Anchorman Comes True

'Anchorman', possibly the funniest film about a San Diego newscaster EVER, has now (sort of) come true:

US news anchor Larry Mendte: a real-life Ron Burgundy?

...while Burgundy ended up wrestling bears in San Diego zoo, real-life US TV news anchor Larry Mendte has been sentenced to six months' house arrest after a long-running feud with his younger female colleague, Alycia Lane.

Mendte was said to be jealous that Lane's $780,000 salary was rather more than his. She allegedly told him during an on-set row that she was the "rising star" and he was on the way out.

Except he won't be going out anywhere right now. Mendte, speaking about the affair earlier this year, has been sentenced to house arrest and 250 hours of community service, plus a $5,000 fine.

Mendte, who snooped on his colleague's emails 537 times, told the court: "I felt I was in trouble. My career, my future, my family's future was in trouble. And, this is where I got into more trouble – federal trouble."


Ferrell was rumoured earlier this year to be considering a sequel to Anchorman.