Eid not weed!

By Hayder Khan

Finally the month of starvation is over, now we can don our expensive designer gear and head down to Rusholme in our pimped-out rides, waving our national flag, blasting the latest tracks and see what we can pull! Might just get a little mashed or have a few shots…and you have to have some weed man- chill out its Eid...you have to have some weed dude...all in the name of celebrating and having fun!

WOOAAH…just hold on a sec there mate! Isn’t this the day we're supposed to have fun BUT also praise and thank Allah (swt) for the blessings bestowed upon us; as well as an opportunity to unite with the whole Ummah and join in together in enjoyment? C’mon people…what are we doing!

Unfortunately this can be the story facing many of today’s youth on what is supposed to be an auspicious occasion, which often turns into a riot with the police and a few hours behind bars. Some people cannot grasp the concept of having HALAAL fun, enjoying ourselves in a manner which wont get us on the news for all the wrong reasons (like we need that anyway!)

Year in year out, thousands of Muslims from across the UK come to Wilmslow Road (or its equivalent) and show Muslims and Islam up big style! Our message is clear- we are Asian Muslims, who like to riot, fight with police, get drunk, get high on weed, hassle the ladies, cause chaos- all on an Islamic holy festival! It's sick...and all those who behave like wannabe gangsters and rude boys and girls: you know what; you're a disgrace and should be ashamed of calling yourselves Muslims!

'Let's forget Islam for the day-its Eid!'

So for thirty days most of us fast, go to the mosque, read the Quran...all for what? So we can act like plonkers and commit haram on one of the most auspicious days in the sight of Allah! We fast in Ramadan so we can do zina, get drunk and high on weed on Eid? I think I'm gonna throw up!

What is wrong with us today? Are we so misguided, so arrogant, so unIslamic, so immoral and such low-lifes? Why throw away a month's worth of good deeds by acting recklessly (and needlessly!) with no good intentions whatsoever. C’mon…we know all the dodgy acts mentioned are wrong on a normal day, but on Eid day…gee, that’s just stupid!

What are we supposed to do? Can we chill and have some fun please?!

You're thinking so you want us to sit at home all day and get bored out of our heads? No! Islam is not about boring yourselves to death! Islam does not say we have to spend all day worshipping and not enjoy the world we live in on Eid day. Muslims seek to join between worldly and spiritual celebration, for it is said, "True rejoicing is not (merely) in wearing new clothes, but in becoming true in one's devotion to God."

You see, there has to be a balance! As long as you have fun in a halaal manner, it is totally OK to spend Eid with the ‘lads’, family and friends and go for a chill…just watch what you get up to man! The best way I would say to spend the first day at least is with your family. Believe it or not, some of the ‘weirdo’ cousins can actually be funny and you may have something in common! Nothing can really compare with spending time with your loved ones.

For those who don’t have a large family base to visit then meet your friends and neighbours. Eat some of the blessed food available and have some fun chatting and greeting and meeting new people. Visit your mates that you ain't seen in ages. Pop down to a non Muslim on your street and share some food with them.

You know what, there is absolutely nothing wrong in going bowling, for a meal, an outing, Blackpool, go-carting, paint balling or abroad even! Just remember Allah (swt) doesn’t stop watching you for the one day. So chill and have fun but as long as it is halal...that's the only rule.

'No Namaaz- It's Eid man!'

You pray and fast for 30 days and on Eid we forget about praying all together. It's back to the old way. That is unacceptable. Are you a Muslim just in Ramadan or throughout the whole year? What have you learnt from Ramadan- nothing?So have fun but read your prayers please.

True meaning of Eid

Eid truly can work so many wonders for us! It literally means ‘returning at regular intervals’, and it gives a repeated opportunity for renewal, to forgive enemies, put right quarrels, do things you ought to have done but perhaps put off or forgotten. Not spoken to your old friend for yonks? Still got some bad feeling with one your uncles? Had a tiff with someone at the mosque? Never said Hiya or salaam to your neighbours? Well- now is the perfect time!

We must grasp this chance with both hands and not waste such blessed days!

In the past, and today in many parts of the world, people will wake up and eat and then attend Eid prayer, wearing their best clothes (which is encouraged) and spending time with family and friends, but also taking time out to remember the dead. Our loved and deceased are equally important, and we should think about them and pray for their souls. So after Eid salaah go to the graveyard and pray for the deceased it is a truly touching experience, believe me!

You should pray to Allah for the whole Muslim Ummah. Pray that you continue to be a good and proper Muslim. Pray for your parents, family, friends and for anyone who is going through hardship and difficulty.

So what happens when it is all over?

Well it doesn’t just stop there and we shouldn’t return back to a life of idleness lingering around waiting for next year! It is encouraged for Muslims to fast another six days after Eid during the month of Shawwal, in order to keep alive the lessons learned during the month of Ramadan, and to become of those devoted to God. It is because of this that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

"Whoever fasts of Ramadan then fasts six days in the month of Shawwal shall have the reward of having fasted the whole year." (Sahih Muslim)

So people, can we be on the telly in a positive light this Eid? Please? We're not doing ourselves any justice with the amount of negative press we continue to receive as it is. Let us all remind each other the importance of Eid-Ul-Fitr and ensure we continue to receive blessings post-Ramadan and attain the maximum rewards from Allah (SWT) on a blessed day!

Remember its Eid NOT Weed!