
The deformed children of Fallujah

and yes, that is part of the effects of the US/UK invasion of Iraq and also the later us led assault on the city.

Effects seems to be worse than in places like Hiroshima after World War 2.

It is thought that American weapons are to blame for the defects, but the people will have no justice and the government of the place will not even acknowledge there is a problem and people are warned away from taking part in surveys or other stuff on the matter.


ex-MI5 chief (finally?) admits that the Iraq war increased terrorism threat to UK

Probably shouldbe from the department of the obvious, but this is also I think the first time anyone involved with government or policy anywhere in the UK has stated it so big news.

I doubt we will be able to get Blair to hang for this - we could do with a good lynching, but he is way too slippery to get caught out by things like facts and the truth.

Read all about it @

Collateral Murder - video from American Apaches murdering civillians in Iraq

WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack.

The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.


The Mahdi Army

Ya Ali Madaad.

The Mahdi Army was formed in 2003. It was the force of resistence of Shia muslims against the immoral and evil occupation of Iraq by the American military.

Mahdi Army was under the command of Motada Al Sadr, son of an Ayatollah.

In 2004, for the first time ever, the Satanic forces of Pentagon confronted the Mehdi Army, and lost.

At the start of the year 2004, the American General had made a vow: "To kill or capture Al Sadr and destroy the Mahdi Army." He ordered his troops to take on the Mehdi Army...

UK army 'rotten', Iraq probe told

British soldiers who abused an Iraqi detainee who died in their custody were not just "a few bad apples", a public inquiry has been told.

There was "something rotten in the whole barrel", Rabinder Singh QC said.

Troops in Iraq routinely used banned interrogation methods they did not think were illegal, lawyers told the inquiry into the 2003 death.

The inquiry, led by Sir William Gage, is focusing on Baha Mousa's death, detainees' treatment and army methods.

Mr Singh, counsel for Mr Mousa's family and the other Iraqis detained alongside him, said: "This case is not just about beatings or a few bad apples.

"There is something rotten in the whole barrel."
