Northen Southener's blog

YOUR favorite Hadith

I know there's like hundreds, and thousands, and millions, and billions, and gazillions (if that's a real number), but which if your favorite one?


I came across one that I really liked earlier today:

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reported that the devil said to God: “I shall continue to lead Thy servants astray as long as their spirits are in their bodies.”
And God replied: “(Then) I shall continue to pardon them as long as they ask for My forgiveness.”
[Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 742]

The Soul's Day Out

What happens after death?

If you've been good you go to heaven and if you've been bad you go to hell. Is that it?

Either way, apparently your soul gets a day off on Thurdsay. Can go back to Earth and see loved ones and watch them reading Quran and Dua's for you.

And then you can take that reward back and use it to expunge some of your sins and reduce your afterlife punishment (if you're getting any).


Can anyone confirm that this is the case or confirm that it's made up?

I need / want to know.

Tragedy on M6

Tragic accident happened on M6 today.
The local police are saying there a numberous fatalities.
It's close family members of ours that were involved and if I'm informed correctly, there has been at least one tragic death and the rest have been flown to hospital.
Please make dua for all involved.

The Surprise

A while ago, I knew a chap called Charlie. I knew him really well. So well that I knew about him more than he knew about himself. He also knew about me more than I knew about myself.
The days and weeks of being close lasted for a very long time. Then one dull Sunday evening over nothing too serious it all ended. I didn't see Charlie or hear from him for a number of years. This weekend he contacted me out of the blue. Sat me down and revealed something to me. I don't know if I was shocked or pleased. If I was happy or angry.
He had gone and done some seriously illegal stuff, but done it all as me. Set up the business account in my name, the bank account in my name and had amassed a small fortune in my name.

From the School playground to the Worlds playground

Year one and year were ok.

No different to what you would expecct them to be at that age.

The problem started in year three. Year threes were made to share the upper playground with the "big kids"

The big kids just looked so intimidating. At least it's not me they're actually picking on.

That Trevor guy was the biggest bully of them all.

Jumma on Eid day

It's not often that I have a day off on Friday. As this Friday was different, I thought I'll stay behind, wait until everyone else has left the prayer hall before I go home myself.

The man who was there with his twin sons was one of the first to go (in the second wave of people to leave). The first wave is mostly made of men wearing suits who are probably on their lunch hour. I'm normally among them, but not today. Today I have a day off and I'm going to be the last one to leave the hall.

Everyone has a massive smile on their face. Hugging and saying "Eid Mubarak" to everyone else. I sit on the side, by the coat stand in the corner.

Everyone is getting up and going. Going to see friends and family.
