
Important statement from Gaza civil society leaders: No ceasefire without justice for Gaza

As academics, public figures and activists witnessing the intended genocide of 1.8 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, we call for a ceasefire with Israel only if conditioned on an end to the blockade and the restoration of basic freedoms that have been denied to the people for more than seven years.

Our foremost concerns are not only the health and safety of the people in our communities, but also the quality of their lives – their ability to live free of fear of imprisonment without due process, to support their families through gainful employment, and to travel to visit their relatives and further their education.

Zionists cannot pretend that Jews don't exist

Something that I have known for a long time is that Zionism and Judaism are two separate things.

What I didn't know was that I was a successful victim of zionist propaganda and generally thought that non-zionist Jews were between very rare to non-existant to the extent that difference of being Zionist or Jewish had been lost as mainly an academic distinction.

The recent Israeli Militia attacks and massacres in Gaza have tought me something else: Not only are there a sizeable number of non-zionists out there, they are also amongst the bravest, taking im at the most orchestrated media machine and taking the stick they are given.

Jews have protested for the people of Gaza and against the actions of Israel in the UK, America and even in Israel.

Young radicalised men going to fight in the middle east

There are reports that there are probably roughly a hundred young radicalised British men who have gone to fight in the middle east.

They were mostly radicalised here in the UK and told that it was their religious duty to go protect their brethren. Most will be committing hienous crimes against humanity from killing whole families to just babies.

Some will even perish in these foreign lands.

However the surviving babykillers on their return to the UK will not be arrested, interrogated and charged with terrorism.

That is because they have not joined ISIS or JuN, but the better armed more deadly Israeli Militia.

Erdoğan lambasts Muslim world, UN over Gaza 'genocide'

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan lashed out at the United Nations and Muslim countries for not taking action to stop a deadly Israeli aerial campaign targeting Gaza, which he said has amounted to “systematic genocide.”

During a speech in front of Muslim scholars attending a meeting in İstanbul, the prime minister accused the UN of “serving a secret cause” and lambasted the Muslim world for not working to stop the killings in Gaza because what happens there has nothing to do with the Sunni-Shiite conflict.

Details of Hamas & Islamic Jihad's 10 year truce offer to Israel

This is the sort of content that will often get "lost" and ignored when pro-israeli aggression individuals state that Israel has "no partner to talk to" instead of admitting that it is their own side which is preventing any peaceful resolution.

Ma'an News Agency refers to a report in Hebrew-language daily Maariv which quoted a "high-profile" Palestinian source stating that Hamas and Islamic Jihad were willing to sign a truce upon agreement of ten simple conditions:

Israel & Palestine: An animated introduction


Educate yourself with this easy to understand and historically accurate video on why Israelis and Palestinians are fighting, why the US-backed peace process has been an impediment to peace, and what you can do to make a difference. This conflict is essentially about land and human rights, not religion and culture. Endorsed by Palestinian, Israeli and American scholars and peace activists.

Calling out British Pakistani MP Sajid Javid

I only really heard of Sajid Javid, who is a rising Tory MP a few months ago when he was given a glowing report on some Pakistani tv channel.

They presented him as a hard working child of Pakistani immigrant parents who had worked hard and done good.

Just a few days later, I came across the true nature of this man.

His views are best summed up from this article in the Jewish Chronicle from December 2012. Instead of telling you in my own words what this man represents, I will just finish with a quote from the article:

Names and ages of Palestinians killed

Because they are not just numbers:


shraf al-Qedra, a spokesman for the Gaza health ministry, is providing Al Jazeera with a list the names of those killed since the start of Israel's campaign on Monday, July 7. The list is updated regularly.

1. Mohammed Shaaban (24) killed in Gaza

2. Amjad Shaaban (30) killed in Gaza

3. Khader Al-Bashiliki (45) killed in Gaza

4. Rashad Yassin (27) killed in the Nusseurat refugee camp

5. Mohammed Ayman Ashour (15) killed in Khan Younis

6. Riad Mohammed Kawareh (50) killed in Khan Younis

7. Bakr Mohammed Judeh (22) killed in Khan Younis

8. Ammar Mohammed Judeh (26) killed in Khan Younis

#GazaUnderAttack protests in Manchester

#GazaUnderAttack protests outside BBC Offices in MediaCityUK on 12 July 2014

This is the first time I have attended protests since 2003, when 2 million people couldn't prevent the bloodlust of the UK and US governments.

First protest was tiny, around 200/300 people in Manchester Picadilly Gardens.

The second one was larger, in MediaCityUK, outside the BBC offices. It was also protesting the very biased coverage that the BBC has broadcast, which seemed to be limited to humanising the Israelis and defending their "right" to destroy Gaza to an extent that even Israeli newspapers like Haaretz were less biased.

This one was bigger, but once again not of a size that it should have been
