Two incidents occurred in which two different interpretations of Aqeedah came up and aqeedah got two dimensions; the first incident occurred in the Holy Quran and the second occurred during the life of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam).


The first incident took place in the very beginning of the history of mankind:

The Holy Quran, in numerous places, states that "I will create a physical being/ a bashar, from dust, clay, and water."

The second part of the verse states "When the physical being is perfect and complete, I will send my divine light into it. When I do this you (the angels) must start prostrating." (please note that these are translations of the verse.)

So, two separate events are mentioned: 1) The creation of man/the bashar, and 2) The blowing of divine light into the man/bashar.

From the above verses we can derive that the external existence of the creation will be BASHARIYYA and the internal existence of the creation will be NURHANIYYA. So, mankind has a bi-dimensional personality: Bashariyya and Nurhaniyya.

The Holy Quran then states "Allah Almighty asked all the angels to prostrate for Adam, but Iblis rejected." Allah Taala asked Iblis why he rejected and got the reply "I am better than him, I am created from fire, he is created from dust." & "He is a Bashar, why shall I prostrate to a Bashar."

By reading the above verse, the question arises "Is Adam (Alaihi Salaam) a Bashar?" Adam (Alaihi Salaam) possessed Bashariyya but at the same time he also possessed Nurhaniyya. So why did the angels prostrate and not Iblis?

Two groups emerged under the command of Allah Taala: the group of the angels, and the group of Iblis.

The angels knew the Bashariyya of Adam (Alaihi Salaam) as did Iblis, but at the commandment of Allah Taala, Allah wanted them to accept the superiority of Adam (Alaihi Salaam) to the angels. The angels saw Allah Taala's divine light being blown into Adam (Alaihi Salaam), but the reason they prostrated is because they concentrated on the Nurhaniyya of Adam (Alaihi Salaam) and negelected the Bashariyya.

Iblis witnessed exactly what the angels did, but the difference between them was that Iblis concentrated on the Bashariyya of Adam (Alaihi Salaam) and neglected the Nurhaniyya - performing the opposite actions of the angels. There was a difference of concentration between the angels and iblis, even though the true reality of Nurhaniyya amd Bashariyya was apparent before both.

When the angels prostrated before Adam (Alaihi Salaam) they did not deny Tawheed of Allah Taala simply because they were complying with the commandment of Allah Taala. So the point arises 'Was iblis protecting tawheed?' NO, he cannot be protecting tawheed because he did not comply with the command of Allah Taala.

Allah cursed iblis and declared him as Shaytan. He was deprived of closeness to Allah Taala for one of two reasons: either negation of tawheed OR negation of reverence to Adam (Alaihi Salaam). The answer is negation of reverence to Adam (Alaihi Salaam), because iblis had no reverence for Adam (Alaihi Salaam) since Adam (Alaihi Salaam) was made out of dust, clay and water, and iblis was made out fire - and iblis had the thought that fire is greater than dust. Likewise the angels gained the nearness of Allah Taala through the reverence of Adam (Alaihi Salaam) because they took the showing of reverence to the Prophet as part of tawheed and iman.

Two branches of Aqeedah formed from this incident: showing reverence to a Prophet and not showing reverence to a Prophet.

Iblis denied showing reverence to Adam (Alaihi Salaam) because he considered it Shirk. But is this not good? Was he not a protector of tawheed? Yes, but only if someone other than Allah Taala gave the command to prostrate before Adam (Alaihi Salaam). But Allah Taala gave the command, therefore Iblis cannot be a protector of tawheed.

Looking at today's situation in the Muslim ummah, the people who get the thought of shirk in their minds, the people that shout 'Shirk, Shirk' and the people that issue the fatwas saying 'this act is shirk, that act is shirk etc' in fact show a branch of Shaytans attitude. Shaytan thought about shirk and not about reverence - exactly what 'people' and certain ulama are doing today - busy in thinking about shirk and not about showing reverence to the Prophets (Alaihi Salaam).

And the thinking of reverence and not about shirk - this in actual fact is a branch of the angels attitude - and the same attitude is reflected in today's ummat by the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat

One can conclude from the above that showing reverence to a Prophet is NOT SHIRK. The angels showed reverence whereas Iblis denied it.


