Forum Topics

10 Dilemmas faced by Muslims walking down the street

10 Dilemmas faced by Muslims walking down the street
By Mr Beast

1.Overhear obscenities

Yes this is a major problem; I mean people go around saying f-ing this and that all the time and even over small things. So how can you go to your favourite supermarket without hearing a swear word. It’s kind of tough but then again if we're going to hate West we need to be able to have enough swear words in our vocab so we can express that hate.

2. Seeing members of the opposite sex

This is part of walking down a street no matter what street it is.

Voldemort is Harry's father!!!


[quote][b]The Potter lockdown[/b]

Grocers are not usually candidates for a top-level security operation - except, of course, for the vans carrying the takings to the bank.

Asda, though, is reportedly at the centre of just such a vast, shadowy and high-cost system involving codes, security cameras, satellite tracking systems and specially-trained guards.

Not to protect its food, that is.

Instead, this is the latest twist in the Harry Potter phenomenon: one that requires the next and final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, to arrive at Asda stores shrouded in th

Mad Malik's Maladies

In response to this post on the 'media and terrorism' thread: [quote="malik"]I disagree with you lot. In my opinion Britain is facing terrorists threat only from Zionists. Jewish terrorists do these things and blame it on Muslims. Our beautiful religion of Islam forbids terrorism and therefore no Muslim can carry out acts of terrorism.



/\ That looks like a cartoon set doesn't doesn't it?

But apparently [url=]it's Scotland[/url].

[b]Winter's heaviest snow heading in[/b]

Weather forecasters are predicting the heaviest snowfalls of the winter so far over most parts of Britain overnight.

The snow, which is expected to fall for several hours, could be 15cm deep in hilly areas of Wales and the Midlands, and 2cm to 5cm deep in the south-east.



Date: Saturday 20th January 2007
Time: 4.00 pm - 8.00 pm
Venue: Birmingham Central Mosque, 180 Belgrave Middleway, Highgate,
Birmingham, B12 0XS

Guest speakers include [b]Shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi (Syria)[/b], Shaykh
Faisal Abdul Razzaq (Canada) and Sidi Gibril Haddad (USA). All
welcome and entrance is free.

For more information please contact:
Tel: 020 8754 3368
E-mail: info@ShaykhIbrahimI nstitute. org


Radical Middleway podcasts

The episodes currently available are:

Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah on Between Ignorance and Extremism
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf on Between Ignorance and Extremism
Dr. Muhammad Abdul Bari on Between Ignorance and Extremism
Habib Ali on The Radical Middle Way
Shaykh Abdal-Hakim Murad on The Radical Middle Way
Shaykh Hasan Le Gai Eaton on The Radical Middle Way
Moez Masoud on The Radical Middle Way
Dr. Murad Hoffman on Rebels with a Cause
Imam Ziaullah Khan on Rebels with a Cause

The PODCAST will launch new material every week, including a lecture
from Imam Suhaib Webb next week.

Q News Podcasts

Q-News has launched a PODCAST of recordings of their public events,
interviews, commentaries and other material.

The first three episodes available now are:

[url=][b]1. One Faith, Many Voices[/b][/url]
How Differences of Opinion Makes us Stronger, by Imam Zaid Shakir - A
lecture delivered, shortly after the controversial Danish cartoons (and
the ensuing Muslim reaction) at the Q-News event held on 7th February
2006 at Friends House, London.


SAHIH AL-BUKHARI taught by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Minhaj-ul-Quran International invites you to:


Dates: Friday 28th July - Sunday 30th July 2006
Venue: Gamkol Sharif Mosque, 107 Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath,
Birmingham, B10 0DX

A three day auspicious gathering of study of Al-Jami Al-Sahih of
Imam al-Bukhari (rh) taught by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Please bring your copies of Sahih al-Bukhari in Arabic, English
or Urdu, plus a note book. All brothers and sisters are welcome.

For more information contact:

The Mothers Of The Believers - Imam Suhaib Webb

You can download Imam Suhaib Webb's lecture series about the wives of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) from this [url=]website[/url].

But you have to sign up to their forum first.

Oh, and the connection sometimes cuts off whilst downloading. So make sure you get the full file.


The Road to Guantanamo

[size=18]The Road to Guantanamo[/size]

9:00pm - 10:50pm
Channel 4[/b]

In October 2001 - a month after the attack on New York - a small group of young British Muslims left the West Midlands for Pakistan, where they were to attend the wedding of a friend. They found a country in a confused state of political and spiritual turmoil.
