making it difficult to sin - mufti menk


i'll just list here some of the points he made, do have a listen though, he qualifies and explains his points concisely but clearly and its just worth it.

  • increase in taqwa
  • dress appropriately - go up in levels
  • fast, mondays and thursdays
  • give in charity
  • increase in good deeds
  • listen to reminders
  • listen to Quran
  • keep tongue moist with Dhikr
  • engage in lots of istighfar, in any language is fine,
  • sincerity in actions
  • stay in wudu as much as possible
  • keep good company (stay far from bad company by staying close to good people (friends, scholars, elders etc..)
  • dont stay alone
  • close the door to sin from a distance
  • make duah to make sin hard for you (oh Allah, make loved to us Iman and beautify it in our hearts and make destestable to us kufr and sins and transgression..." "Oh Allah place a barrier between us and sin (a duah from the duahs of qunut for witr))
  • ask protection frmo shaytan
  • call others to goodness (reminding is always to YOURSELF first, so its not hypocritical)
  • eat, dress (etc..) halal
  • visit the sick, the old, graveyards.
  • remember death often
  • telling others about your sins is sinful (so i guess the point here is dont talk about your sins openly)
  • preserve your eyes, mouth and thoughts (dont entertain sinful thoughts otherwise they'll become actions)
  • shed tears out of fear of Allah's punishment (muslims have to be balanced between fear and hope, but sometimes too much hope leads to us not realising the extent of our actions and making excuses)

do listen to the talk, it explains those points so well


an additional point was

  • pray all your prayers.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?


I love reminders and I also love the fact that you've uploaded a video and summarised what's inside of it too! (Y)

Staying in wudhu - Perfect for this lovely sunny weather. Numerous blessings including: Keeping us cool and lessening the amount we sweat.