This incident occurred in the days of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). The thinking which occurred in this incident still occurs to day when you hear the various slogans and fatwas saying this is shirk, that is bida't etc.

It is reported in Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and Tirmidhi by Abu Said (Radi Allah Anhu) - note this is a modern English translation:

"One day the booty from a war was being distributed by the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) to the people according to their needs (the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was conducting adaal). someone stood up and said to the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), "O Prophet, you are not conducting adaal, you are favouring some people over others." The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) replied, "Fear Allah. I am amin, Allah sends me Ilm e Gaib in the mornings and nights. Allah trusts me but you don't." The man replied to the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), "Be God Fearing." This man was trying to teach the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) tawheed (astagfirullah), and then he turned around and walked off. Abu said then narrates, "The mans eyes were in, his forehead and cheeks raised, he had a large beard, he was bold, and his pyjamas were above his knees." Hazrat Khalid bin Walid and Hazrat Umar Farooq (Radi Allah Anhu) asked permission from the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) to behead this man because he was being disrespectful to the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) replied, "Do not kill him for people will say that the Muslims are killing their own people. It would create misunderstanding amongst the people. Recognise this mans appearance. In the last period of my Ummah some people will come out of his generation and be in my ummah. They will have the same appearance as him and they will read the Quran and namaz more than you, they will practice more than you, but inspight of this they will devaite from the the body of Islam just like an arrow deviates from its motion when released from the bow. They will have no connection to Islam at all."

This man, who was a ghustaq e rasool, was named DHUL HUASAIRA THAMIMI.

Again in this incident two groups of aqeedah emerged: the group of Umar Farooq and Khalid bin Walid, and the group of Dhul Huasaira Thamimi. One group was of reverence whereas the other was not. Dhul Huasaira Thamimi ignored reverence of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) even though the reality of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was apparent before him. Hazrat Umar Farooq and Hazrat khalid bin Walid descended from the attitude of the angels, and Dhul Huasaira Thamimi descended from the attitude of Iblis.

Now Dhul Husaira Thamimi was a well know Muslim. He read namaz, he read Quran, he paid his zakat and he practiced Islam more than most people, but still he was a munafiq.But why? The reason why is that he had no love and reverence for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) in his heart. Because of this he was a Ghustaq e rasool, a kaafir.


To show what real love and reverence for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) is, we will use the sunnah of the Sahaba (RA), and to also determine if the ahlus sunnah wal jamaat are the true followers of the sahaba (RA).

Hadith #1

It is reported in Sahih Muslim and narrated by Anas bin Malik that:

"The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was sleeping in the house of Hazrat Umar Sulain one day in the summer. The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was sweating and the sweat was dripping. Hazrat Umar sulain saw this. She started to collect the sweat in a bottle. The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) woke up and saw Hazrat Umar Sulain collecting the sweat. The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) asked Hazrat Umar Sulain what are you doing. She replied," Ya Rasulallah, I am collecting your sweat because we, the companions want to recieve barakat and blessings fro your sweat. After hearing this the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) said, "Umar Sulain, you have done RIGHT, I approve your act." (Subhanallah).

Now tell me, where in the Quran or Hadith does it permit someone to do this act? Nowhere, for I have never seen in the Quran or Hadith a commandment that says collect the sweat of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). This act therefore is not in compliance with the Quran even though it is! The Quran authorised this act by stating "Show extreme love and respect for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)." What permitted Hazrat Umar Sulain to do this act? Nothing but pure respect and love for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)!

Hadith #2

It is reported in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim and narrated by Anas bin Malik that:


"When the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) used to cut his blessed hair, a barber would come. We, the companions would stand around the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) and the barber as people do tawaaf around the Ka'aba. When the barber started to cut the hair, we fell down onto the ground and started to catch the hair, we did not let even one single strand of hair touch the ground." (Subhanallah!)

Again, out of love for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) not one strand of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam's) hair touched the floor. But this was not done out of just any love. It was done out of extreme love. Does plain love lead you to keep the hair of your most loved ones? I doubt it very much, but out of extreme love and respect for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), love that is greater than plain love, the companions kept the hair of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam).

