My friend rang me on Thursday afternoon to yell: "Turn on the television man, live news is reporting that Benazir Bhutto has just been killed in a political rally."
With everyone remebering Benazir's death, its possible that the deaths of the 100+ other people that died along with her on various days is being overlooked and ignored. Please try and remember them in your du'as..
Another thing, the deep, dark grave is one of the HARDEST periods for a human being to be in, Benazir is being tested now, and we should remeber that, as we will all be in that (bazrakh) position one day.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
With everyone remebering Benazir's death, its possible that the deaths of the 100+ other people that died along with her on various days is being overlooked and ignored. Please try and remember them in your du'as..
Another thing, the deep, dark grave is one of the HARDEST periods for a human being to be in, Benazir is being tested now, and we should remeber that, as we will all be in that (bazrakh) position one day.
Why is no one laying into Omrow for his comments?
He is clearly disrespecting the dead.
I thought the rules applied to [b]all [/b] members of the revival or are we playing favouritism?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
Submitted by Seraphim on 3 January, 2008 - 12:51 #69
People arent really bothered.
[size=7]Which is kinda what i originally said..hmmm so this is how it feels to be right.[/size]
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Ya'qub on 3 January, 2008 - 12:55 #70
Why is no one laying into Omrow for his comments?
He is clearly disrespecting the dead.
I thought the rules applied to [b]all [/b] members of the revival or are we playing favouritism?
1. its omrow, you'd expect him to come out with that sort of thing.
are normal people allowed to declare someone a shaheed?
I thought it was only Allah (swt) who did this.
Presumably you can make du'aa that someone is declared a shaheed.
I'm confused so should possibly just stay quiet.
Or should I?
the prophet saw declared people shaheed, this is not something the Allah swt only knows.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 3 January, 2008 - 13:57 #73
"Noor" wrote:
the prophet saw declared people shaheed, this is not something the Allah swt only knows.
err... forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Prophet get his knowledge FROM Allah (swt). Its the same with the 10 sahaba (ra) who were promised Paradise; it was NOT the Prophet who gave them Paradise, it was Allah (swt). The Prophet merely passed on the information.
So in the same way NONE of us can judge who has been granted Paradise and who has been sent to Hell, NONE of us can judge who is a shaheed and who isn't.
there was this man, he was non muslim and an incident took place (cant remember what it was) between him and the prophet saw, he was sitting on a donkey (or some other animal) where he accepted islam, he took the shahadah and had the niyya of kissing the prophet's saw foot mubarak. as he bent down to get of, he fell and died. the prophet saw declared him a shaheed.
shariah is Allah’s swt law, obviously we know Allah swt can ultimately put a person in jahannam or jannah but we also know, the prophet saw and other pious people will also have the right to take people to jannah with them. the prophet saw was also blessed with ilm al ghayb, there are so many ahadith in which the prophet saw guaranteed certain people jannah. the prophet saw has told us what kind of death makes a person shaheed i.e. stomach cancer, dying in water so in them cases, we can say who is a shaheed or not.
Why is no one laying into Omrow for his comments?
He is clearly disrespecting the dead.
I thought the rules applied to [b]all [/b] members of the revival or are we playing favouritism?
I think theres no point repeating yourself and i was with seraph the first time round well sortov with him.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Why is no one laying into Omrow for his comments?
He is clearly disrespecting the dead.
I thought the rules applied to [b]all [/b] members of the revival or are we playing favouritism?
i was with seraph the first time round
The culprits know who they are
"Noor" wrote:
1. its omrow, you'd expect him to come out with that sort of thing.
Thats not the point. What he said is still wrong he is still disrespecting a dead person. As i recall not so long ago a mob of ppl off this forum laid into someone for their views on this women. So its only right that everyone should be treated the same.
"Noor" wrote:
2. tbh, don't think anyone is bothered anymore.
Well God forbid should any of you lot burn any calories while having to type. Wouldnt want that now would we.
My friend rang me on Thursday afternoon to yell: "Turn on the television man, live news is reporting that Benazir Bhutto has just been killed in a political rally."
I was actually happy to hear the news.
My first reaction was: "Good !"
My second reaction was: "Thank God !!"
salaam Omrow
I type on behalf of the culprits that cant be bothered to tell you off for your post. I personally have nothing against you but i think we should all be given the same treatment. If you have nothing nice to say about the women then dont say anything at all. As Muslims we should pray for ALL those that died (that includes the suicide bomber and those that died around her).
salaam Omrow
I type on behalf of the culprits that cant be bothered to tell you off for your post. I personally have nothing against you but i think we should all be given the same treatment. If you have nothing nice to say about the women then dont say anything at all. As Muslims we should pray for ALL those that died (that includes the suicide bomber and those that died around her).
