Most of us have been lucky enough to be born in Muslim families….I’m sure the importance of religion was stressed to us all ever since we were little.
Many of us might have attended Mosque since we were little….some may have prayed regularly from day one….others may have always worn an Hijaab etc etc
But for many people there normally comes a time in their life when they fully embrace Islam….the day that they choose to submit themselves heart, body, mind, soul and spirit to the teachings of Islam………The day that they decide to give up some of their old activities and live a life as a better Muslim….the day that they decide to make a complete U turn….
Sometimes it might have been because of something that they read…or something profound that they heard someone say….a friend of mine decided to totally change her life around in Ramadan ago-she heard some lecture on forgiveness, did Tobah and decided to make a complete U turn…..many people change in Ramadan….for others it may have been their trip to Umrah/Hajj
For me personally, religion has always been stressed in my household…mum was very religious, I’ve always been extremely close and heavily influenced by her….I’ve prayed daily since I was very little….I’ve always attended mosque after school (not always willingly)….been praying to God every night about absolutely everything since I was a little girl….never, ever did or went anywhere “dodgy”….cos the foundation was laid….BUT religion wasn’t the focus of my life….my weakness was the Hijaab…I was too self-conscious to cover….I was weak and a bit of a sheep…I couldn’t cover if none of my friends covered…..and being a girly girl, I always wanted to look “pretty” for some reason it was embedded in my head that if I covered I’d start to look “ugly” and wouldn’t be as popular…..I also had no Islamic aims in life, I used to listen to a lot of MTV music and had an attitude that nearly every teenage girl around my age had….
Before I started Uni…I began asking God in my nightly prayers to make me a better Muslim and that He makes it easy for me to cover….I started Uni and made some new friends…friends that were cool, popular AND religiously clued up...they influenced me to change…I had some deep, eye opening conversations with them and they made me realise that there’s more to life then how I look and if others will like me or not…they told me that I need to look at the bigger picture…it was such a refreshing change from the superficial conversations that I was used to…..couple of months later I started to cover and totally changed my focus/aim in life and they way I used to think….
So, what was it for you? What (if anything) happened in your life that changed your outlook in life for the better?
Share your thoughts…
mashallah, nice1 sis
for me personally, i dont think ive been bad, but never too good. the experience that changed my life (hopefully inshallah) was the summer Al-Hidaya camp......the level of spirituality surrounding the Shaykh really reached out to many there, and i think i would speak for the majority when i say that the camp was a one-of-a-kind experience. so much knowldge gained, plus the fact it opened my eyes, and ....
“A moment in the company of the Awliya is better than a hundred years of sincere worship” (Mawlana Jalauddin Rumi (r))
“O you who believe, fear Allah and sit in the company of the pious” (Al Tauba 119)
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Still waiting for that day... :? :oops:
Not mine, but from a past issue of The Revival
[url= Day My Life Changed Forever[/url]
A woman gives her of account of converting to Islam.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I LOVE reading convert stories
their stories read like fairy tales
Why dont you also convert. Then you can read your own story forever.
Omrow grow up!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
stupid mousy omro always giving people STUPID advice
anywayz when I was 16 I sat in a study circle led by some HT sister who made me feel like crap cos of the stuff she was saying
sumin about how we should think beyound the box-worry about them sisters who dont know if they'll be alive tomoro-instead of stressing over looks, popularity etc etc
I've never forgotton that talk
that made me intrested in study circles-led by YOUNG people
not old people who obsess over arabic 24/7
Furbal. I was talking about becoming a fairy.
God !!
People jump to conclusions so fast.
And Admin. Please stop telling me to grow old.
