Submitted by star on 22 September, 2005 - 21:39 #31
when u say shadow do u mean stubble?
clean shaven guyz certainly do look girly to me...
bearded guyz seem more handsome than the ones with stubbles
my 17 year old bros neva shaved and tends to grow a beard but
there aint much there,
i agree it takes yonks 2 grow but if u wanna look decent enough and
please allah taalah and follow the sunnah of the prophet p.b.u.h
its worth the wait.
Submitted by Angel on 22 September, 2005 - 22:11 #32
Guys defnitely look better in beards as opposed to clean shaven, i think a lot look batty with no beard. I also agree with muslimsis that some ok looking guys who grow a beard can make a huge difference in terms of looking good.
I think the fact that some ppl dont keep their beards neat, tidy and presentable is what puts off some other males from keepin one. A beard should look good not be somethin that makes u look like u need a shave big time!
But I'm glad he isnt into those ridiculous thin lines (on his sideburns) which I'm sure takes hours to perfect....
Submitted by Sirus on 22 September, 2005 - 23:52 #34
its ok now to say it i guess....
....i USED to always have a clean shave
occasionaly a lil gotee on its own wen im feelin bored. the lines are hard to do and take 2 much time. plus they look teppy lol. and my dad says its micking the beard playing about with it and makin designs. so ive always believed keep it clean (tash on its own is freshy!)....or keep a proper beard
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Umar on 23 September, 2005 - 08:59 #35
I'm really impressed with all the sisters here, not one has said beard doesn't look good, I pray may allah (Swt) give the same faith and strong belief to all sisters as the sisters on this forum.
I remember when my brother (yonks ago) went to get married and he had a little beard but when he got to Pakistan women there made sure it wasn't left anymore....he got married and then kept it again....but it never grew more than a cm long
Some people I know personally don't keep beards because of there wifes. The wife doesn't like it so they have an excuse that 'my wife has some rights over me too you know!'
Did you know that some months back scientists said a man with a beard is more wiser and intelligent than the man without??
The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God
Submitted by Mujahidah on 23 September, 2005 - 09:22 #36
"Darth V-Hayder" wrote:
i request the prayers of everyone here to give me the strength to grow a full proper beard (not that big either)....and keep it Inshallah
Its gr8 to hear ur keepin a beard mash'Allah n also 4 keepin it neat i dnt think they'll b a prob coz there r plenty of scholars dat u shuld no by nw, round (i dnt think i need 2 mention names )
nway...May Allah subhana wata Allah by the waseela of his beloved prophet Muhammad giv u the strength to grow a beard n keep it.Ameen!"
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
guys who are clean shaven are girly girls :twisted:
only girls should have clean faces
Submitted by Medarris on 23 September, 2005 - 11:40 #38
What an excllent thread!
First I must congratulate Muhtarama Kuri for starting it.
Second I am sooo pleased that for once there is no-one on thsi thread who has said anything to majorly infuriate me! (I think im going soft)
Third i also congratulate Muhtarama Yashmaki for some excellent posts but I would just like clarification on on issue.
Muhtarama mentioned about trimming, and I get what she was saying about making the beard neat and tidy but just to make it clear, trimming according to our hanafi madhab is ONLY permitted AFTER it has exceeded a fistful, this is regardless of if you think some hairs are out ot place or growing in an ''abnormal'' manner. Having said that there is also a permission to trim if AND ONLY IF the person s suffering from some medical condition due to which his beard does not grow fully, in this situation according to some of our ulama it is permitted for him to TERMPORARILY have a dispensation to trim in order to ENCOURAGE further growth.
Hayder bro it is indeed heartwarming that you have decided to adorn your face with sunnat e Ambiya alayhim us salaam. I encourage you to grow a full beard, because a trimmed little thing on the face in hanafi madhab does NOT constitute a beard.#
Those 'ulama' who hav tiny beards should fear ALLAH and recognise that in ahnaaf such a thing is not accepted as a shari beard.
