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Twins of Faith Event

Date: Saturday November 19th
Time: 10am - 9pm
Location: Excel London
Host: Al Kauthar courses

Don't miss the BIGGEST event of the year at the Excel in London. Amazing speakers from around the world, Nasheeds, Poetry, Bazaar, Exhibitions, workshops, Kids zones & More!!!

Dr Tawfique Choudhury
Sheikh Nooman Ali Khan
Sheikh Abu Abdissalam
Sheikh Zahir Mahmood
Sheikh Navaid Aziz
Sheikh Ala El Sayed
Junaid Jamshed
Boona Mohammed
& much much more!

Marriage workshop with Sheikh Ala El Sayed
Dawah worshop with iERA
Careers workshop with Rolls Royce, Accenture, Gatehouse Bank, Sisters Creative Writing Workshop, Productive Muslim Workshop

Little Explorer Land:

How to keep remembering Allah?

Assalamu alaiukum Biggrin

I don't know if this has already been duscussed and i haven't really bothered searching for it either, plus i just wanted to let some thoughts out.

Basically like everyone i have my highs and lows when it comes to my imaan or taqwah. Hopefully as does everyone else i would love to keep my imaan and taqwah at a high all the time.

One of the ways i think my imaan is affected is by how often i do good deeds and how much and what sins i commit. It certainly helps keep Allah on your mind when you're busy with doing good deeds but sometimes i feel like i've run out of things to do and i just get bored. I've also felt an imaan boost when giving up things which are sinful or i may in doubt of.

Anwar Al Awlaki has been killed?

Reports say that Anwar Al Awlaki was killed along with his companion in an US airstrike in Yemen.

Does anyone else have any more news on this subject? I actually heard about his alleged death just before Ramadhan, same exact story but only a few were speaking about it.

Also does anyone know how exactly they linked him with Al Qaeda? :?

All i know was that his lectures were very inspiring, (to come to deen, not for anything else) and that he was knowledgeable but not a scholar. Allah know best.

Surah Kahf

Assalamu alaikum Biggrin Jummah Mubarak.

It is recommended to recite Surat al-Kahf completely the night before Friday, and it is also recommended to do so Friday itself, before Maghrib time. Ibn Abidin said, �And it is best to do so early on Friday, in order to rush to the good and to avoid forgetting. � [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, �Bab al-Jumu`ah�]

The evidence for it being recommended includes the hadith related by Hakim and Bayhaqi, from Abu Sa`id (Allah be pleased with him), �Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays.� [Ibn Hajar, Talkhis al-Habir]


​Apparently there's a new law as of two weeks ago that you have to be 21 years of age or older to go to Saudi Arabia for Umrah.

My brother was just refused his Visa because of this and he can't go Umrah.

Does anyone know more about this law or know about it all?

Sounds like b******t to me.

Visiting The Sick

I have a question to ask. Does anyone know of any particular dua or surah to recite when visiting someone who is really ill?

I was just visiting my cousins grandad(not first cousin) who was diagnosed with cancer a while back and is now in critical situation. It was kinda scary watching him just lay there in his sleep and just keeping one eye on heart beat monitor.

It really brings you back to reality and makes you realize how temporary this life is and that we could die any minute.

The hardest thing is watching the relatives. You don't know what to say so everyone's just there in silence. Everyones emotions are really high at this moment yet you wanna remind them that this is all a test.

War against Islam

Forgive me if i am wrong but to me it looks like alot of the world is in a war against Islam and i don't know why. Are they afraid, do they just hate muslims or is it something else?

Why is there war, occupations or interventions in Muslim countries e.g. Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc.

Why are there bans on the Burkha in France?

This is just the recent activity i am seeing, this has been going on for centuries.

What i want to know is why they are doing this, i mean is there a reasonable explanation for all of this?

The other thing i wanted to know is if we as muslims in the UK and other surrounding countries where we are free to practice Islam have a duty towards our fellow muslims in these suffering countries?


Assalamu alaikum,

Quick question, i got into a discussion where we were talking about the proof of the creator. Well we got to the point where we were talking about everything in the world being limited and how the creator must be unlimted.

I asked him is there anything in this world that is limitless and after many attempts they propsed that time was limitless.

I tried to convince that time was limited but they just wouldn't buy it and i just wanted to know if anyone could help me prove that time is limited(in a way most people would understand).

What i asked them was if the universe started with the Big Bang Theory then surely that is when time started. For something to have a beginning it also has an end so therefor it is limited cause it had a beginning.

Life is really funny sometimes

I am thinking whether to go to masjid for fajr or not, i decide to go with only 7 mins left to get there. 

I get outside my house and it is freezing cold and extremely windy and notice i now have 5 mins to get there. I start questioning if i would still make it, maybe i should pray at home. 

I think about the rewards of praying in congregation and that i cant let shaytaan beat me. Now having made firm intention to get to the masjid no matter what, that only Allah can stop me not shaytaan. I walk onwards to the masjid with long and fast strides.

About 10 seconds later i realize that i have left my keys at home Sad  

Life is really funny sometimes Smile
