US Bombings: Nothing To Do With Islam!

Regarding the rules of War & Islam, the following has been prohibited by Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him):

  1. Killing traders, merchants, contractors and the like are to be spared if they do not take part in actual fighting (kharaj of Yahya p 34, Kharaj of Abu Yusufp 122)
  2. Killing non Combatants (Mabsit of Sarakhisiy, X, 64)
  3. Combatants are only those who are physically capable of fighting (Sharhj al siyar al kabir, IV,78).
  4. Killing women (Idem, I, 59, 34), minors, servants, and slaves who accompany their masters yet do not take part in actual fighting (Sharhj al siyar al kabir, IV, 79-80), the blind (Mabsit of Sarakhsiy, X, 69), monks (Sharhj al siyar al kabir, I, 33), hermits (Idem, III, 190), the very old (Mabsut of Sarakhsiy, X, 6), those physically incapable of fighting (Idem, p69), the insane or delirious (Mabsut of Sarakhsiy p 69)
  5. Killing peasants when they do not fight and the result of war is indifferent on them (Idem, IV, 79; for order and practice of Abu Bakr see Tabari 2026, 2031; for Umar see Ibn Rush Bidayah alk Masjtihad I 311)

Allah the Almighty states in the Quran:

"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do NOT transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors"[Surah al Baqara (2): 190]

the Prophet said:

"Do not be people without minds of your own, saying that if others treat you well you will treat them well and that if they do wrong you will do wrong; but accustom yourselves to do good if people do good and not to do wrong if they do evil." [Tirmidhi 5129]

Hundreds if not thousands of people have died. I suspect that few of these people have done anything harmful to Muslims.

Yes, the policies of the US may harm many Muslims e.g. in Palestine, Iraq, South East Asia etc - but this does NOT mean that the rules of Islam are broken and non combatants are targeted. Most people are no more responsible for the political actions of their government any more than you or I.

May Allah have mercy and guide us all, ameen.