Hummus's blog

The generous Turks

When the Ottomans ruled, during Ramadhan, the rich people would visit the poor neighbourhoods and find a shop. They would ask for the debt notebook and pay off the debts of the poor. 

And when the Ottoman era died down, their heritage and generosity towards the poor continued.  

When i went to Istanbul, just a few years back, there was a man who told me that during the nights of Ramadhan, it was in their Turkish nature to place money onto the many ledges of the beautiful Blue Mosque and anyone who needed this money to support their families were free to take however much they wished. 

So, whose the true winner?

Not everybody is on the same level of piety & none of us can claim to be holier than the other. 

Whilst some are working very hard to improve their clothing & appearance others are working equally hard to improve their faith & character. 

Some focus on rectifying visible weaknesses yet others have overtaken them through rectifying hidden weaknesses. 

The winners are those who can work hard to improve both simultaneously. 

Some improve very quickly initially & lose focus later on whilst others improve slowly & quietly, overtaking those who continue to think they are astray. 


Happy October, Month of the Hexaflexagon!

'What in the world is a Hexaflexagon?' is what your probably going to ask me. I've never actually heard of this word until the end of my Maths lesson on Thursday. I thought it was so amazing and decided to share it will all you very cool people (:

Once you've watched the clips, tell me what you think of it. Totally awesome, right?


What should our lifestyle be like?


Talk softly,

Walk humbly,

Eat sensibly,

Breathe deeply,

Sleep sufficiently,

Dress properly, 

Interact politely,

Act fearlessly,

Work patiently,

Think truthfully,

Believe correctly,

Behave decently,

Learn practically,

Plan orderly,

Earn honestly,

Spend intelligently,

Sacrifice regularly,

Worship dedicatedly,

Serve parents happily,

Respect neighbours appropriately.

(Mufti Ismail Menk)

The prophet Muhammad (S) was a guide for us all, and left behind a legacy which taught us how to live our lives. What else do you think makes a good lifestyle and what things would you like to improve on?

Because I Am A Girl

Globally, 1 in 3 girls around the world is denied an education by the daily realities of poverty, violence and discrimination. Every day, girls are taken out of school, married far too young, and subjected to violence in school. Not only is this unjust, it’s also a huge waste of potential with serious global consequences. Gaining an education has the power to transform their lives and the world around them. Making it through both primary and secondary education is critical to girls being able to help break the cycle of poverty.

A girl who makes it through both high quality primary and secondary education is:

Thank the Almighty for the message.

At times, when a scholar conveys a message, a guilty conscience within us makes us feel like he is attacking us or directing talking to us. 

This happens because we desperately needed the message for our self- improvement. 

The Almighty is the One who makes him choose a relevant topic that has in it a message directed to us from HIM as a reminder. 

To castigate a scholar due to him conveying the truth regarding current issues in our lives makes us suffer untold loss. 

Thank the Almighty for the message.

(Mufti Ismail Menk)

There is goodness in correcting and being corrected.

Being offended when we are corrected, seriously reduces our chances of improving or achieving heights in any field.

We must always welcome those who correct us and show us where we are going wrong.

In most cases, those who regularly correct our ways and habits or errors in any field are those who truly care for us.

People who intentionally do not correct us are either insincere or fearful of our reaction due to being offended.

(Mufti Ismail Menk)

Roar! You might have a lion near you :O

One man + One woman heard a loud roar, took their binoculars out and saw with their very own eyes, a lion! But they changed their mind and called it a BIG CAT instead. How boring!! This animal was listening to them and glared at the couple with its big eyes. Its not from the zoo. Its not from the recent circus. Its not been reported to be missing.

All this hoo-haa which is a rarity in Britain, drafted in armed police, one helicopter hovering over the area in which this LION was spotted and another helicopter using a thermal imaging camera to try to detect any trace of an animal. Residents are now advised to stay indoors. Such drama queens and scaredy-cats!! They need to live in the wild for a day...
