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Anyone know any catchy islamic phrases?

asalamualykum warhmatulahi wabarakthu brothers and sisters in Islam!

I hope you all in good health inhsa Allah and ameen to that.

well basically im designing this poster to persuade any muslim youngsters in college to attend islamic studies. I was wondering if you know any catchy slogons to grip thier attention. It's quite difficult as well especially when they think is cool not to be islamic..etc

jazahka Allah khair in advance.

May Allah s.w.a reward you well ameen!

walakumasalaam warhmatulahi wabarakthu

Why Don't You Get Out Of Here!

[color=red]If you don't like this country…why don’t you get out of here!?

A debate between a Kaafir (or Secular "Muslim") and a Muwahhid (Monotheist)[/color]

[color=darkblue]The Kaafir (or Secularist) once said: "If you don’t like this country why are you still here!? Get out and go back to your own country!"

The Muwahhid replied: "This is my country! Who on earth told you that we hate this country!? Dare us to hate any of Allah's creations (without a divine permit). Who created this land which we both stand on today? Was it not almighty Allah (swt)?

Growing Up In A Non-Muslim Society

[color=darkblue]Growing up in a non-Muslim society is a challenging task. It gives us an opportunity to prove that we can live as Islaam asks us. We live in Great Britain which is a non-Muslim society. Here we come across many things which are against the beliefs and teachings of Islaam. A Muslim is also a lot different from a non-Muslim in many respects.

Muslims should follow Allah's commands as has been explained and exemplified by Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. These commands guide all our actions in this life. Our attitude to this life is very definite and clear.

six types of fears

[color=darkblue]Asalamualykum warhmatulahi wabarakthu

Uthman (ra) said, "The believer is in six types of fear

- The first is that Allah the Exalted will take away his iman (faith);

-The second is that the angels will write down things that will expose him on the Day of Judgement;

-The third is that Satan will render his actions void;

-The fourth is that the Angel of Death will take his soul when he is in a state of heedlessness;

-The fifth is that the dunya will delude him and make him work for other than the Hereafter;

-The sixth is that his family and children

A very powerful story- must read..

He remembered his grandmother's warning about praying on time: "My son, you shouldn't leave prayer to this late time". His grandmother's age was 70 but whenever she heard the Adhan, she got up like an arrow and performed Salah. He, however could never win over his ego to get up and pray. Whatever he did, his Salah was always the last to be offered and he prayed it quickly to get it in on time.

Thinking of this, he got up and realized that there were only 15 minutes left before Salat-ul Isha. He quickly made Wudhu and performed Salat-ul Maghrib.