Islam &The West

Facing Hostility, Two Thirds Of Muslims Consider Leaving UK
Nearly half a million Muslims contemplated leaving Britain after the London terrorist attacks, with one in five saying they or a family member have faced abuse or hostility since the attacks...

Islamic Britain lures top people
MORE than 14,000 white Britons have converted to Islam after becoming disillusioned with western values, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon. Some of Britain’s top landowners, celebrities and the offspring of senior Establishment figures have embraced the strict tenets of the Muslim faith....

of fanatics and muslims
We live in a society in which Western values dictate how we should live our lives. These external pressures, coupled with the inclination towards their desires, makes it increasingly difficult for people to practice their religion.

By Sajid Iqbal. Editor, The Revival
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and has an estimated 1.6 billion followers throughout the globe. But who are the faces and personalities behind these converts to Islam? Khadija, wife of Prophet Muhammad (upon him be peace), was the first to convert to Islam. Some of the more well-known converts to Islam from more recent times are the following....

Western women are turning to Islam in rapidly increasing numbers. KAY JARDINE discovers why they are so keen to become Muslims.

"Not Easy Being British"
It was some years ago when I had a rather chillingly eye-opening insight into the British mainstream press' commitment with what is often smugly regarded as the 'truth.'

The future of Islam in America
One of the big challenges that ISposed for both the West, and especially the US on one side, and the Muslim world and Muslims living in the West on the other side, is the future relationship between Islam and the West.

Islam in the UK
Islam has been known in England for a long time; there are references to Islamic scholars in the Prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1386). Following the anti-Islamic frenzy of the Crusades, Britain became friendly with some Islamic countries. Queen Elizabeth I, for example, asked the Ottoman Sultan Murad for naval assistance against the Spaniard Armada.