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"Hayder Hussain" wrote:
if ur in manchester come in2 our office, im bored! wherebouts are u from? cuzns in manchester?

rochdale is a loada poo Lol ...shud come down oldham, if u got the guts Wink

From Burnage...

I've never been down Oldham side...Lol-if I'm ever there I'll pay you a visit with my sister.

anytyme, just bring a bulletproof vest, and a basbell bat.

the vest 4 yuorself, and the bat so we can pop down ed & admin's houses and settle our diffrences! Wink

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"angel" wrote:
I just got my wage slip through, they have taxed me over £40, i am so not impressed, i am gona money can go to better use :evil:

stop moaning...

u scots get far too much of our english taxes as it is...’bout time u started paying for ur keep...

u scotch students dont pay any tuition fees!!

so unfair...u get a freebie at uni, while poor lilsis and her big sis gotta fork out for da privilege...

blatant discrimination...just cos they english...

Lol Dirol Biggrin


do they ? i heard they grant in scotland uni's! but u hav 2 be from scotland, thats so not fair. we gotta go in debt to go uni :x

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"St George" wrote:

stop moaning...

u scots get far too much of our english taxes as it is...’bout time u started paying for ur keep...

u scotch students dont pay any tuition fees!!

so unfair...u get a freebie at uni, while poor lilsis and her big sis gotta fork out for da privilege...

blatant discrimination...just cos they english...

Lol Dirol Biggrin

haha porgy yours so not funny! I work very very hard to earn that money and i dont like it to be snatched by the good for nothin govt. Porgy porgy dont you knw we scots are special ppl, quit complainin take it up with your parliament and tell them you want free education at uni...i thought you guys also had your fees covered?


Gyal. I know you like to talk a lot.

But please. Dont be talking everywhere.

If you want to utter all the rubbish, do so here.

What I am trying to tell you is:





Omrow, politeness never hurt anyone.

I was just visitin the old forums and oddly enough guess what came up, a thread dedicating to givn omro "constructive" criticism, it was funny, here's the link if anyone wants to see it.. [url= Forums[/url]

btw is that girl who created the thread the same as the "dizzy kuri" who registerd on this new forum..and where have all the old members gone?

From this current forum who is the oldest member from the old old forum?

Goooood afternoon people.

Im back, had a ggrr88 weekend.

Scotland was a lot of fun, we went to Edinburgh (we hav relatives there)

By sheer coincidence there was a festival on aswell which was good fun.

I didnt knw this but apparently Irn Bru is really BIG in scotland? Its way more expensive up there then it is down here. Not sure how that happened.

Petrol was like 90 odd pence there (while its only 87p here... not much of a difference but with petrol every penny counts). Funny thing we kinda got off the motorway a little early then we were supposed to and ended up going thru these small roads out in the middle of no-where (literally) and they dont hav any lights on by these roads so your just going off the cats-eyes on the road and gods will!! We were surrounded by trees aas far as the eye could see and these roads weren't straight either twists and turns.
lol mom was freaking out, grandma started reciting verses from the Quran, me and my bro were up front driving. A lil Scary but fun.


Whats been going on here... some1 fill me in.

Back in BLACK

"Seraph" wrote:
Goooood afternoon people.

Im back, had a ggrr88 weekend.

Scotland was a lot of fun, we went to Edinburgh (we hav relatives there)

By sheer coincidence there was a festival on aswell which was good fun.

I didnt knw this but apparently Irn Bru is really BIG in scotland? Its way more expensive up there then it is down here. Not sure how that happened.

Petrol was like 90 odd pence there (while its only 87p here... not much of a difference but with petrol every penny counts). Funny thing we kinda got off the motorway a little early then we were supposed to and ended up going thru these small roads out in the middle of no-where (literally) and they dont hav any lights on by these roads so your just going off the cats-eyes on the road and gods will!! We were surrounded by trees aas far as the eye could see and these roads weren't straight either twists and turns.
lol mom was freaking out, grandma started reciting verses from the Quran, me and my bro were up front driving. A lil Scary but fun.


