cakes 4 got bout them thats somat else 1 easily gets addicted brother is jaffa cake mad....eats all the pack in 1 go...dint know a numba was there of such

"kuri/19" wrote:

Its not that hard even though irn bru was my life (shall i create a thread on how i gave it up?)

Rubican Mango aint even nice!

your thread will prob end up getting deleted like ed says many pointless threads....but try it out he may be soft.....

depends what rubican mango hayders talkin about, the juice i like 2 but the fizzy drink is a no-no

oh no angel jaffa cakes 4 got bout them thats somat else 1 easily gets addicted brother is jaffa cake mad....eats all the pack in 1 go...dint know a numba was there of such

Nah i was only messing bout creatin a pointelss thread, as if there aren't enough nutters doin that already!

There is a number but i think its fake, but i love jaffa cakes, i cant understand how one of my mate hates them :?

I love irn bru, tropicana orange juice, i like five alive, coke...and sprite but thats my temporary likin bak in makkah and madina sharif..

Jaffa cakes are a british delicacy.

However this delicacy is at risk.loads of companies have started to produce jaffa cakes, but have not realised what makes them so good.

As a note, it supposed a small cake, with a dollop of orange jelly on the middle, not stretching to the edges, with a very shallow coating of chocolate.

Now most have the whole thing covered in a jelly that is too tangy! worst of all you cannot separate the chocolate from the jelly from the cake! now that is not on!

why do they mess up such simple things?

On the topic of food, I am saddened that Yop is hardly ever available from sainsbury's (I think it has been pulled...) brilliant yoghurt drink. Came in way before the health fad yoghurt drinks, and actually tastes good!

thirdly, I cannot believe they messes up kitkat! first kitkat chunky! what an abomination! and then they change the wrapper on the four finger version to some cheapo plastic! it even tastes different! It was the best chocolate in the uk..

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

Now most have the whole thing covered in a jelly that is too tangy!

Hey i noticed that to but didnt realise it was actually a problem, the orange jelly was really tangy but these are the big work i normally have jaffa cakes where they have 3 in them (not enough) but they are perfect, not to tangy!

Yop never heard of it..

Kit Kat ewwwwwww i would only eat that choc. if sum1 bout it for me, i love galaxy ripple, timeout, twirl, cadbury's spiral, malteasers, ferrero rocher,milkly way crispy rolls......guys stop this!!!

I know how to make a GIANT jaffa cake.. yummmmm

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

"khan" wrote:
nah bruv, med.. i dont think it is love.. i think its Shaiytaan playing with his mind..

after all he doesn't wether she really is a girl or not. his desires are clouding his mind.

Yes, Khan bro u have said the most sense I think. This is a haraam desire that the devil is putting in the persons mind. It is evil and a pathway to destruction. May ALLAH save us from it. ameen.

Yes this is a disease which must be curbed.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Aphrodite" wrote:
I know how to make a GIANT jaffa cake.. yummmmm

Tel me, tel me please, i'll be forever greatful Smile

But does it taste a lot like the real thing?

And on the third night, Dave slept.

And he woke up the next morning - and he saw it was good.

"Constantine" wrote:
And on the third night, Dave slept.

And he woke up the next morning - and he saw it was good.

So u finally got sleep?

Hows the project coming along?

"angel" wrote:
"Constantine" wrote:
And on the third night, Dave slept.

And he woke up the next morning - and he saw it was good.

So u finally got sleep?

Hows the project coming along?

Terribly, my annotated sources from the last 2 nights are complete jibberish - I seriously look at this stuff and don't know how I was about to write so lucidly on the forum...

Then again looking at my reactionary conniption against spooky lucid is sort of a relative term.

Eh well he deserved a verbal thrashing.

Anyway I am basically going to have to redo the last day and a half of work since it virtually unsalvagable - fortunately I wrote a lot down and if I can decipher it I will be able to chug along and finish this up in about 5 hours.

I got an encouraging letter from my professor this morning though! He said that I am working on a graduate school level.

Ha HAH! Recognition!!

"Constantine" wrote:

Terribly, my annotated sources from the last 2 nights are complete jibberish - I seriously look at this stuff and don't know how I was about to write so lucidly on the forum...

Then again looking at my reactionary conniption against spooky lucid is sort of a relative term.

Eh well he deserved a verbal thrashing.

Anyway I am basically going to have to redo the last day and a half of work since it virtually unsalvagable - fortunately I wrote a lot down and if I can decipher it I will be able to chug along and finish this up in about 5 hours.

I got an encouraging letter from my professor this morning though! He said that I am working on a graduate school level.

Ha HAH! Recognition!!

