Muslim Women are Like Diamonds

“Think of it this way. Women are God's special creations. They are like diamonds."

Now, you don't want to wrap and protect a precious diamond in some trashy see-through material, do you?
It does not live up to the reputation or value of a diamond. Instead, you would do so in a small nice opaque pouch made out of soft velvet.
This way, not only do get to hide it away from wandering eyes for safety, you also get to give the diamond the treatment it deserves.

Too right...who agrees? Wink


The Lamp wrote:

Only an idiot would show them off. You're supposed to protect them and look after them; but talking about them/mentioning them isn't exactly showing them off.

oh come on!
when you have gold or diamond jewellery


you guard them safely sure
but u wanna show them off too
whats the point in having them???


it's no good saying women are like "diamonds"
not everyone respects women
u hear ppl saying this
and then treating their women like crap

calm down Iram, thats not all men..and Valkyrie was talking about what we "should" do. not what we actually do.

I agree with the Ripper (...) you might BRAG about them, but if its REALLY valuable then you wouldnt be showing it off all the time.

and like Admin said, women can take care of themselves. they can put themselves safely away or whe nthey go out protect themselves in a nice pouch

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

1R4M wrote:
oh come on!
when you have gold or diamond jewellery


you guard them safely sure
but u wanna show them off too
whats the point in having them???

Not everyone is fortunate enough to live in a nice area like you.

A survey by the independent Egyptian Centre for Women's Rights in 2008, however, revealed that 83% of Egyptian women and 98% of foreign women had been exposed to some form of sexual harassment, including groping, verbal abuse, stalking and indecent exposure.

Contrary to popular opinion, the incidents did not appear to be linked to the woman's style of dress, as three-quarters of victims had been veiled at the time.

Patronising half the Muslim population is probably not a good idea when the facts say something else.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Wow...its facinating how such a harmless sweeping statement has becom a very argumentative topic on here! lol..:)
Anyhoo, what i wanna say 2 1arm is that what evry1 does and what evryone should be doing is completely diff. for example normal people wouldnt go round flawnting ther stuff and lettin evry1 use and abuse it, but nowadays evry1 is soo messed up and polluted by all this haramified stuff that they do.

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

1R4M wrote:
The Lamp wrote:

Only an idiot would show them off. You're supposed to protect them and look after them; but talking about them/mentioning them isn't exactly showing them off.

oh come on!
when you have gold or diamond jewellery


you guard them safely sure
but u wanna show them off too
whats the point in having them???


it's no good saying women are like "diamonds"
not everyone respects women
u hear ppl saying this
and then treating their women like crap

Me personally (I don't really wear diamond rings/jewlerry) I wouldn't wear them all the time and I wouldn't say: "Look I have diamonds."

You mention the point about treating women like crap- but surely that's just talking the talk and not walking the walk? You having a bad day? Smile

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi

The point I was trying to make was that there is a reason that Muslim Women should cover up, I wasn't saying that the whole worlds' population treats the whole muslim women population like diamonds!

Sorry to cause any conflict between people, its (like nasheedgirl said) JUST A STATEMENT!

