pillars of PRAYER (not Islam, thank you TPofS) if you miss any of them out, for whatever reason, then the prayer is invalid. and missing any pillar cannot be compensated by thr sujood of distraction. You have to redo the prayer.
- standing
- opening takbeer - Takbiratul Ihraam
- Reciting Suratul Fatihah
- Rukoo'
- Rising from Rukoo'
- Sujood on seven bones
- Rising from Sujood
- Sitting calmly between sujoods
- Being tranquil and calm during each pillar
- Doing the pillars in order
- The Last Tashaahud
- Sitting during the last Tashahud
- Sending Salaah and salaam on nabi (pbuh)
- The Final Tasleem
She means pillars of prayer obviously
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
The imaam at jumuah today did the sujoods of distraction at the end of the prayer and we weren't sure why, and it seemed to be because he recited the basmallah at the beginning of al-fatiha outloud. but i've been to mosques where the imaam always recites that outloud, is it something in hanafi fiqh that says it should be recited silently or are we way off the mark?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
once an imaam redid the whole Isha prayer because at the end of it he said his ablution had broken because he had bled. in his mouth. That's not right is it?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
yeah bleeding breaks wudhu. but i thought if the imaam's wudhu breaks during prayer he should leave the prayer and the next person to him in the front row should step forward and complete the prayer.
Don't just do something! Stand there.
hmm..thats's (below)what i've been taught.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I started praying after being teenager in about a year, but I didnt know back then!
will I have to redo them? because I cant count the number or prayers that I missed...
and when I started I was learning, so I did isha, then isha and marghrib and so on, Will Allah (swt) forgive me or I have to do aaaaaaalll that i missed, and I didnt know...
and im... sorry to say this, but one time I felt a strange feeling I dont know how to exlain it and in my head was like( am I god?) and then I said NO NO FORGIVE ME ALLAH, how can I be this stupid, and now a clearly worship him, and know that he is one and only, so its not shirk... is it?
and I read something that says, God forgives pretty much all sins exept shirk, but if missing a prayer is a sin making it up removes it!!!!!!!!!! right???
I dont think you have to repay those prayers. Dont think your able to either. What you could do though is pray sunnah prayers here and there to make up for some of the missed prayers.
We dont get sinned for the thougts we have as far as I know. (Someone else will probably explain a bit better the reasoning behind why you had those thoughts.)
You should make up a prayer, yes if you have missed it because sometimes it happens that a prayer is missed, for reasons out of a persons control. You ask Allah's forgiveness for missing the prayer sincerely. simply making up the prayer isnt enough.
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
okay, I will ask forgivness of course!
but what do you mean by ''out of a persons control''?
but how will I know how much I missed??
But he said that hes missed a year of prayer...
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
During a lesson, at the doctors, stuck in traffic etc
otherwise, you really CAN pray in so many places!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
okay, what if its a music concert where theres so many peaple crowded!!! its like human traffic...
Whens the next concert?
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
well, I dont know, but what I DO know its that im going to a concert 3 times in my life... MAYBE MAAAYYBEE 4 ...
but I think the next concert would be in 2 years...
This is something youve decided or that is how many concerts there are that u wanna go to?
Either way. 2 years is a long way away, so dont bother thinking about whether you'll find a place to pray or not! You might not even be alive by then or feel completely different about going to concerts!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
okay then what if that concert was in 4 days...
Then id suggest you take a prayer mat. Go to that concert if ur not gonna change ur mind about it. Go up to whoevers in charge when its prayer time or when theres a break (pretty sure theres a break) or whatever and say: "I need a place to pray, can you please oblige?" Im pretty sure that you'll be able to find a place. You just gotta try.
I would only advice you this after telling you that I dont think you should be going to a concert in the first place. Its not the best place for a muslim to be AT ALL. I hope you come to realise this for yourself soon enough inshaaAllah. Anything else?
EDIT: If you really cant find a place to pray after looking everywhere, make these prayers up when you get home. I dont want you to go away thinking that this gives you free rein to go concerts and it'll be alright if you just make them up when you go home. Its better to not miss these prayers at all (especially for a concert) but its better to make them up than miss them altogether I guess.
What time do these concerts start? Dont they start late?
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
okay, well Ill try, but if he says no?
and a concert isnt the best place? how?????
