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[Palestine Solidarity Campaign] BBC bias - Take Action

#GazaUnderAttack protests outside BBC Offices in MediaCityUK on 12 July 2014

The BBC’s Director of Television, Danny Cohen, has called for Israel to be protected from cultural boycotts.

Cohen joined senior figures from the Parliamentary lobby groups, Conservative Friends of Israel and Labour Friends of Israel, in October which claims that Israel is being singled out as a boycott target.

Cohen is a member of the BBC’s executive board and one of the most senior figures in the organisation. His role within the BBC demands neutrality and yet he has publicly made known his support for Israel.

Probably the best speech no one heard

Probably the best speech a major world leader as made, but one that as been totally ignored by western MSM. I thought in the light of Russias intervention [aid to Assad] in Syria. Hopefully before the MSM starts to build up the propaganda against Mr Putin it might be worth while to post a summary of a speech that Mr Putin gave in Sochi in October 2014 [yes 2014, not 15]

1. Russia will no longer play games and engage in back-room negotiations over trifles. But Russia is prepared for serious conversations and agreements, if these are conducive to collective security, are based on fairness and take into account the interests of each side.

Archbishop Justin addresses Muslim Council of Wales

We can disagree,we can hate,We can die & kill for our beliefs but only by talking can we strive to heal those disagreements,gain trust in those we hate & stop the dying & killing to practise what ever you believe in reality peace

Archbishop Justin addresses Muslim Council of Wales

Friday 2nd October 2015

For the full transcript of his talk. [the link is below]

Eid-ul-Azha Easy Recipes

Eid is a time when you all gather at one place. You can astonish everyone with your cooking skills. Eid ul Adha easy recipes 2015 have collection of best and top recipes. On this Eid ul Adha 2015 we provide you the app through which you can cook delicious food. This App provides three types of Recipes one is meats second is sweets and third one is salad. This app is complete package. On Eid you can cook tasty meat and also make healthy salad and sweets at the end.



A solution for the refugees?

Naguib Sawiris

An Egyptian Telecoms billionaire has proposed buying a Mediterranean island to shelter refugees fleeing from Syria and other countries. 

Naguib Sawiris, who is believed to be worth $2.9billion, announced his idea on Twitter this week. 

He tweeted: “Greece or Italy sell me an island, I’ll call its independence and host the migrants and provide jobs for them building their new country.”

He added: “Crazy idea… Maybe but at least temporary until they can return to their countries??!!” 

Speaking to AFP later, he said: “Of course it’s feasible. You have dozens of islands which are deserted and could accommodate hundreds of thousands of refugees.” 

Could this be the real reason for the increase in refugees to Europe?

Russian Military Forces Arrive In Syria, Set Forward Operating Base Near Damascus

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/01/2015 09:59 -0400

Saudi Arabia Orders Its National Guard To Enter Yemen War

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/21/2015 12:01 -0400




We will be launching The Revival Online Magazine soon and are in search of writers. So if you are a writer, journalist or simply feel strongly about issues facing Muslims today, then we'd like to let The Revival be your platform.

Please contact to let us know of your interest and how often you will be able to submit articles to us. We look forward to hearing from you. 
