'Dangerous' Hijaabs

Five young teams from across Canada walked out of a Quebec soccer tournament Sunday because a young Muslim girl was ejected for wearing a hijab.

"The referee was staring and pointing. 'She can't play,'" said Asmahan, Asi to her friends. "I was like why? Why can't I play?"

Because of a safety rule, league spokesman Lyes Arfa said. He pointed out that the referee is Muslim himself, and that the ban on hijabs is to protect children from being accidentally strangled.

"We have to protect the players on the field, and that's the main point. It's not against the Muslims."

It's just a piece of material, it can't do any harm," added Alicia Stainton


Has any Hijaabi's here ever been strangled or strangled anyone else with their hijaab?

Wouldnt it be cool if the Hijaab really DID have such superpowers.

thing is here, there could be danger. Otherithings such as earing etc are also banned in football.

A proper action would be to only alow female specators for females playing football.

It is a fast game and small things can lead to injury.

Maybe there should be a special sports hijab that tears very easily?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Admin…how many hijab related injuries have you heard of?

In PE all girls are required to tie their hair up, which is usually in a ponytail.

A tucked in Hijaab, with a piece of material free to move around, is not any more or less dangerous then a ponytail free to swing about.

There's more than one way to wear a hijaab...which can ease movement for self.

Schools regularly carry out risk assessments..a hijaab have never been assessed.

Fair enough.

Not personally heard of an injury. Just imagined one, but I guess that don't count.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

why can't they just have a female audience, why would they want boys watching them if they're in hijab anyways????

I think it can be a safety issue in sports, especially if you're playing an aggressive sport like footy, basketball or hockey? Someone may choose to yank you by the end of your headscarf, it could be dangerous. But like ms said i suppose it's as dangerous as a ponytail.

i think this story just came about coz ppl are obssessed with the concept of the so called oppressed muslim woman. Ppl think we need freeing hence the heavy influx of articles concerning hijabs and niqabs usually formulated by feminists or men who wana undress us coz they don't want us to cover too much. Just take a look on this forum how many threads are there on hijabs and niqabs???

the only 'hijaab related injury' that i can think of is that it gives u flat hair :evil:

sorry to bring up an old thread, but I read a very sad and worrying news-story:

Montreal - In breaking news, four people have died in hijabi-related choking incidents on the weekend during a soccer tournament.
"I knew this would happen," said Keith Johnson, a senior referee in the Girls under 12 Soccer Tournament, "wasn't it a good idea to ban the hijab or what? I knew these kids would be dying left and right if we kept it in the game."
Farah Al-Jabbar has pleaded guilty on all accounts of manslaughter. "I didn't think my scarf was that deadly." Farah has agreed to spend the summer in the Juvenile Delinquents Correctional facility to fix her murderous habits. "I deserve it I guess... getting killed on the field makes the game unfun for other girls." She will play the rest of the season.

Apparently during the tournament, Farah's hijab sprang to life and started smothering all the other players on the opposing team, choking four of them to death.

Farah Al-Jabbar's father was also asked to shave his beard because the referees were worried that he could accidentally cut and disfigure other people's faces in the spectator area with his beard. "We also watch out for the safety of our spectators as well," said Johnson, "and I heard reports of people using their beards as knives to slash and stab people. It's completely unsafe."

Mr. Al-Jabbar complied with the referees. "I think things like religious freedom should be put away if it makes people uncomfortable. We need to make people feel safe of course because people with beards can be scary."

Having religious symbols banned for safety reasons isn't really exclusive to Muslims. Last Summer, a Christian-based team called the Charestville Crusaders were asked to stop praying before the game. "Apparently we could poke an eye out if we raise our hands in the air so we were asked to stop praying before the game. We now have a 14 game losing streak but that's okay... safety first."

maybe the french were right to ban all forms of religiosity....

Don't just do something! Stand there.

o no! it wasnt a real news story after all... :!: :o

few, that a relief...

Don't just do something! Stand there.