Med is banned?


ive jusy discovered Med has been banned...

best move Admin has ever made...

one member insulting so many people, sectarian from day one, very quick to accuse most people here of bidah (even though he doesnt understand the topic properly)...

now at last we can talk about proper issues without one person making every topic sectarian...

The Revival is about discussing every day issues facing the Muslims we can start doing that again and not get bogged down about the size of the beard etc...

so people, lets make this forum alive, real and relevant again...


Does this mean you are going to drop by more often now?

We've missed our Ed!

Does this mean we can resume the no-sectarianism policy without fear of you jumping in and brandishing a group as kafirs like you did in the Shia thread?

"Don Karnage" wrote:
Does this mean you are going to drop by more often now?

We've missed our Ed!

well, i tried to stay away with Med being so insulting.... because then it became very hard for me to stay quiet..

i have no problems with difference of opinions, having different beliefs..but with Med he used to make it seem that if you disagree with him then you are an innovator, misguided..then he would go on to insult scholars which was disgusting.

there are other people on this forum who also have similar views as Med and who also are part of his group but they respect others peoples views, they tolerate everyone, he didnt.

I will try to come as often as I can to discuss more real issues, as we used to before Med turned this in to a sectarian forum...

This was a big decision to ban somone, but like we ex Ht and Oldham dude, the forum improved drastically, in the same way with Med banned the topics and discussions will improve and it should cut out accusations, insults and sectarianism.


"Beast" wrote:
Does this mean we can resume the no-sectarianism policy without fear of you jumping in and brandishing a group as kafirs like you did in the Shia thread?

I think he has changed his tone on this topic since...

I for teh Win!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Beast" wrote:
Does this mean we can resume the no-sectarianism policy without fear of you jumping in and brandishing a group as kafirs like you did in the Shia thread?

Wait Ed did?

or me?

or med?

"Don Karnage" wrote:
"Beast" wrote:
Does this mean we can resume the no-sectarianism policy without fear of you jumping in and brandishing a group as kafirs like you did in the Shia thread?

Wait Ed did?

or me?

or med?


"Beast" wrote:
Does this mean we can resume the no-sectarianism policy without fear of you jumping in and brandishing a group as kafirs like you did in the Shia thread?

well i thought at the time that insulting sahabah was kufr, but after speaking to ulema , i wa scorrected that it is fisq, not kufr...

i then made my points clear on that thread...

let me be honest...

i hate talking about sunni/shia, deobandi/brelwi, milaad, bidah, graves, muharram, etc etc.... as they end up in arguments and debates, that is why topics of aqeeda should be left to the ulema....

i like discussing modern day topics, misconceptions about islam, youth issues, modern day problems, topics to increase our knowledge.... not argue till you end up swearing because somepne is insulting your aqeeda, your shaykhs etc....

The Revival aims to be the voice of the muslim youth...and we try to let muslims air their views on thsi forum...unfortunately some people try to use this platform to create hatred and disruption...

anyway enough said ... time to move on, look forward...

i hope Med all the best in his life, i have no hard feelings.



In other words, the Boss didn't know what he was talking about.

He was just talking.

Babies talk don't they.

Yet they have no idea what they are saying. They grow up eventually.

Well, not all, apparently.

Anyway, banning Med was a bad idea.

I oppose what the Revival Team did. It was a wrong thing to do.


And only real adults can admit an error to their ways.


Changed the word men to adults. I know Women can be adults aswell...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


Real men don't make big mistakes. They make small errors.

And, not thinking before opening your mouth is not a small matter.

It shows baby characteristics.

However, babies do grow; and, only a few become real men.

The rest become girly men, stepped on by women all their lives.


and some babies are female...

anyone can make an error. not many will admit to them. There is a diference in just opening your gob and lettig rip, and making a post to the best of your knowledge, and then finding out your knowledge is flawed.

We do not have absolute knowledge. At times we think we know more than we do. and at times what we know is wrong.

Not everyone is arrogant enough to think they are always right.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


But don't you think that it is unwise to make sweeping statements
giving people the impression that you are absolutely sure about
your claims, when, infact, they you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

Makes you looks like a complete... Cheney.


He was completely sure.