Whats been going on here... some1 fill me in.

hey seraph welcome back, glad u enjoyed your for irn bru been big in scot, yes its a scottish drink and i for one am a huge fan of it!!

its been pretty dead over the weekend until few u can see me irf and hayder have taken over your game :twisted: and the rest you can chek out for yourself frm the topics...overall been very very quiet!

nothing, irfgy and andel just been engaged in a game which probably will never end and has no point 2 it, all the same its fun! lol

i read in the metro petrol prices were up2 a quid here now :shock:

lol, we were only coming back from manchester airport the other day and what usually is a routine 20 min drive back home....turned in to a one hour nightmare where were heading to birmingham, then north wales and then, all coz brother got a phone call and missed one turn

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


busy weekend

arrived in Manchester on Friday night late (got lost)

on Sat- family went Rochdale-me and sis got out of it and visited the shopping centres in Manchester (got lost)

Sat night ate dinner round someone's house in Bolton-returned home to manchester late (got lost)

sunday attended a wedding in Manchester...near Brumley somehwere

came back to manchester late (got lost)

on Monday afternoon went to B'ham and spent the night there

this afternoon we returned

missed you guys a lot

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

missed you guys a lot

Didn't notice you were gone. Dirol

"irfghan" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

missed you guys a lot

Didn't notice you were gone. Dirol

ignore afghani..missed you way to much lilsis glad u bak, no wonder i spent time playing games with irf and hayder :shock:

hey what you tryna say!!!

you jus talked 2 us to pass time till MuslimSisLilSis got back? use and abuse!! :evil:

lol, how often can you possibly get lost?

i guess were all bad at directions :shock:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"irfghan" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

missed you guys a lot

Didn't notice you were gone. Dirol

dont try it irfan

I know u were dying for me to get back and perk this forum up a bit

and angel I missed u too-ur my fav person on this forum

"Hayder Hussain" wrote:

lol, how often can you possibly get lost?

i guess were all bad at directions :shock:

got lost in wimslow road

manchester city centre

stockport town

my sister has a terrible memory-we had to ask people for directions

and most good for nothing people gace us the wrong directions :evil:

unlike B'ham manchester is a HUGE place

but I love that place-me and sis have decided to spend ALL our summers and xmas holidays there from now on

am i not ur fav person? Blum 3 joke

how did ya get lost on wilmslow road??? oh u wernt there on the 14th were you??

city centre is 2 small!i work there Biggrin

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"irfghan" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

missed you guys a lot

Didn't notice you were gone. Dirol

dont try it irfan

I know u were dying for me to get back and perk this forum up a bit

and angel I missed u too-ur my fav person on this forum

awww thanks same goes for you, seriously this forum was dead cuz you werent here...hayder dont get all upset, i enjoyed the games even though i was rubbish at them but its better admitin you lose than havin to cheat!

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
"irfghan" wrote:
"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

missed you guys a lot

Didn't notice you were gone. Dirol

dont try it irfan

I know u were dying for me to get back and perk this forum up a bit

and angel I missed u too-ur my fav person on this forum

You know I'm joking. Wink

Glad you're back, there's no debate without you. That's why we resorted to games.

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

unlike B'ham manchester is a HUGE place

Hey, hey, hey.

Birmingham is the 2nd city. It's bigger than Manchester. You obviously had a dodgy guide.

I can bus through B'ham in one hour flat

its TINY place

even when my uncle takes us for a drive-we've covered the whole of B'ham in one hour

AND stopped for some chicken and chips in Alum rock on the way

manchester is HUGE and it has so many town centres

but it aint as big as London though


aye, london is kooll.....but i did manage to see it all in one day!!

manchester probz bigger than u seen lilsis, did you head 2wards deansgate? trafford?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
I can bus through B'ham in one hour flat

its TINY place

even when my uncle takes us for a drive-we've covered the whole of B'ham in one hour

It's called good transport links.


London is HUGE

we have east-south-west- and north London

and then we have central London in the middle

for me to travel to any of them places it takes an hour on the train longer on the bus

and no we didnt go trafford centre- we were only there for two days

u havnt seen manchester properly then!

oh, i meant i seen central london in one day, thats where all the spots to see are anyway.

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


How can you get lost on Wimslow Rd? It pretty much only goes 2 way?

Either towards City Centre or away from City Centre?

Cant believe u got lost there of all places. If it was on the ring road id understand... but on wimy?

Back in BLACK

got lost on the bus on our way home-

we walked it there but decided to bus it home

didnt know which bus took us home to Burnage

ended up going towards the city centre

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
got lost on the bus on our way home-

we walked it there but decided to bus it home

didnt know which bus took us home to Burnage

ended up going towards the city centre

Well that makes sense then.

I thought u guys were driving around in manchester.

Forgot neither one of you can drive.

I used to take the bus to uni, it was okay 90% of the time. But we did sometimes get these bus drivers that were being plain jerks and being completely unhelpful.

But some of them we're alrite. Around what time would you say you got lost? Day/Evening/Night.

Back in BLACK

seraph, wich uni did u go?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Seraph" wrote:

But some of them we're alrite. Around what time would you say you got lost? Day/Evening/Night.

day time

we not allowed to go out on our own in night

sis wanted to go to Rumi bookshop had we walked straight down that road-we'd be home in 30 min

but its tru that bus drivers are so unhelpful-but we didnt ask either


Topic locked