Further it should be noted that it is permissible to trim after the beard exceeded a fist in length BUT it is better to let it grow. It was the practice to trim the beard by and large at hajj/umrah time to release from ihraam, the rest of the year the beard was left to grow naturally.
If the beard is considerably long THEN it should be trimmed to a fist and allowed to grow again unhindered. Infact it is a sign of Islam that the men kept full and large beards. The beard adorns th face of man, increases his nobilty but also acts as a veil of modesty on the face of man.
May ALLAH grant us ALL MEN the tawfeeq to follow this wajib sunnah and refrain from imitating the women and the non-muslims.
i know i've posted this before but it cracks me up each time i read it
I know it's Sunnah to grow a beard, but I can only seem to grow a mustache. I mean, what's a girl to do?
-- Hairy Huma
Response: Although I applaud your efforts at achieving follicular Sunnah, I'm pretty sure that growing a beard applies to males only. If you're intent on sporting a beard, however, you can always ingest hormones to catalyze hair growth. But of course, there is a strong propensity for unwanted hair growth and violent mood swings, accompanied by irritability and random nausea.
You might want to consider another option, which is to shave the barren facial area several times a day to spur rapid hair growth. One of my best friends, let's just call him "Mirza Baig", desperately wanted to grow a goatee when he was at the young age of 13. Consequently, he shaved his chin and surrounding areas incessantly, anywhere from 3 to 10 times daily. Lo and behold, in a matter of two weeks, Mirza had a flourishing, Brillo-Pad of a go-tee and was the very reason his Jr. High had to implement a "Facial Hair" clause in the Code of Conduct booklet.
So shave on my sister, there is hope for you yet!
Submitted by star on 23 September, 2005 - 13:21 #41
LOL !!!
Submitted by Omrow on 23 September, 2005 - 13:25 #42
Come on people. Stop making it into a big issue.
Its only a beard.
Submitted by Angel on 23 September, 2005 - 13:47 #43
"Omrow" wrote:
Come on people. Stop making it into a big issue.
Its only a beard.
So the beard is "only the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw), not a big issue"?
Submitted by Omrow on 23 September, 2005 - 13:55 #44
Angels. Shall we make his sandals into an issue as well ?
And what about his goat. Did you know he had a goat ?
Submitted by judda on 23 September, 2005 - 13:56 #45
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Submitted by Angel on 23 September, 2005 - 13:59 #46
Omro this thread was created to discuss beards and its the sunnah of the Holy Prophet and if you wana talk bout sandals/goats go ahead no one is stopping you...if somone decided to bring this topic up they felt it was a big issue and i agree.
ok so whats the goats name? Havin a goatee is not sunnah. btw if you loved the goat so much you must also have love for the practice of keepin a beard which was the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw)? So why not just stick to the topic at hand and if you wana talk bout the goat then create another thread, still want to knw the goats name....
Submitted by Medarris on 23 September, 2005 - 19:21 #52
The one who made a comment on the sandals and the goat should be careful extremely. His remarks were ridiculing and mocking and I am free from them.
In answer. I say if someone wants to discuss the sibti slippers or the Noble Goat of Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam then it will be an honour for the members of this forum to discuss such things. I think the other members will agree with me that more beloved for us is that goat than mountains of gold, and the dust which rested on those most Noble Slippers are worth more than our parents.
So if anyone wishes to discuss these issues it is an honour for us and a means of salvation inshaALLAH.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 23 September, 2005 - 19:30 #53
"Med" wrote:
The one who made a comment on the sandals and the goat should be careful extremely. His remarks were ridiculing and mocking and I am free from them.
In answer. I say if someone wants to discuss the sibti slippers or the Noble Goat of Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam then it will be an honour for the members of this forum to discuss such things. I think the other members will agree with me that more beloved for us is that goat than mountains of gold, and the dust which rested on those most Noble Slippers are worth more than our parents.