My sentiments exactly. The silence was deafening, and, I like peace and quiet
Must be an immature little boy to say those words. End.
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Submitted by Seraphim on 3 January, 2008 - 18:55 #79
1. its omrow, you'd expect him to come out with that sort of thing.
2. tbh, don't think anyone is bothered anymore.
You dont need to justify yourself - not everyone one has been around on the forum long enough to know that some people just say stuff simply and only for shock value.
Plus, even though we all have far to much time on our hands - I dont think anyone is bored enough to repeat what everyone said just two pages ago.
Pakistani investigators have documents that uncover a network of bank accounts, all linked to the family's lawyer in Switzerland, with Asif Zardari as the principal shareholder.
The AGP report says Khan illegally paid legal advisers 28 million rupees to file 19 corruption cases against Bhutto and her husband in 1990-92
On July 23, 1998, the Swiss Government handed over documents to the government of Pakistan which relate to corruption allegations against Benazir Bhutto and her husband.[20] The documents included a formal charge of money laundering by Swiss authorities against Zardari. The Pakistani government had been conducting a wide-ranging inquiry to account for more than $13.7 million frozen by Swiss authorities in 1997 that was allegedly stashed in banks by Bhutto and her husband.
The Polish Government has given Pakistan 500 pages of documentation relating to corruption allegations against Benazir Bhutto and her husband. These charges are in regard to the purchase of 8,000 tractors in a 1997 deal.[26][27] According to Pakistani officials, the Polish papers contain details of illegal commissions paid by the tractor company in return for agreeing to their contract.[28] It was alleged that the arrangement "skimmed" Rs 103 mn rupees ($2 million) in kickbacks
Potentially the most lucrative deal alleged in the documents involved the effort by Dassault Aviation, a French military contractor. French authorities indicated in 1998 that Bhutto's husband, Zardari, offered exclusive rights to Dassault to replace the air force’s fighter jets in exchange for a five percent commission to be paid to a corporation in Switzerland controlled by Zardari.[31]
In the largest single payment investigators have uncovered, a gold bullion dealer in Western Asia was alleged to have deposited at least $10 million into one of Zardari's accounts after the Bhutto government gave him a monopoly on gold imports that sustained Pakistan's jewelery industry
maybe she was a [b]little[/b] corrupt, bt she was a human just like all of us and i think we should respect that. if what you got 2 say iznt nice, dont say it
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
Thats not the point. What he said is still wrong he is still disrespecting a dead person. As i recall not so long ago a mob of ppl off this forum laid into someone for their views on this women. So its only right that everyone should be treated the same.
First come, first serve.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
My friend rang me on Thursday afternoon to yell: "Turn on the television man, live news is reporting that Benazir Bhutto has just been killed in a political rally."
I was actually happy to hear the news.
My first reaction was: "Good !"
My second reaction was: "Thank God !!"
I just want to know one thing.... would the Prophet(pbuh) have said those things when he found out about the death of a person, even if it was his enemy? No? Then what makes it okay for us to say it? Huh?
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
"Rabbi Ishmael Ben Elisha said, Once, I entered into the Holy of Holies [as High Priest] to burn incense, when I saw Aktriel [the Divine Crown], Lord of Hosts, sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, who said unto me, 'Ishmael, my son, bless me.' I answered, 'May it please Thee to make Thy compassion prevail over Thine anger; may it be revealed above Thy other attributes; mayest Thou deal with Thy children according to it, and not according to the strict measure of judgment.' It seemed to me that He bowed His head, as though to answer Amen to my blessing."--Talmud (Brachot)
Baruch dayan emet and God have mercy on us all!
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
Submitted by Courage on 4 January, 2008 - 17:51 #86
Innalilahi Wa Innlillaho Rajiun.
Omorow, mate, she was one of the only ones supporting justice in Pakistan, even if she did dodgy stuff in the past . But if you want to go and kiss Musharaf's and Nawaz Sharif's backside, then I won't stop you.
She and the others, were killed by cowards, afraid of democracy and justice.
Her support for "justice" is arguable. She (or her husband) even got her own brother killed! Why? because he asked for accountability. He publicly called her and her husband crooks.