I will make them up... its complytely permissible????
the concerts start about 4 pm and finish about 11 at night
but sometimes it might be different
GO HIJACK SMEONE ELSE'S THREAD! not on THIS threat, its got nothing to do with the pillars of prayer!!!
ok..i'll allow it for now..but if it gets annoying, you guys are O-U-T! deal?
ok. here's what i think. you sound like "going to the concert"is your one and only desire. that aint true is it? like you couldnt survive without that concert. which is happenign in TWO YEARS TIME. gosh. as Bilan said, you might not even be alive...
and ive already told you why a concert isnt a good place for a muslim. so go read that again.
also. as you say. you're a good kid, who's trying really hard to be a good muslim right? and you ALWAYS pray, and that concert is ONLY going to happen ONCE EVERY HREE YEARs or something right?
well..what if after ALL these good deeds and stuff, you go and die in that concert? amongst all those non-muslims!?! after all the hard work you go and die in a place where Allah wasnt pleased with you? on day of judgement you get resurected with the people you used to hang around with/love. so if you want to be surrounded by non-muslims on day of judgement and be around them when they get punished etc... theeen.....
and about the catching up the prayers: ASK A SCHOLAR, someone KNOWLEDGEABLE, who STUDIED THE RELIGION. try and find someone like this in your area.
do you know how in Islam we become "adults"? like in uk its when you hit 18, but not the same in Islam, do you know about this? well..when you become "adult" thats when everything becomes obligatory upon you. just answer my Q for now and i'll explain more later.
also, i did explain the delaying stuff, did you read it? you didnt even answer abt it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
as i said preivously, there isnt "delaying" prayer. you either pray it in its time, or dont. when you dont you "missed the prayer time".
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
YOUR NOT SURE IF ITS A SIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
if you say: Allah, has said to his messenger Mohammad
to go tell peaple, dont miss a prayer.
He also said, live your life ''parents, teach your kid to swim, to hunt, and the other I forgot, so HAVE FUN BY RESPECTING ISLAM!!
how can you not understand this, its so simple: IM saying to God, please forgive my sins, but what if you dont know what are your sins, am I A BAD PERSON WHO WILL SAY" awwwwwwwwww YES im gonna miss the prayer! NO NEVER, Im gonna say, Ive tried my best, but whos that stupid to pray in a LOUD LOUD music area with crowded peaple!!!
am I going to that concert JUST to miss the prayer? or to disoybey God? Im enjoying lIFE and who gave me this beatiful life? Allah (swt), If theres a concert with pork in it, I dont eat it, if they dont let you eat any other food, fine NOW youll say its not worth, is this concert make me disoybey him?????? NO
we live for worship? of course we do, but it has to be livabil or else life would be nothing, nothing at all, just praying praying praying praying like a maniac, dont kill yourself, just be SERIOUS, I KNOW in the deepest of my heart that Im a good person, that Obeys and has fun since its halal,
AND if missing a prayer is a sin, does making it up not delete that sin??
IM GOING TO A CONCERT TWOOOOOOOOO TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TIMES in my LIFE but keep in mind that im praying LOTS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTS of times WHENEVER ITS POSSIBLE as long is it dosent make you feel bad, I always say, ahhh life is good , I pray, I dont drink alcoohol or look at bad stuff, I pray and I have fun, I learn , I enjoy life.
NOT LIKE YOU MANIAC TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!! Allah did not say what your saying...
POINT END OF THE LINE, my father, brother, friend, best friend, told me you caaaannnn its okayyyyyyyy as long as your INTENTIONM YOUR HEART YOUR... KIDNESS IS GOOOOOOOODD
is it still hard to understand!!??? o.o???
If you've already made your mind up that your dad and your friends know better than us, then why did you come here?
We don't know you, so we won't be biased in telling you what's right and wrong. Plus we've allready told you, go to someone who has studied islam inside out, someone of knowledge. We didn't have to take our time out to read your questions and try to answer them to the best of our ability but we did it for the sake of Allah. It'd be nice if you showed some appreciation instead of disrespect.
If you are sincere in trying to what's right then i trust that Allah will guide you, but you have to make the first step.
Assalamu alaikum
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Not like you manic trying to ruin my life? I must assume that you mean yourself and not us cos ur doing a pretty good job of ruining ur life all by urself! and what Foysol said!
If I find you proof in Quran/hadith that we shouldnt miss any prayers, what then?
Forget this concert. FORGET IT! It is TWO years away. You know how many days that is? AT LEAST 731 days away! (2012 is a leap year no?) YOU might not even make it past day ONE!
(Do u believe that your going to die one day?)
HOW could you POSSIBLY enjoy life by not doing the things that Allah(swt) has given you this whole life for in the first place?! i.e. to WORSHIP Him! And no worship ISNT limited to just prayer, but of course you cant argue that its a BIG part of it. and no that doesnt mean praying, praying, praying all the time. It MEANS praying at the ALLOCATED times! Big difference right?
So you know in the deepest of your heart that your a good person? Well..sorry to burst your bubble, but its what ALLAH(swt) thinks of you that juuust has that much more preference.
Your gonna say youve tried your best? On the Day of Judgement you will say to Allah(swt) "heey..I know i didnt pray all my prayers..but I tried my best right?" On that Day you will be surrounded by people whose 'best' is praying ALL their prayers on time and a whole lot more! So conclusion? YOU DIDNT TRY YOUR BEST! Your effort was mediocre at best.
Praying is something within our capability. It isn't impossible. But what do u want us to tell you? That missing a prayer isnt a sin? That you can miss it, cos hey you wanna have fun! We're not gonna tell u that. no one is either. at least not anyone who knows their basics in Islam. So take Lilly's advice and go speak to a scholar. Do you have a mosque in ur area?
and yes, it will always be hard to understand why you are willing to miss your prayers because you want fun.