So if anyone wishes to discuss these issues it is an honour for us and a means of salvation inshaALLAH.
i agree totally with that makes a refreshing change
We should have upmost respect and extreme love for the holy prophet (saw).
Muslims are lovers of the Prophet(saw) and we have love , respect and affection with everything associated to the prophet (saw).He is our hero, our role model, our teacher, our guide and our path to paradise.
Med, enlighten us on the goat of the prophet (saw)...i will be intersted to hear what you have to say.
Submitted by Dave on 23 September, 2005 - 19:40 #54
What is this business about a "Noble Goat" and it's "Noble Slippers" about?
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 23 September, 2005 - 19:46 #55
"Omrow" wrote:
Come on people. Stop making it into a big issue.
Its only a beard.
bro, the beard is the sunnah of the prophet - so it is a big deal. it is sunnat e muakkadah and some say it is wajib. It is an act if u do u get reward and [b]if u dont u get sin[/b]. Read the ahadith posted earlier in this thread.
some actions and practise of the prophet are not compulsory acts, or no emphasis was put on that order, no direct order was placed on that act, therefore they are not compulsory, no sin if u dont practise turban- the prophet wore it all the time but is not sunnat e muakkadah or wajib, no direct orders relating to it; the prophet had a walking stick, he had a cloak (chaadar mubarak), he used to wear sandals, he used to wear a jubba etc....all these practises can be followed and, one will get reward if done with the intention of following the sunnah of the prophet but no direct orders are placed on them, no compulsion, no sin if u dont do it etc.....
all the school of thoughts agree that to shave the beard is HARAM...the differences are on the size of the beard. THATS WHY KEEPING A BEARD IS A BIG DEAL, IF YOU SHAVE IT IS HARAM, IF YOU DONT HAVE A BEARD IT IS A SIN.
Not doing something is one thing, disagreeing is one thing but mocking and insulting these practises is very serious and can be an insult, which is an act of insult anything relating to the prophet is an act of kufr! so be careful what you say.
Once a man in the presence of Imam Abu hanifa said he doesnt like turnips (qaddu in urdu/punjabi). Imam Abu hanifa was so upset and said you have insulted the prophet (saw), u dislike what the prophet liked- the turnip was the prophets favourite food. Imam Abu hanifa asked that man to read the shahadah again!!!!!!
so be careful when you are talking about anything relating to the acts and practises of our beloved prophet (saw). Extreme love and respect should be used at all times.
Submitted by Medarris on 23 September, 2005 - 21:54 #56
"Constantine" wrote:
What is this business about a "Noble Goat" and it's "Noble Slippers" about?
Basically we were discussing the issue of the beard and how it is a salient feature of islam, a practice of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and a must for muslim males.
In response a certain individual in my opinion tried to cast aside the issue by trivialising it. An he tried to trivialise it by saying that the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam also wore a certain type of slipper, that the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam had a goat. His point was that we dont follow those issues so why we making the beard into such a big deal.
My response was that I viewed his comments as mocking and ridiculing Holy Practices of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. He tried to use examples which in his mind were insignificant viz the slippers and the goat. My reply was that WE view even that goat which was owned by the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam more valuable than gold, and that those slippers which fitted on His Most Blessed Feet are also extremely dear to us.
I hope the issue is clear.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Dave on 23 September, 2005 - 21:55 #57
Submitted by Omrow on 23 September, 2005 - 22:09 #58
I will reply to some comments about certain things:
"yashmaki" wrote:
Omrow it's fine that you don't accept the concept of the beard...
Who has ever said that I do not accept a beard ?
Please read my posts carefully. You may be a girl, but that is no excuse for jumping on me with false conclusions.
"Med" wrote:
I think the other members will agree with me that more beloved for us is that goat than mountains of gold...
However, I dont think that Salafi/Wahhabi members will be too keen in placing this much praise on a goat.
They dont even like Prophet's house. Thats why they are knocking it down.