She was a politician who used any means necessary to get the support she wanted. Including selling out to foreigners to pressure Musharraf (who is not big fan of Nawaz - he was the one who rid of him in the first place.)
She had also made deals to turn over Abdul kadeer Khan to the CIA for investigation and open up national "assets" to foreign (US) inspections.
If I was a Pakistani passport holding person, I would have wanted her to be charged with treason.
She is dead so I will not speak ill of her, but I had real issues with her "policies". They were not for the benefit of people living in Pakistan.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Courage on 4 January, 2008 - 18:19 #88
And how are Nawaz and Musharaf any better? You know, I never said that they like each other.
For one, they have not committed acts that can be considered treason. Why the comparison?
"Nawaz and Musharraf" is not a group. They are opponents.
Nawaz is also corrupt, but he has so far not attempted to sell out key Pakistani assets.
Musharraf is far better than the other realistic options out there (There are other principled options out there such as Imran Khan, but they do not realisitc candidates for power... The imprisoned Aitzaz Hassan or something may also be a decent guy but he was been sidelined but Benazir when he started getting popular for his righteous stands...).
Musharraf is the best leader Pakistan has had in a long time.
You may agree or disagree with his actions, but his thought processed are understandable. There is a reason that before last year when things kicked off with the Supreme Court, he was still very popular in Pakistan.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
mate, she was one of the only ones supporting justice in Pakistan, even if she did dodgy stuff in the past . But if you want to go and kiss Musharaf's and Nawaz Sharif's backside, then I won't stop you.
She and the others, were killed by cowards, afraid of democracy and justice.
Democracy? what a joke! firstly would you rather have islamic morals implicated or democracy?
Bhutto is one of the most corrupt people pakistan has seen and the reason why she came back to pakistan was probably to ease her conscience or she was running short of money.
Nawaz sharif isnt any better and i dont see why you can put musharraf and sharif together ones been implicated with corruption the other hasnt yet.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
Benazir is dead.
I say good riddance.
I never liked her. Stupid cow.
My friend rang me on Thursday afternoon to yell: "Turn on the television man, live news is reporting that Benazir Bhutto has just been killed in a political rally."
I was actually happy to hear the news.
My first reaction was: "Good !"
My second reaction was: "Thank God !!"
With everyone remebering Benazir's death, its possible that the deaths of the 100+ other people that died along with her on various days is being overlooked and ignored. Please try and remember them in your du'as..
Another thing, the deep, dark grave is one of the HARDEST periods for a human being to be in, Benazir is being tested now, and we should remeber that, as we will all be in that (bazrakh) position one day.
May Allah shine sweet faith upon you this day and times beyond. May your heart be enriched with peace, and may your home be blessed always. Ameen.
well said.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
I agree
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
so do i, although i never evn read it lol
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
Well thats smart isnt it.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
write candle on shaheed benazir bhutoo
Why is no one laying into Omrow for his comments?
He is clearly disrespecting the dead.
I thought the rules applied to [b]all [/b] members of the revival or are we playing favouritism?
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
People arent really bothered.
[size=7]Which is kinda what i originally said..hmmm so this is how it feels to be right.[/size]
Back in BLACK
are normal people allowed to declare someone a shaheed?
I thought it was only Allah (swt) who did this.
Presumably you can make du'aa that someone is declared a shaheed.
I'm confused so should possibly just stay quiet.
Or should I?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
1. its omrow, you'd expect him to come out with that sort of thing.
2. tbh, don't think anyone is bothered anymore.
the prophet saw declared people shaheed, this is not something the Allah swt only knows.
err... forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Prophet
get his knowledge FROM Allah (swt). Its the same with the 10 sahaba (ra) who were promised Paradise; it was NOT the Prophet
who gave them Paradise, it was Allah (swt). The Prophet
merely passed on the information.
So in the same way NONE of us can judge who has been granted Paradise and who has been sent to Hell, NONE of us can judge who is a shaheed and who isn't.
Islam IS logical.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
there was this man, he was non muslim and an incident took place (cant remember what it was) between him and the prophet saw, he was sitting on a donkey (or some other animal) where he accepted islam, he took the shahadah and had the niyya of kissing the prophet's saw foot mubarak. as he bent down to get of, he fell and died. the prophet saw declared him a shaheed.
shariah is Allah’s swt law, obviously we know Allah swt can ultimately put a person in jahannam or jannah but we also know, the prophet saw and other pious people will also have the right to take people to jannah with them. the prophet saw was also blessed with ilm al ghayb, there are so many ahadith in which the prophet saw guaranteed certain people jannah. the prophet saw has told us what kind of death makes a person shaheed i.e. stomach cancer, dying in water so in them cases, we can say who is a shaheed or not.
