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Stranger danger changed the way children play


British children's play has been transformed in the last 100 years. Up to the 1960s there were few children who didn't spend much of their free time outdoors, playing in the fields, parks, streets, back alleys, old bombsites and local beauty spots.

This play was unsupervised by mum or dad and children were free to go on adventures far from home. Sadly this world of independent child's play has today largely vanished. One of the important reasons for this decline is the inexorable rise of stranger danger and child abduction in modern Britain.


Muslims are not required to actively recruit others to Islam. In the Qur'an, Allah told Muhammad that "You certainly cannot guide whomever you please; It is Allah who guides whom He will. He best knows those who accept guidance." (28:56). Muslims are expected to explain Islam to followers of other faiths, but it is up to Allah to guide those whom he wishes to.

So...why doesn't Allah swt guide everyone? :S

America and Russia: Has the Cold War Really Ended?

The twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is approaching, but has the Cold War really ended and is it really a historic relic of the not too distant past?

The Soviet Union may no longer exist and the Warsaw Pact may have long been dissolved, but many of the remnants of the Cold War still exist, like the conflict in the divided Korean Peninsula, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and finally the issue of missile defense.

In the last few years the relations between NATO and the Russian Federation have become tense and described in terms reminiscent of the Cold War.

One of the main impetuses for this resumption of Cold tensions has been the U.S. missile shield project in the European continent.

Hajj and Eid Mubarak!


[color=red]Eid Mubarak![/color]





[center][size=20][color=blue]Курбан байрам[/color] [/size][/center]


[center][size=20][color=purple]Hari Raya Korban[/color]


[color=brown]Tfaska Tamoqqart[/color]


Religion and (medical) Drugs

The Health Department are generally always trying to tailor around their Patient's need ( I know that this does not always happen).

So earlier this year, the publication that was printed:
Religion and Belief: A practical guide for the NHS.

I'm just scanning through some writing, and it says here:

In the United Kingdom, the right to follow your religion and beliefs is protected under article 9 of the Human Rights Act 1998, which covers freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.

I didn't know this but people who follow the Jehovah's Witness refuse blood products because of their beliefs.

Anyway, coming back to what I really made this thread for:

How much do you know about Islam before the 20th century in the UK?

There are references to Islamic scholars in the prologue to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (1386).

Following the Crusades against Islam, Britain became friendly with some Islamic countries. Queen Elizabeth I, for example, asked the Ottoman Sultan Murad for naval assistance against the Spanish Armada.

The first recorded Englishman to become a Muslim was John Nelson, who converted to Islam at some point in the 16th Century.

A 1641 document refers to "a sect of Mahomatens" being "discovered here in London". There were also a few conversions to Islam during the period, and a few years later, in 1649, came the first English version of the Qur'an, by Alexander Ross.

'Ex Nazi' charged with 58 murders

German prosecutors have charged a 90-year-old alleged former Nazi SS member with the killing of 58 Jewish forced labourers, officials say.

The man is accused of murdering the workers in Deutsch Schuetzen, a village in eastern Austria, at the end of World War II.

The court has identified the suspect only as a "retiree from Duisburg".

The victims' remains were found in a mass grave in 1995 by the Austrian Jewish association.

The German state court was told that on 29 March 1945, the accused and accomplices brought at least 57 Jewish forced labourers to a forest "where they had to give up their valuables and kneel by a grave".

Watch what you eat: 'Body sold' to Russia kebab shop

Police in Russia have arrested three homeless men suspected of killing a man, eating part of the body and selling other parts to a kebab shop.
The men were held in the city of Perm, some 1,400km (870 miles) east of Moscow, local investigators said.
Their statement said that the suspects had targeted the 25-year-old victim out of "personal hostility".
It was not clear when the incident occurred. The men - who have not been named - have been charged with murder.
The investigators said on Friday that the body of the man had been found in a forested area near a public transport stop in Perm.
They said the three men attacked their victim with knives and a hammer.