By the way Med, if you think I was stepping on the sandals then you are too stupid to see where I stand.
"angel" wrote:
ok so whats the goats name?... and if you wana talk bout the goat then create another thread, still want to knw the goats name....
Angel. I bet you want to know the design of those slippers too.
I have absolutely no idea what that holy goat was called.
As you advised me angel, why dont you now create a new thread and someone might tell you the name of the goat. Otherwise you will have to do your own research.
It can't be too difficult to find out what a particular goat was called over a thousand year ago.
Submitted by Medarris on 23 September, 2005 - 22:14 #59
"Omrow" wrote:
"Med" wrote:
I think the other members will agree with me that more beloved for us is that goat than mountains of gold...
However, I dont think that Salafi/Wahhabi members will be too keen in placing this much praise on a goat.
And what exactly has the above statement got to do with me? Please keep your comments relevant.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Dave on 23 September, 2005 - 22:19 #60
"Omrow" wrote:
They dont even like Prophet's house. Thats why they are knocking it down.
when u say shadow do u mean stubble?
clean shaven guyz certainly do look girly to me...
bearded guyz seem more handsome than the ones with stubbles
my 17 year old bros neva shaved and tends to grow a beard but
there aint much there,
i agree it takes yonks 2 grow but if u wanna look decent enough and
please allah taalah and follow the sunnah of the prophet p.b.u.h
its worth the wait.
Guys defnitely look better in beards as opposed to clean shaven, i think a lot look batty with no beard. I also agree with muslimsis that some ok looking guys who grow a beard can make a huge difference in terms of looking good.
I think the fact that some ppl dont keep their beards neat, tidy and presentable is what puts off some other males from keepin one. A beard should look good not be somethin that makes u look like u need a shave big time!
Yeah, a shadow is stubble.
My brother is obsessed with shaving.
But I'm glad he isnt into those ridiculous thin lines (on his sideburns) which I'm sure takes hours to perfect....
its ok now to say it i guess....
....i USED to always have a clean shave
occasionaly a lil gotee on its own wen im feelin bored. the lines are hard to do and take 2 much time. plus they look teppy lol. and my dad says its micking the beard playing about with it and makin designs. so ive always believed keep it clean (tash on its own is freshy!)....or keep a proper beard
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I'm really impressed with all the sisters here, not one has said beard doesn't look good, I pray may allah (Swt) give the same faith and strong belief to all sisters as the sisters on this forum.
I remember when my brother (yonks ago) went to get married and he had a little beard but when he got to Pakistan women there made sure it wasn't left anymore....he got married and then kept it again....but it never grew more than a cm long
Some people I know personally don't keep beards because of there wifes. The wife doesn't like it so they have an excuse that 'my wife has some rights over me too you know!'
Did you know that some months back scientists said a man with a beard is more wiser and intelligent than the man without??
The best preacher is the conscience, the best teachers are time and experience, the best book is the world, the best friend is God
Its gr8 to hear ur keepin a beard mash'Allah n also 4 keepin it neat i dnt think they'll b a prob coz there r plenty of scholars dat u shuld no by nw, round (i dnt think i need 2 mention names
nway...May Allah subhana wata Allah by the waseela of his beloved prophet Muhammad
giv u the strength to grow a beard n keep it.Ameen!"
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
guys who are clean shaven are girly girls :twisted:
only girls should have clean faces
What an excllent thread!
First I must congratulate Muhtarama Kuri for starting it.
Second I am sooo pleased that for once there is no-one on thsi thread who has said anything to majorly infuriate me! (I think im going soft)
Third i also congratulate Muhtarama Yashmaki for some excellent posts but I would just like clarification on on issue.
