
Syria denies supplying scud missiles to Lebanon

Syria has denied Israeli accusations it had supplied scud missiles to the militant group Hezbollah.

Israeli President Shimon Perez had accused Damascus on Tuesday of shipping the long-range missiles to guerrillas in the south of Lebanon.

The US expressed alarm at the accusation. The Obama administration has re-establish relations with Syria after a five-year hiatus.

A Syrian government statement said the accusations were "fabrications".

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Syrian National assasinated by Israel? This time in Europe

Well the article says:

The two Gulfstream planes, reportedly equipped with the IDF's finest intelligence means, flew through Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania before entering Hungary's airspace, the media outlets said. The aircraft were said to leave Hungary after completing their mission, without ever landing in the country.

and at some point some Syrian national was assassinated in Budapest, Hungary. The news does not make it clear how close the two events were, but the implications are clear.

Israeli tanks 'enter Gaza' after deadly clashes

Israeli tanks advanced briefly into the Gaza Strip following clashes with Palestinians in which two Israeli soldiers died, reports say.

Witnesses in Gaza said tanks and bulldozers moved towards the southern town of Khan Younis before withdrawing.

They also said there had been firing from the Israeli navy along the Gaza coastline.

It is the first time Israeli soldiers have died in Gaza since Israel's 22-day offensive there more than a year ago.

Reports say at least two Palestinians have also been killed.

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Children of Gaza


On Monday 15th March Channel 4 aired an episode of Dispatches entitled "The Children of Gaza". It focused on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when, 15 months ago, Israel launched its military attack on their homes, killing many of their parents and relatives, and shattering their already fragile existences.

It showed how they have bravely tried to deal with their losses and bereavements and have tried to move on with their lives, and simultaneously how Israel has ensured that this is well near impossible as a result of the children’s literal incarceration in Gaza due to Israel’s illegal and ongoing siege.

Brown: "Politically motivated" arest warrants for war criminals will be stopped

UK plans to end 'politically-motivated' arrest warrants

The UK is planning to stop attempts to secure "politically-motivated" private arrest warrants for visiting foreign officials, the prime minister has said.

Campaigners have applied to the courts to have a number of high-profile figures detained, most recently former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.

Magistrates currently are asked to consider the applications.

The Crown Prosecution Service could now decide if warrants are issued for alleged international law violations.

A warrant for the arrest of Ms Livni was issued at Westminster Magistrates' Court in December last year after moves by pro-Palestinian campaigners angry at Israeli action in Gaza.

Making a mockery of the peace process

Am I the only one who notices this same pattern over and over again?

The Israeli government seems to abuse the want for peace by others.

Just a day after movement in the peace process where Arab ministers and some Palestinian leaders said they would negotiate even though the circumstances were not to their liking, Israel moves the goal posts again by authorising new apartments to be built in settlements in the West Bank.

Victory or defeat: Is Israel Impune over its treatment of others?

First it was the infamous war and onslaught of Lebanon in 2006 not to mention the many previous wars Israel has had with its neighbours.

Then Gaza and now the embroiling dispute with Britain on the killing of the Hamas leader Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in Dubai supposedly carried out by Mossad and his crew.

The assassination emphasises that still Israel and the Palestinians are in a state of perpetual war. Israel has always been a state within a state its reputation dwindled by the treatment of Palestinians and disregard for mercy.

Turkey to break siege of Gaza

Something that I noticed over at London Muslim - An aid convoy from Turkey will try to breach the blockade that has been imposed by Israel and Egypt on Gaza by providing material that is blocked under the blockade - hazardous and dangerous things like building materials, medicine, generators and medical equipment. Scary, wooo.

London Muslim calls Turkey the "leader of the Muslim world" and I must agree that it is fast earning that title.

20 Ships to Head for Clash in Gaza

Panorama - A Walk in the Park

The fight is on for the holiest city in the holy land. The Israelis say Jerusalem must never be divided; the Palestinians say the east of the city is theirs and must become the capital of a new state.

Jane Corbin walks through the disputed streets and parks, meeting families thrown out of their homes, witnessing bulldozers demolishing houses and goes underground to explore tunnels excavated deep below the biblical site.

Watch Panorama - A Walk in the Park on BBC iPlayer