I think theres no point repeating yourself and i was with seraph the first time round well sortov with him.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...
The culprits know who they are
Thats not the point. What he said is still wrong he is still disrespecting a dead person. As i recall not so long ago a mob of ppl off this forum laid into someone for their views on this women. So its only right that everyone should be treated the same.
Well God forbid should any of you lot burn any calories while having to type. Wouldnt want that now would we.
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
salaam Omrow
I type on behalf of the culprits that cant be bothered to tell you off for your post. I personally have nothing against you but i think we should all be given the same treatment. If you have nothing nice to say about the women then dont say anything at all. As Muslims we should pray for ALL those that died (that includes the suicide bomber and those that died around her).
No not the gum drop buttons! – Gingy
My sentiments exactly. The silence was deafening, and, I like peace and quiet
Must be an immature little boy to say those words. End.
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Or a wolf among sheep.
Back in BLACK
You dont need to justify yourself - not everyone one has been around on the forum long enough to know that some people just say stuff simply and only for shock value.
Plus, even though we all have far to much time on our hands - I dont think anyone is bored enough to repeat what everyone said just two pages ago.
maybe she was a [b]little[/b] corrupt, bt she was a human just like all of us and i think we should respect that. if what you got 2 say iznt nice, dont say it
"ThiS WoRlD Iz A PrIsOn 4 A BeLiVeR AnD PaRaDiSe 4 A NoN-BeLiVeR.........."
First come, first serve.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I just want to know one thing.... would the Prophet(pbuh) have said those things when he found out about the death of a person, even if it was his enemy? No? Then what makes it okay for us to say it? Huh?
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Well, I cant pray for someone I didnt like.
That would be hypocrisy of the highest order.
I would rather pray for my good Jewish friend, the Revival member "100man" or our nice Christian brother from US, than for that idiot Benazir Bhutto.
I never like the woman when she was alive.
And I dont like her when she is dead.
She was bad news for the world's best country - Pakistan.
I still hate her. I hope she gets a rough time in the next life.
Very rough time.
Baruch dayan emet and God have mercy on us all!
Innalilahi Wa Innlillaho Rajiun.
Omorow, mate, she was one of the only ones supporting justice in Pakistan, even if she did dodgy stuff in the past . But if you want to go and kiss Musharaf's and Nawaz Sharif's backside, then I won't stop you.
She and the others, were killed by cowards, afraid of democracy and justice.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
Her support for "justice" is arguable. She (or her husband) even got her own brother killed! Why? because he asked for accountability. He publicly called her and her husband crooks.
She was a politician who used any means necessary to get the support she wanted. Including selling out to foreigners to pressure Musharraf (who is not big fan of Nawaz - he was the one who rid of him in the first place.)
She had also made deals to turn over Abdul kadeer Khan to the CIA for investigation and open up national "assets" to foreign (US) inspections.
If I was a Pakistani passport holding person, I would have wanted her to be charged with treason.
She is dead so I will not speak ill of her, but I had real issues with her "policies". They were not for the benefit of people living in Pakistan.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
And how are Nawaz and Musharaf any better? You know, I never said that they like each other.
Chin up, mate! Life's too short.
For one, they have not committed acts that can be considered treason. Why the comparison?
"Nawaz and Musharraf" is not a group. They are opponents.
Nawaz is also corrupt, but he has so far not attempted to sell out key Pakistani assets.
Musharraf is far better than the other realistic options out there (There are other principled options out there such as Imran Khan, but they do not realisitc candidates for power... The imprisoned Aitzaz Hassan or something may also be a decent guy but he was been sidelined but Benazir when he started getting popular for his righteous stands...).
Musharraf is the best leader Pakistan has had in a long time.
You may agree or disagree with his actions, but his thought processed are understandable. There is a reason that before last year when things kicked off with the Supreme Court, he was still very popular in Pakistan.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Bhutto is one of the most corrupt people pakistan has seen and the reason why she came back to pakistan was probably to ease her conscience or she was running short of money.
Nawaz sharif isnt any better and i dont see why you can put musharraf and sharif together ones been implicated with corruption the other hasnt yet.
Those who danced were thought to be quite insane, by those who couldn't hear the music...