Muhtarama mentioned about trimming, and I get what she was saying about making the beard neat and tidy but just to make it clear, trimming according to our hanafi madhab is ONLY permitted AFTER it has exceeded a fistful, this is regardless of if you think some hairs are out ot place or growing in an ''abnormal'' manner. Having said that there is also a permission to trim if AND ONLY IF the person s suffering from some medical condition due to which his beard does not grow fully, in this situation according to some of our ulama it is permitted for him to TERMPORARILY have a dispensation to trim in order to ENCOURAGE further growth.
Hayder bro it is indeed heartwarming that you have decided to adorn your face with sunnat e Ambiya alayhim us salaam. I encourage you to grow a full beard, because a trimmed little thing on the face in hanafi madhab does NOT constitute a beard.#
Those 'ulama' who hav tiny beards should fear ALLAH and recognise that in ahnaaf such a thing is not accepted as a shari beard.
Further it should be noted that it is permissible to trim after the beard exceeded a fist in length BUT it is better to let it grow. It was the practice to trim the beard by and large at hajj/umrah time to release from ihraam, the rest of the year the beard was left to grow naturally.
If the beard is considerably long THEN it should be trimmed to a fist and allowed to grow again unhindered. Infact it is a sign of Islam that the men kept full and large beards. The beard adorns th face of man, increases his nobilty but also acts as a veil of modesty on the face of man.
May ALLAH grant us ALL MEN the tawfeeq to follow this wajib sunnah and refrain from imitating the women and the non-muslims.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
i dont like long yeti looking beards
and before everyone attacks me-I'm entitled to MY pref
i cant help what i do or dont like
i know i've posted this before but it cracks me up each time i read it
I know it's Sunnah to grow a beard, but I can only seem to grow a mustache. I mean, what's a girl to do?
-- Hairy Huma
Response: Although I applaud your efforts at achieving follicular Sunnah, I'm pretty sure that growing a beard applies to males only. If you're intent on sporting a beard, however, you can always ingest hormones to catalyze hair growth. But of course, there is a strong propensity for unwanted hair growth and violent mood swings, accompanied by irritability and random nausea.
You might want to consider another option, which is to shave the barren facial area several times a day to spur rapid hair growth. One of my best friends, let's just call him "Mirza Baig", desperately wanted to grow a goatee when he was at the young age of 13. Consequently, he shaved his chin and surrounding areas incessantly, anywhere from 3 to 10 times daily. Lo and behold, in a matter of two weeks, Mirza had a flourishing, Brillo-Pad of a go-tee and was the very reason his Jr. High had to implement a "Facial Hair" clause in the Code of Conduct booklet.
So shave on my sister, there is hope for you yet!
LOL !!!
Come on people. Stop making it into a big issue.
Its only a beard.
So the beard is "only the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw), not a big issue"?
Angels. Shall we make his sandals into an issue as well ?
And what about his goat. Did you know he had a goat ?
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Omro this thread was created to discuss beards and its the sunnah of the Holy Prophet
and if you wana talk bout sandals/goats go ahead no one is stopping you...if somone decided to bring this topic up they felt it was a big issue and i agree.
Omro do u have a beard?
obviously not
he's a mouse
mousy men dont have beards :twisted:
they have whiskers
You want to talk about beard, whereas I was asking whether you wanted to discuss the goat that Prophet had.
I love that goat.
I am thinking of keeping a goatee.
Agreed with Sister Yashmaki
Thank you brother Medieval for your dua's, dont worry Inshallah i plan to keep it about a fistfull....but its takin ages yet
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
ok so whats the goats name? Havin a goatee is not sunnah. btw if you loved the goat so much you must also have love for the practice of keepin a beard which was the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (saw)? So why not just stick to the topic at hand and if you wana talk bout the goat then create another thread, still want to knw the goats name....
The one who made a comment on the sandals and the goat should be careful extremely. His remarks were ridiculing and mocking and I am free from them.
In answer. I say if someone wants to discuss the sibti slippers or the Noble Goat of Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam then it will be an honour for the members of this forum to discuss such things. I think the other members will agree with me that more beloved for us is that goat than mountains of gold, and the dust which rested on those most Noble Slippers are worth more than our parents.
