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TM Discourses Trailer *Video*

Discourses are delivered by Hazrat Ahmad Dabbagh every Monday and Thursday at Muhammadiyah House of Wisdom, a centre for learning purification of the heart, mind and soul and perfection of character in order to achieve the pleasure of Allah by following the Messenger of Allah, Syidina Muhammad ( Peace and Blessings be upon Him ).

Topics include: the Doctrine and Belief of Ahlussunnah wal Jamm’ah, the Greatness and existence of Allah the Exalted, the Supreme Status of the Prophet Muhammad ( Peace and Blessings

An Advice of a brother to the concerned one - excellent book

This book written by [u]Sheikh Muhammad Nazim[/u]
'An Advice of a brother to the concerned one' [/b]is Alhamdulillah excellent;

[quote]The reasons why a man undergoes troubles and tests in life is due to several reasons which the books attempts to deal with, from an Islamic point of view.

Islam only for the rich?

recently mr. hamza yusuf complained to that f they dont remeove his lectures from their database then he will have no choice but to report them to the databasing filing agents as terrorists!

can you believe that! :shock:

if you dont beleieve me go to the site and the alligations thrown by mr. hamza yusuf is clearly smack bang on the face. :shock:

MUSICAL Nasheeds, a tool of the devil? you decide.

One of the most talked about article at the moment going around do you agree? with the contents... should they be banned?

O muslims know that we are of the blessed Ummah of the habib al Mustafa (Sallahu’ali’hi’wa’sa’lam), the Ummah who will be a witness for the ambiah’s against their own nations when accusations are brought against ruh’ullah Syyidina Isa (alihisalam) the source for his relief of the trouble times will be the Ummah of the beloved.

FREE purification of the Heart course enrol today!

For a free DVD regarding the course of self purification which outlines the full course[purification of the heart] please email

Firstly, the Sheikh checks if their belief system is correct. If not, He will present to them the solution so that they can practically rectify their belief (aqeedah) according to Ahl-sunnah-wal-jamaat (people who follow the Prophetic way and the companions). Thereafter the Sheikh instructs them to learn the basic fiqh (if they don’t possess it already) according to the Hanafi school of thought regarding the external practices of Islam.
