Forum Topics

How Do Elections Work

i admit i'm ignorant about the election process how does it work in the uk?

I mean i understand a party like labour can be in power yet it doesn't mean ull have labour running ur local bourough, it could be conservatives for example.

Also if this is a democracy and the ppl choose their leaders how can Gordon Brown become leader without an election?Do our votes really matter or is this democracy thing a total farce making ppl think they're choosing their leaders, when in actual fact they're not ? I understand he's become leader?


split from Valentine's Day thread. slanging matches will not be tolerated.
- The Moderate Mod[/b]

i don't claim to be an expert on deobandis but i do know a few. The deobandi mosque in my town doesn't say mawlid is sinful to practise. but it neither makes it an "obligatory act"which muslims must practise in order to be considered amongst those who truly love our prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) or looks upon those who do it as sinners .

Lets Pick On catholics

catholic church has refused to allow catholic kids to be adopted by gay couples coz it goes against their beliefs. theyre willing for gay couples to adopt from other orgs but not catholic adoption agencies. gov refusing to exempt them from disciminating against gay couples.

yesterday i heard radio 4 demonising catholics as extremists i jusrt thgt wait a minute this sounds all too familiar, pass the buck momentarily from muslimsto catholics.

so who is in the right or wrong? i support the catholic church on this issue.

Festival of Muslim Cultures 2006-2007

A range of events from traditional and contemporary art exhibitions, to nasheeds, poetry readings, even a kabadi tornament

Various locations all over the UK, check the website out i'm sure they'll be one event you'll want to attend, looks pretty cool:

click on "event" at the top

Middle East Crisis Appeal-Brum


[u][b]Middle East Crisis Appeal[/b][/u]

Bazaar * talks * Qur'an recitation
* Nasheeds * Kids activities
* delicious food and refreshments

featuring Khaleel Muhammad

Tuesday 29th August 2006
1pm - 8pm
Rex Centre, Small Heath,Birmingham

Entrance Fee: Adult £2 Children £1

[i]For more details[/i]
call: 07946409713