So if anyone wishes to discuss these issues it is an honour for us and a means of salvation inshaALLAH.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
i agree totally with that makes a refreshing change
We should have upmost respect and extreme love for the holy prophet (saw).
Muslims are lovers of the Prophet(saw) and we have love , respect and affection with everything associated to the prophet (saw).He is our hero, our role model, our teacher, our guide and our path to paradise.
Med, enlighten us on the goat of the prophet (saw)...i will be intersted to hear what you have to say.
What is this business about a "Noble Goat" and it's "Noble Slippers" about?
bro, the beard is the sunnah of the prophet
- so it is a big deal. it is sunnat e muakkadah and some say it is wajib. It is an act if u do u get reward and [b]if u dont u get sin[/b]. Read the ahadith posted earlier in this thread.
some actions and practise of the prophet
are not compulsory acts, or no emphasis was put on that order, no direct order was placed on that act, therefore they are not compulsory, no sin if u dont practise turban- the prophet
wore it all the time but is not sunnat e muakkadah or wajib, no direct orders relating to it; the prophet
had a walking stick, he had a cloak (chaadar mubarak), he used to wear sandals, he used to wear a jubba etc....all these practises can be followed and, one will get reward if done with the intention of following the sunnah of the prophet
but no direct orders are placed on them, no compulsion, no sin if u dont do it etc.....
all the school of thoughts agree that to shave the beard is HARAM...the differences are on the size of the beard. THATS WHY KEEPING A BEARD IS A BIG DEAL, IF YOU SHAVE IT IS HARAM, IF YOU DONT HAVE A BEARD IT IS A SIN.
Not doing something is one thing, disagreeing is one thing but mocking and insulting these practises is very serious and can be an insult, which is an act of insult anything relating to the prophet
is an act of kufr! so be careful what you say.
Once a man in the presence of Imam Abu hanifa said he doesnt like turnips (qaddu in urdu/punjabi). Imam Abu hanifa was so upset and said you have insulted the prophet (saw), u dislike what the prophet liked- the turnip was the prophets favourite food. Imam Abu hanifa asked that man to read the shahadah again!!!!!!
so be careful when you are talking about anything relating to the acts and practises of our beloved prophet (saw). Extreme love and respect should be used at all times.
Basically we were discussing the issue of the beard and how it is a salient feature of islam, a practice of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and a must for muslim males.
In response a certain individual in my opinion tried to cast aside the issue by trivialising it. An he tried to trivialise it by saying that the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam also wore a certain type of slipper, that the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam had a goat. His point was that we dont follow those issues so why we making the beard into such a big deal.
My response was that I viewed his comments as mocking and ridiculing Holy Practices of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. He tried to use examples which in his mind were insignificant viz the slippers and the goat. My reply was that WE view even that goat which was owned by the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam more valuable than gold, and that those slippers which fitted on His Most Blessed Feet are also extremely dear to us.
I hope the issue is clear.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
I will reply to some comments about certain things:
Who has ever said that I do not accept a beard ?
Please read my posts carefully. You may be a girl, but that is no excuse for jumping on me with false conclusions.
However, I dont think that Salafi/Wahhabi members will be too keen in placing this much praise on a goat.
They dont even like Prophet's house. Thats why they are knocking it down.
By the way Med, if you think I was stepping on the sandals then you are too stupid to see where I stand.
Angel. I bet you want to know the design of those slippers too.
I have absolutely no idea what that holy goat was called.
As you advised me angel, why dont you now create a new thread and someone might tell you the name of the goat. Otherwise you will have to do your own research.
It can't be too difficult to find out what a particular goat was called over a thousand year ago.
And what exactly has the above statement got to do with me? Please keep your comments relevant.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
It's not a particularly impressive house...
Maybe they want to build him a nicer one for when he comes back?
Like that show on ABC where they send you to disney world and build you a new home.