Forum Topics

Boris Running for Mayor


Boris Johnson is running for Mayor of London.

This thread is for general discussion of the subject when it crops up and an excuse to link his latest articles.

[url= Johnson: The grief of a stolen bicycle[/url]

Orange E650

I just got an Orange E650 that surfs and e-mails using built-in wi-fi, has all the Microsoft Office and Windows Media stuff and even doubles as a modem but otherwise looks and acts like a mobile phone. It's a bit fiddly but it is still [i]excellent[/i]. Like, someone was e-mailing me a bunch of artwork to proof and I was able to download the attachments in hi-res and send back my comments, on my phone. The best thing is it was free, it felt like time for an upgrade so I called Orange.

Beginning Peace

If you really love someone and want that love to grow, perhaps you give them chocolates or flowers and take them somewhere romantic. In time maybe the gift extends to a car and a house, but you don't start with the big things if the little things are to be valued and cherished.

For a black man to become president, first a white man cannot be allowed to enslave a black man, they must travel, eat, work and vote together.