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Well thank you man,
but Im not trying to be disrespectful I really thank you for exaplainiing me stuff, but look.
We all have different efforts... I do beileive that Im gonna die one day, evreybody is, but Why should I pray, and pray, and kill my self, and forget the fun and pray... When I see it in the coran I will beileive it, but what your saying right now dosent make sens, because you put it such in a bad way.
''OH well ive tried my best'' do I have the same stregnh as everybody? The MAIN THING is not prayer, and then go drink beer and be a gangster, its to pray, eat,LIVE... how do you want me to leave if its very hard, after all:
Im missing Spongebob for praying, well I WILL because its more important,
I will fast in ramadan because at leat it dosent hurt as much as missing a concert that comes once or MAYBE twice in life.
INTENTION! matters most, you DO realize im a good person, you know it I try to sacrifice everything, but hey what is life without a little bit of fun????
I will of course speak to a scholar and what if hes right??
I have mosque but its far away, Ill try.
AND DUDE, last night, I was thinking about the biggest sin : ''shirk'' and then I imagined someone saying that God has a mother or something and I said NOOO ITS IMPOSSIBLE and then In my mind I imagined saying, maybe God has a mother BUT I DIDNT DO IT WITH MY HEART QUIKLY I SAID BISMILLAH AND NEVER EVEN THAUGHT ABOUT IT, its not shirk bacause I do beileive that there one God only, as the soura says: KOul houa Allah ahad, Allah samad, lam yalid wa lam youlad , wa lam yakoun laho koufwan ahad.
SO ITS NOT SHIRK!! because if I tell you. dont think about peiguins, FIRST THING YOU THINK ABOUT IS INDEED PEIGUINS, so it was like this, DONT think about it, I thaught and said maybe THAT ''MAYBE DID NOT COME FROM MY HEART AND I TRULY BEILEIVE THERES ONLY ONE GOD AND EHS THE ONLY, THE LORD.
It should be noted that you are dealing with a Lord Who is generous, kind and merciful; He is more merciful towards His slaves than they are to themselves. He is watching over your heart and He knows what is on your mind. If He sees that your intention is sincere, He will decree the reward for you in full, and He will overlook every mistake and shortcoming.
seeeeeeeeee, my INTENTION im not going to the concert ESPACIAALLY TO MISS IT no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im enjoying life, my trying to respect what Allah said.
and, If i search for a place, like get out of the crowd... then they wont let be back in and Ill miss the concert... so I will ask them to move, and when I went to my first concert (still my first) I FORGOT really really it didnt touch my mind, and it was RAINING and there was mudd,
would it be better to pray on the rain with the floor on time or, at home, everything clean??
Do not feel sorry, except for something that will harm you tomorrow (on the Day of Judgment), nor feel delight for something that will make you sorry tomorrow. The best type of fear is that which prevents you from committing sins, lengthens your grief for what you have missed (time not in the obedience of Allah), and directs you to contemplate the rest of your life. —’Abdullah b. Khubaiq
Don't just do something! Stand there.
take this
ok? so even if you PRAY EVERY SINGLE SECONDS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE AND LIVE TO BE A HUNDRED OR A THOUSAND, IT WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH. ok? do.you.get.it? you go to your freaking concert and DIE THERE. what happens THEN? you chose to ignore that point when i first mentionned it didnt you? selective reading much?
you think we enjoy telling you not to go to that concert? all that helping ive been trying to do, FOR YOUR SAKE. because in islam its not about "its none of my business" its about "let me help you to make yourself better" and you turn around and slap it back in my face?
but, a concert is NOT halaal fun, do you know why? because men and women are together, mixing freely. NOT halaal, also the way the people behave, they're practically worshipping the singers...not good.
i need to remember that you're still young... give me some time to calm down.. i've heavily edited my comment boy, but i might not next time...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
they worship the singers??? WHAAAATTT? NOOOOOOO they enjoy their music!!! Am I standing with them on their side???? noooooooo im NOT
I NEVER ignored your point, I always said: FOR THE BILLIONTH TIME: IN TEN TION!!!! DO I MISS THIS CONCERT IN PURPOSE!!?? NOOOOOOOOO , DO I GO THEIR TO DISOBEY ALLAH (SWT)?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, its a gift from Allah, im enjoying it, and beiing a fool, that forgets about Allah
NOW YOU GET IT??? I knowww its not enough, but do you know what Muhammad
''Let your kids learn, swimming,bow aoring, hunting.
LISTEN A LITTLE BIT!! you never understand what im saying, you will never!
aaaahhha whats the point?
if this discussion didnt lead me anywhere?
A PRAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT???????????????????? O.o??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
and even at school, boys and girls are mixed? so dont go there?
at a local park? mixed
at the movies? mixed
DO YOU GET IT???????????
anyways, I will ask a scholar
so bye
Asalamo alaykoum