Hadith #3

It is reported in Sahih Bukhari by Abu Juhaifa that:


"The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was once with us and the companions were in his company. He (salaal Laahu alaihi wa salaam) performed wudhu. The companions stood around the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) and raced to catch a drop of the water on their hands! They did not let a drop touch the floor. Each drop of water that they caught was rubbed on their faces and chest. (Abu Bakr, Uthman, Umar Ali, and the rest of the sahaba were doing this. It was the collective sunnah of the sahaba to do this.) Whoever missed the chance to catch a drop of the water rubbed their hands with the sahaba who caught a drop, and then rubbed this all over their faces and bodies. Why? Just to get the moisture of the holy water."

Hadith #4

It is reported in Sahih Bukhari by Abu Musa Ashahari that:


"Once the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) asked for some water. He (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) drank the water in a cup and from the same water the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) washed his blessed face. Some water fell in the same pot. The companions saw this and at once got to the water and then rubbed it on their faces."

It is reported in another narration that a companion took a child to the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), due to the child having a problem/illness. The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), washed his (Salaal laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) blessed hands and face in the water and then asked the companions to drink the water and rub it on their faces and chests.

So in the first Hadith the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) approved the act, but in the second Hadith the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) commanded the act. This was a requirement of showing extreme love and respect to the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam).

Hadith #5

It is reported in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim by Anas bin Malik that:


" The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was ill before his demise and he ordered Hazrat Abu Bakr (Radi Allah Anhu) to lead the prayer in the Holy Prophet's (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam's) mosque. It was on a Monday. The prayer was being offered and the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) came to his door, on the left of the companions shoulders. The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) pulled back the curtain of his window and was happy to see the prayer being offered behind Abu Bakr. The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) smiled and the companions narrate: "When He (Salaal laahu alaihi wa salaam) smiled we could see his face as though the Quran was open."

The question is how did they see the Holy Prophet's (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) face? Their eyes were fixed on the place of prostration. the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) was standing and smiling on their extreme left. It was not possible to see the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) blessed face except by turning their heads to the left, to see the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) beautiful face, simply because they could not help it!

It is narrated: "We were so happy that we would break our prayer to see his (salaal laahu alaihi wa salaam) blessed face." During the ibadah of Allah Taala they, the companions, could not forget the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). Abu bakr, out of respect, stepped back from the masala because he thought that the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) would come out and lead the prayer. The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) saw the whole scene . "He (salaal laahu alaihi wa salaam) closed the curtain and gave us an indication to complete the salaat." the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) did not say to Abu Bakr "You have done shirk, repeat the prayer it is broken." NO, the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) said "Carry on the prayer, nothing is broken!" MASHALLAH!

A narrow minded and half knowledged person would have began to shout: "shirk, shirk", "bida, bida", "your salah is broken, repeat it." But the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) knows better! This is the grandeur of the love of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) that the Sahaba had!

Extreme love, respect and reverence for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) is the basis of our aqeedah, the nucleus of our faith, and the nucleus and spirit of the ahlus sunnah wal jamaat. The ahlus sunnah are the ahlul muhabbah! The people of the sunnah are the people of love. There is no sunnah without love!


Taazim (reverence) is not shirk. Taazim of anything else other than Allah Taala is not shirk. Shirk is the ibadah of anyone else other than Allah Taala.

Coming to the basis of the argument, is worship of the lowest level permissable for your parents? NO, taazim and ibadah are two separate things. Taazim is permissable for the elders. the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) said in a Hadith

Sharif, "He who does not pay respect and reverence to the elders is not from my ummat." If anyone worships the elders he is not from the ummah and if anyone does not pay taazim to the elders he is not from the ummat. Taazim is permissible for the elders, Shaikhs, Sahaba and at an extreme level, the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). Ibadah is only for Allah Taala.

Going back to the beginning, was the prostration before Adam (alaihi salaam) of the angels done out of taazim or ibadah? Taazim because of Allahs command and Adam's superiority. Worship of Adam (alaihi salaam) was not permissable for the angels but taazim was.