As he said, he normally deals with other stuff, and not much of this sectarian stuff... and from the knowledge he had he was sure. But he was big enough to go find out if what he knew was correct. I would hve loved to see the look on his nface when he found out he was wrong.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


When you are about to go and insult people, it is wise to make sure that your facts are indeed facts.

Because people who are insulted by your lack of TRUE knowledge are not going to forgive your stupidity so easily.

Your credibility will go; and your nose will meet the dust.


I agree.

And I did slaughter 'Ed for it.

I tried to move the discussion onto diferent aspects, but others would not move on from a single point.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


People in prominent position, such as His Eminence, ought be be extra careful in making careless statements.


Talk about locking the gate after horse has bolted.

Or about utting a top on a bottle after the contents have been spilt.

You are stating the obvious. He knows that. However that does not mean you should not act on the knowledge you have. If it is found out to be faulty, fix the fault and move on.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.


"Moving on" can be hazardous when you have on your back a bunch of angry people
whom you just called pigs by mistake.

They would settle for nothing less than blood.

Dogs would have been alright. But pigs was real bad.


where did he say that?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Omrow" wrote:
That was an illustration.

"Omrow" wrote:

In other words, the Boss didn't know what he was talking about.

He was just talking.

Babies talk don't they.

Yet they have no idea what they are saying. They grow up eventually.

Well, not all, apparently.

Anyway, banning Med was a bad idea.

I oppose what the Revival Team did. It was a wrong thing to do.


Lol Lol Lol

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I disagree with everyone here, Med shouldn’t have been banned- the sectarian issue wasn’t down to him, he just simply disagreed with some scholars, this is not sectarianism. When I debated the 1971 genocide of Bangladesh, MED was the only brother that was making sense, spoke wisely and was showed sympathy in his words.

This forum is Pakistani dominated- which is then represented in the Revival Magazine- isn’t covering muslim issue only the issue which are affecting the Pakistani Muslim, the lack of willingness to talk about Jinnah, Gujarat and 1971 Genocide, demonstrates this perfectly.

What does anyone here know about Shiaism?

What about the Shia’s who curse against the Companions such as Abu Bakr(r.a) and Umar(r.a) and the mother of believers Aisha(r.a)!

"(*_Shazan" wrote:
I disagree with everyone here, Med shouldn’t have been banned- the sectarian issue wasn’t down to him, he just simply disagreed with some scholars, this is not sectarianism. When I debated the 1971 genocide of Bangladesh, MED was the only brother that was making sense, spoke wisely and was showed sympathy in his words.

This forum is Pakistani dominated- which is then represented in the Revival Magazine- isn’t covering muslim issue only the issue which are affecting the Pakistani Muslim, the lack of willingness to talk about Jinnah, Gujarat and 1971 Genocide, demonstrates this perfectly.

I'm not Pakistani.

Nor are Yashmaki, Latifah, Khan, Dust, Judda or Salaf Pakistani.

Ironically by banning Med (a Kashmiri) for his offensive behavior against Angel (Mirpuri/Kashimiri), she will stay.

In all the while i've been here I have never once seen an ethnic division on this forum, not even 100man, a Jew ever once was ostracized because he is Jewish. We really don't think about ethnicity or race here - I always joke i'm the whitest guy on the forum, but Latifah could easily vie for that position since she's bosnian! There is hardly a Pakistani bias here.

Shouldn't it say something when Yashmaki - a bengali - doesn't seem to understand your obsession with this war? Certainly we all understand your anger and outrage... but you come here demanding we all join you for unclear purposes, and anyone that does not is on Pakistans team.

Our lack of zeal is not because we don't care or have a bias toward one group or another - it's not something many of us are familiar with, and at this late stage we don't see a need for further division along paki/begali lines.

As for Med,

It is a regretable incident to say the least but we were given an ultimatum - Angel or Med. Med was not even remotely interested in toning down the insulting rhetoric - reflected in his last post to Angel "Truth Hurts." He was warned, and as of very recently we have become much more stringent with the rules. We cannot have members abused left right center and forward the way we allowed before.

I liked med, i've usually been the one to defend him, but even I have to say he stepped over the line with his attacks yesterday. Banning is certainly harsh - and in any other circumstance unnecessary, but when we are given a clear ultimatum like that and the member still presses with the attacks, action is necessary.

Med was not banned because he disagreed with a scholar.

He was banned for trolling.

