Forum Topics

Leading Tory attacks 'multiculturalism'

[size=18]Davis attacks UK multiculturalism[/size]

Shadow Home Secretary [url= Davis[/url] is calling on the government to scrap its "outdated" policy of multiculturalism.

Allowing people of different cultures to settle without integrating let the "perverted values of suicide bombers" take root, he told the [url= Telegraph[/url].

Polygamy no fun

[size=18]Polygamy no fun, admits Ethiopian [/size]

[b]By Mohammed Adow
BBC, Ethiopia [/b]

An Ethiopian man with 11 wives and 77 children is urging people not to follow his example and is giving advice on family planning and contraception.

After seeing his fortune disappear under the competing demands of his enormous family, Ayattu Nure, 56, even urges people not to get married.

"I want my children to be farmers but I have no land, I want them to go to school but I have no money," he says.

But his eldest son has not heeded Mr Ayattu's advice and he has three wives.

New Terror Laws


The three major parties have come to an agreement on plans to implement new anti-terror measures in the wake of the London bombings.

Home Secretary Charles Clarke hopes to introduce new legislation to Parliament in October.

It follows talks with his Conservative shadow David Davis and Liberal Democrat home affairs spokesman Mark Oaten.

The three said they had reached a cross-party agreement in principle.

[url=,,30000-13388777,00.html]Sky News[/url]


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British Muslims Reject Tony Blair

[size=18]British Muslims reject Tony Blair
On Tuesday 19 July, the Prime Minister Tony Blair will meet with self-appointed leaders and representatives from various Muslim communities in order to discuss and tackle what he calls the 'evil' within these communities. As Muslims in Britain, we totally reject this approach and will take no part in it. We believe that the conduct of the Prime Minister is part of the problem and not the solution. Unelected community leaders who associate themselves with the Prime Minister will also been seen as part of the problem.

Zaki Badawi barred from US

This is getting ridiculous. First Yusuf Islam, then Tariq Ramadan, and now Dr Zaki Badawi!!

I've read of Dr Badawi described as 'if there was a Grand Mufti of Great Britain, Zaki Badawi would be it' (but that was in the Guardian). Regardless, Zaki Badawi is a highly respected scholar. Dr Badawi used to be Chief Imam at Regents Park mosque.

The US is seriously taking the mick.

[quote][size=18]UK Muslim leader barred from US [/size]

British Muslim leader Sheikh Dr Zaki Badawi has said he has been refused entry to the US without explanation.

Pakistani morality police

[quote][size=18]Pakistan 'moral laws' spark row[/size]

A controversial new law critics say will seek Taleban-style moral policing has been presented in Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province.

The bill would see the introduction of a moral police force to ensure strict adherence to Islamic injunctions.

Calling the proposed law "Taleban-style extremism", angry opposition politicians threw copies of the proposed legislation in the air to register their protest.

Young British Muslim Terrorists

[quote][size=18]Leaked No 10 dossier reveals Al-Qaeda’s British recruits[/size]

AL-QAEDA is secretly recruiting affluent, middle-class Muslims in British universities and colleges to carry out terrorist attacks in this country, leaked Whitehall documents reveal.
A network of “extremist recruiters” is circulating on campuses targeting people with “technical and professional qualifications”, particularly engineering and IT degrees.