In the days of Yusuf (alaihi salaam) the Holy Quran says:

"The parents of Yusuf prostrated before him. He saw the prostratrion of the sun, moon and stars and then his family." This prostration of the family before Yusuf (alaihi salaam) was done out if taazim.

The aspect of prostration was prohibited for the ummat of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), but the reverence continued. In the days of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) animals used to prostrate before the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) because the shariah only applies to the humans, meaning that prostration was not prohibited for any other than the humans. The trees, animals and stones were free from the shariah. Hazrat Ali (radi allah anhu) reported, " Me and the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) went outside Makkah, and we saw every tree prostrate before the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), and every stone offered its salaam." {Sahih Muslim}. So the reverence continues but ibadah of anything else other than Allah Taala is prohibited, but the reverence of any other than Allah Taala is permissible.

The Quran says on reverence, "Allah has raised the Prophet giving him many various positions and statures.", "You may establish your faith in him.", "You may assist him in his deen.", and " you may show him extreme reverence." So Allah Taala is demanding 4 things: 1) establish faith in Allah, 2) establish faith in the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), 3) assist the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) in his deen and 4) show an extreme reverence to the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). (the Quran says 'tauqir' = extreme). This is the commandment of Allah Taala.

From the Holy Quran, we see what Allah Taala means by extreme reverence:

"O faithful, when sitting in the company of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) do not raise your voices over the voice of the the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)."

"Do not call the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) as you call yourselves."

If the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) is 'only' human, according to some ulama, then why is he entitled to extreme reverence, reverence that Allah Taala has commanded us to give? This means that the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) is a human being, no doubt, but in spite of being a human being he is something beyond a human being!

If the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) is 'only' a human being, then their is no harm in talking louder than the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) and calling him frankly one would assume, BUT Allah Taala says in the Quran, "If this happens then all your faith, your practices, your hajj, your fasting and our sunnah will be finished, out of one act of disrespect for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)."

But what if we do lower our voices and show that extreme love and reverence? Allah Taala says, "and if you show respect and lower your voices then I will be pleased with your act of reverence and I will choose your heart for my taqwa to be placed in!" SUBHANALLAH!

So the conclusion of this aspect of the article is: TAQWA IS TAWHEED. Allah Taala says, "I will place my taqwa and the nur of tawheed in those hearts which are full of the love and reverence of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)."


Allah Taala says in the Holy Quran, " The mountains of Marwah and Safar have been declared as my signs." & " Your mountains (us) have not been declared as my signs."

Now is there any difference in the mountains of , say, Pakistan and the mountains of Marwah and safar? No, not really, since they are both made of stone, and they both go through the same chemical processes. So why has Allah Taala declared these two mountains His signs? Are not all the mountains of the world signs of Allah Taala?

Allah Taala says in the holy Quran, "Can you worship the mountains of Marwah and Safar?" Of course not, but then Allah Taala says, " Pay respect to them. Those who pay respect to them, only those hearts possess the taqwa of almighty Allah!" This means that there is not worship for a mountain but their is respect for a mountain. BUT WHY? The reason why is: sometime in the past Hazrat Khadija put her blessed feet on these mountains, Hazrat Ismail rubbed his beloved feet on the stones of the mountain. Because of the rubbing of the feet and the stepping on the mountain by the Beloved people of Allah, ALMIGHTY ALLAH HAS DECLARED THESE MOUNTAINS HIS SIGNS. These places have been commanded and have come to be respected by us, and the place where Allah's Habib is resting is not worthy of respect?

SO : There is not worship for a mountain, but their is respect for a mountain, meaning respect cannot be treated as shirk!


When you go on Hajj you kiss the walls of the kaaba. Is this ibadah of the kaaba? NO. You then go to the black stone. You wait there hours on end in the red hot sun, just to get a chance to kiss the stone. Why kiss the stone? Is it Allah? NO, but the reason that we kiss it is because it has a link with a certain Prophet. It was placed in the wall of the holy kaaba by the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). THAT IS WHY WE KISS IT. We do not worship it, but we respect it, just as we respect the mountains of Marwah and Safar, Now are the Najdi ulamas going to tell us this is shirk?