He was suggesting we worship graves.

I gave him a last warning, but he did not budge. I do not bluff.

It was not due to an ultimatum. Angel had already had enough of the abuse. I hope she will be back, but it is not a certainty. In that topic, I asked mods to moderate his comments. After the topic was locked he was trolling in No Topic.

He was not one dimensional. ofcourse he had made good points countless times. But he had insulted others countless times aswell.

What is done is done.

Why cry over spilt milk? I am sure he will not, and has alot of better things to do.

I do not, and have never taken banning lightly. Its not soething I like, and it does not achieve much. But I must say today has been relatively peaceful, and we have had a few discussions without being at each others throats. Probably says more about us than him.


I have edited the above

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Don Karnage" wrote:
I'm not Pakistani.

Nor are Yashmaki, Latifah, Khan, Dust, Judda or Salaf Pakistani.

Ironically by banning Med (a Kashmiri) for his offensive behavior against Angel (Mirpuri/Kashimiri), she will stay.


Due to time, I wont cover all your point’s- as I have to leave shortly to pick someone up from the Airport, the best action would have been to banned him for a short period (1 month), but not delete his account- This is a lame attempt to silence him forever.

I have only been a member of this forum for a number of day’s now but I have a feeling, that the way Med was silenced I will share his fate.

I’d mention this some time ago, that different ethnic tribes are all racist to each other in Pakistan, as for the Bengalis they where massacred in the millions, welcome to Pakistan!

My forum is far more balanced and united, we don’t have majority of any ethnic group- that’s a different matter.


you wont be banned brother Shazan, what makes you think so?

he and ManFromZarqa are the only two to be banned, and thats coz they insulted members to such an extreme level, that if they werent banned - a lot of people would have ended up leaving

not worth the price

and about bieng pakistanis - why the paranoia :roll:

handed, your the only one who cares about the genocides - but thats coz half of us dont know the full depth of the story AND the editorial team are not all pakistanis - AND theres nothing in any magazine to suggest nationalism

remarkable how you feel strongly for him in such short space of time

you werent here when he banged on about the members here being 'people of biddah', 'kafirs' or 'kafir imitators', 'grave worshippers', etc etc etc

and he was warned enough times - but he maintanied his stance ---- HE WAS SENT TO STRAIGHTEN US ALL OUT :roll:

not everyone here is from the same background - sect, religion, country, society. theres A LOT of diversity - however most of us can maintain a level of respect for each other, without constantly insulting other members.

and everything Dave said!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


yea shazan - wot dave and hayder said.

AND what is this fixation with nationalism u have? :? u said u werent bothered about it and Islam is all that matters, but then u come and make these silly accusations of us guys being Pakistani nationalists. :roll: puh-leez. :roll:

point out ONE part of the THREE magazines that shows even a hint of Pakistani nationalism.


"(*_Shazan" wrote:
"Don Karnage" wrote:
I'm not Pakistani.

Nor are Yashmaki, Latifah, Khan, Dust, Judda or Salaf Pakistani.

Ironically by banning Med (a Kashmiri) for his offensive behavior against Angel (Mirpuri/Kashimiri), she will stay.


Due to time, I wont cover all your point’s- as I have to leave shortly to pick someone up from the Airport, the best action would have been to banned him for a short period (1 month), but not delete his account- This is a lame attempt to silence him forever.

I have only been a member of this forum for a number of day’s now but I have a feeling, that the way Med was silenced I will share his fate.

I’d mention this some time ago, that different ethnic tribes are all racist to each other in Pakistan, as for the Bengalis they where massacred in the millions, welcome to Pakistan!

My forum is far more balanced and united, we don’t have majority of any ethnic group- that’s a different matter.

ur seem like a cool guy shaz

dont get paraniod

u aint said anything to personally offend any of us yet-

differences of opinion we can take

persistnat insults and accusations we cant-thats why Mad Med was banned

i cant see u following his footsteps

lose the parania regarding this forum being "paki dominated" and nationalistic

none of us are cultural enough to give a crap about Paki's/bengali's whatever

other then Dave who gets cussed sumtimes about being "white" there is no racism here

in fcat if u posted here a few months a ago-there were some hot threads dissing Paki culture by some paki girl named PINK

anyway-enjoy ur stay

I want med back :evil:

What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