I think my turnin point was the glasgow camp which got me really interested and i still got a very very long way to go....but i think a lot of ppl get a wake-up call sometime in their life.
yeah a wake up call is exactly what i got when i was nearly 19, i saw very clearly that i needed to do certain things to save my soul
Is 19 the age to get up calls or somethin cuz thats excly when i got my "wake-up" call mind you i am still in the process of wakin up! y'day i was thinkin of death, its an excellant way of wakin up 2 reality, scary but effective.
yeah, guesss 19 is a good age. i used 2 think about death a lot as a kid, and it used to make me think deeply....but now im older, that little bit of fear seems to hav gone and i cant think to deeply about it :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Angel once you've woken up thats it you've cracked it just keep going
in what way has your fear diminished? i still wake up with cold sweats with the image of death in my head
I thought it was 18? I got mine at age 18 and assumed that, thats when everyone else gets their's aswell?
ok lets go with 18-19 until sum1 comes along and says they got their wake-up call at the age of 50! I think its probs when you are startin to get more to the age where you are involved with ppl ie. uni/wrk and everyone is questioning your beliefs etc and if you dont knw what u believe in then you wana know..not sure what does everyone else think?
I agree.
One feels mature then too...less likely to do and say stupid stuff.
Most people in Uni are older then you as well...which can force you to grow up.
You're more likely to have throught provoking conversations. Less shallow and superficial.
I think I became an adult when I hit 18...before then I was a very immature, more immature then my sister, still am at times....but less then before.
Its good to be immature at times, good way of havin a laugh and being childish again (i onesly feel so old thinkin i am 20 at the mo). I always get told off for annoyin my wee bro's cuz i am not actin my "age" but at times i cant help it and my older sis is worse than me!
when i think about death, and the fact we all will die and be doesnt bring about the same fear and shivers down my spine as it once did. maybe coz im older i understand it in a diffrent way? i dont knw :?
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I think more to the side of punishment and thats what gets me scared and being alone in the grave, as a kid i had no worries about this but recently it just gets to me but the way i calm myself down is by thinkin bout the Holy Prophet
i think you just feel this sense of peace.
The day that changed my life forever was when i was born.
Before being born I spent a few hundred years in the World of The Souls. That was nice cos I dont remember it and I wasnt held accountable for anything. At that time in my life I gues I was just hanging around waiting for my mom to be ready to have be in her womb. I think my time in the World of the Souls was a like a breeze, cool and calm and serene.
Then the next stage of my life I was acting like a parasite on my mother. Causing her backache, making her sick, making her tired. I kinda feel bad about that but I was just an unborn foetus, didnt have anywhere else to go so I think my mom understands. I spent about 9 months there. I cant remember what my life was like in the womb but my mom took good care of me and I got free accomodation, free food and my mom took care of everything and my dad took good care fo my mom. I liked that life cos everyone was thinking about me, I was the focus of attention.
Then my life changed forever and onf 6th December 1985 I was born on a friday. At that time I didnt realise the significance of my new life, i was just chilling with my mom and dad and aunts and uncles and brothers and cousins and everyone fussing over me. But now 19 years after I realise that that day changed my life. It was th time I entered this world and was gonna have to be held responsible for my evil and defective nature. I gues it would have been better if my mom had dropped me or if i was born mad cos then i wudnt be held accountable and then this world would be one great laught as well just like when i was in the world of souls and when i was in the womb but alas it wasnt to be.
Thats why the day of 6//12/85 was the day that changed my life forever.
I hope for the future that the day i die will be another eventful day in my life becuase I hope and hope and hope that for the sake of ALL things beloved by ALLAH HE will forgive me and make me a dweller of the garden. But I guess I shall have to wait and see abt that day.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
ur funny u knw that
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
ive alwayz thought of death and thinking of death tends to help me stay away from the bad things in life but sometime shaitaan gets in the way. everynight i think about the ppl worse than me who do all sorts and i thank god 4 making me the better muslim than the many ppl i know who drink,date,club.drugs and think only about the worldly pleasures.there was a time when the week took ages 2 go by and now saturday cms and cms round in no time . 19 years of my life have gone by and i feel i havnt achieved anything but inshallah this ramadhan is the 1.
this forum has effected me alot an puts me head up i owe u guyz who put it togather
dua may yaad guyz}
lol watch it Hayder - we all know where you live.
The North Sea - right?
However, the sheer depths of my residence in the North Sea is far too much for you mere earthlings to handle, you shall perish upon entering the vicinity of my kingdom.
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.