Wow finally snobby dave is getin appreciated for his hard work, it does pay off when you dont have sleep...this time round i am gona have to do my essays/preparation for presentations well in advance!

I need to work less hours, or maybe work less days and have saturdays off, hmmmm

Only went in for an hours lecture 2day, its annoyin when uni is kinda far and you have to travel bak home and then head bak to work at 4!

"angel" wrote:
Wow finally snobby dave is getin appreciated for his hard work, it does pay off when you dont have sleep...this time round i am gona have to do my essays/preparation for presentations well in advance!

I need to work less hours, or maybe work less days and have saturdays off, hmmmm

Only went in for an hours lecture 2day, its annoyin when uni is kinda far and you have to travel bak home and then head bak to work at 4!

lol so you have to drive into town for one whole class on thursdays?


That's not a very good schedule at all. Can you ask your boss for reduced hours?

How are bosses on that sort of thing?

"Constantine" wrote:

lol so you have to drive into town for one whole class on thursdays?


That's not a very good schedule at all. Can you ask your boss for reduced hours?

How are bosses on that sort of thing?

I cant reduce hours, the minimum we can do is 16 which i am doing at the mo. However if they dont let me change my days i might pack it in, in the meantime i am gona look for a job where i can help children, just to get a lil experience.....

My uni schedule is rubbish, i only have one day off Sad

Never a bad idea to get your foot in the door career wise, they probably would be a lot nicer about your schedule too

"Constantine" wrote:
Never a bad idea to get your foot in the door career wise, they probably would be a lot nicer about your schedule too

Thats true aswell but at the moment i am havin trouble findin a job relating to my course either becuz i aint qualified or i dont have any experince relating to the type of job (how the hell do they expect me to have experience if they dont give me a job!)

I would like to work with children with special needs, it would be tough but its a challenge.

"angel" wrote:
"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
we all knw u cant give it up, why bothe trying! ur jus gona scoff it in hiding

any chocolate cake is the business. chocolate swiss rolls hmmmmmm

I do have a lot of will power so i can give it up!

angel y on Earth do u have to give it up completely? Sad dont make haraam on yourself what Allah has made halaal for u! Wink Smile


Going back to the topic slightly.

Here's Rumi on love.

[b]The Lovers[/b]

[i]The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love, and you will not be separated again. [/i]

This may be one of the few poems I get.

u into Rumi Fred?

I can never understand his work

too deep

but I got my sis a book for her B'day called "whispers of the beloved" poems by Rumi

I'll post some stuff up later

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
u into Rumi Fred?

This is the first I've read.

Was going to buy a hefty Rumi book the other day, but couldn't afford it. Sad

But now I can. Biggrin

why did u win the lottery?

btw the book i got sis was only £5 from Waterstones

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
why did u win the lottery?

Wouldn't you like to know. Dirol

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

btw the book i got sis was only £5 from Waterstones

£5? What's it called, who's the translator?

Maulana Rumi (ra) poems are excellant! I think i posted one bout love on the poetry section, cant remember....

Thanks for findin that.....i'll nick my sis's book and post more when i can be bothered typin, Maulan Rumi (ra) defines love very well.

"irfghan" wrote:
Going back to the topic slightly.

Here's Rumi on love.

[b]The Lovers[/b]

[i]The Lovers
will drink wine night and day.
They will drink until they can
tear away the veils of intellect and
melt away the layers of shame and modesty.
When in Love,
body, mind, heart and soul don't even exist.
Become this,
fall in Love, and you will not be separated again. [/i]

This may be one of the few poems I get.

Explain Please 'Pops :?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


That's a spiritual thing, not a poem about human love; more about complete love for and loyalty to God

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

"Aphrodite" wrote:
That's a spiritual thing, not a poem about human love; more about love for and complete love for and loyalty to God

Only true ashiqs can experience what the poem is relating to, amazin!

i love this poem... i was gonna post it in the poetry/jokes thread, but since we're on the topic:

(written in 1818 by John Keats)


And what is love? It is a doll dressed up
For idleness to cosset, nurse, and dandle;
A thing of soft misnomers, so divine
That silly youth doth think to make itself
Divine by loving, and so goes on
Yawning and doting a whole summer long,
Till Miss's comb is made a pearl tiara,
And common Wellingtons turn Romeo boots;
Then Cleopatra lives at number seven,
And Antony resides in Brunswick Square.
Fools! if some passions high have warmed the world,
If Queens and Soldiers have played deep for hearts,
It is no reason why such agonies
Should be more common than the growth of weeds.
Fools! make me whole again that weighty pearl
The Queen of Egypt melted, and I'll say
That ye may love in spite of beaver hats.