When you kiss the hands of great Shaikhs/Auliya/Walis, some people do not stop screaming "Shirk, shirk", "Bida't, Bida't". Now I put this question forward to them. If the kissing of the hand of a friend of Allah is shirk, then why is it not shirk to kiss the black stone in the kaaba. When we are in the middle of doing ibadah for Allah Taala we kiss a stone. Is this not shirk? Man is better than stone, is he not?

In a Hadith of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) it is narrated:

"The Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), during tawaaf, stood in front of the holy kaaba and said, "O kaaba, by your greatness you are great, by your environment you are great, by your place you are great, but by the greatness of Allah Taala, the Mumins of my ummah are greater than you! He (mumin) possesses higher respect than you!" Now if a Mumin possesses higher respect than the kaaba, and we all know how much respect the kaaba possess, then just imagine how much respect the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) must possess. Just imagine how much respect we owe to the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam), for he is greater than a mumin, and a mumin is greater than the kaaba.

After kissing the black stone and the kaaba, you go to maqam e ibrahim. There is no tawheed or command in it. You go there to look at it, admire it and then offer two nafal prayer in front of it. After every seven tawaaf, your tawaaf would not be complete without offering the two nafal in front of maqam e ibrahim. BUT WHY? What is so special about maqam e ibrahim that our tawaaf would not be accepted without praying in front of it? It is special because it contains the sign of the print of the feet of Prophet Ibrahim(alaihi salaam)! (SUBHANALLAH). Now my brothers, if we prostrate at the signs of the feet of a Prophet, then is this not an even bigger shirk than calling the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) haair and naazir or nur? The biggest shirk (if it is) is committed in hajj and umrah, right in the middle of doing the ibadah of Allah Taala?

FROM THE ABOVE EXAMPLE I HOPE YOU CAN SEE HOW STUPID THESE FATWAS OF SHIRK AND BIDA'T ACTS ARE! Allah Taala says that my tawaaf in my Hajj for me will be incomplete if you do not show respect and reverence to the print of the feet of my beloved Prophet Ibrahim (alaihi salaam). This means that showing the respect and reverence to the feet of the Prophet Ibrahim (alaihi salaam) is the climax of tawheed of Hajj and Umrah!

After maqam e ibrahim, we go to a corner of the kaaba to touch it. WHY do we go to so much hassle only to touch a corner of the kaaba? Because the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) touched that very corner! Hazrat Umar Farooq (radi allah anhu) stood before the black stone and said, "O black stone, Iknow you are only a stone, and neither the owner of my loss or the owner of my benefit, but still I will kiss you, simply because I saw Allah's Apostle kiss you."

Finally the above act is an act of inner self, and reality of inner self. The companions inner self's were contained with so much love for the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) that they did exactly what he (salaal laahu alahi wa salaam) did, even if it was kissing a stone.

The last I would like to stress is: people saw the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) kiss the black stone, but none knew if the black stone kissed the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam). In your hearts can you not get that thought that due to the status of the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) and due to the love he (salaal laahu alaihi wa salaam) reaped, as soon as the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam) went to kiss the black stone, the black stone kissed the Holy Prophet (Salaal Laahu Alaihi Wa Salaam)! (MASHALLAH!)

I hope that this brief insight into our aqeedah has reaffirmed in your hearts the real Islamic faith. I can tell you with 100% confidence that our aqeedah is completely right and in complete compliance and compatibility with THE QURAN, THE SUNNAH OF THE MESSENGER (SALAAL LAAHUALAIHI WA SALAAM) AND THE SAHABA E KARAM (RA). We are the AHLUS SUNNAH WAL JAMAAT, and we have Allah Taala to thank for that.

Never forget your love and respect and reverence for Allah's most blessed Prophet, Habib Mustapha (salaal laahu alaihi wa salaam).

May Allah Taala bless us with the tawfeeq to show our love to the Prophets and signs of Allah to the standard that they deserve to be shown. AMIN.

Transcript of the lecture given by Prof. Tahir ul Qadri. Nelson. 1998