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I need your help with assigment.....

Assalamu Alaikum

All your help will be much appreciated.

I have to do an English speaking and listening assignment that I will have to do in front of the class.

It is about what I want to banish into Room 101 (like in the room 101 TV
series) and why?

The presentation has to be exactly 3 or more minutes long.

It has to be something I hate, fear or find really annoying :evil: .

Does anyone have any ideas?.....


Assalamu alaikum

Al-Hidayah has just launched a Forum to discuss about various Islamic topics and about the annual Al-Hidayah event.

The forum also includes an Islamic Q & A.

Articles will also be added to the website and Al-Hidayah are planning to release its Journal before the upcoming event.

So Al-Hidayah should soon become an Islamic Institution insh'allah and the movement will continue further by selling DVD's and Audio CD's.

What do you think of this?


Leaving the tap running


Wasting is a bad thing and everyone should know that.
We waste so much food, water and even money.
We should look at the poor people and shouldn't waste things.

Anas(ra) related that Rasulullah(saw) said, "If the food that you are eating falls, pick it up and clean it. Then eat it and not leave it for the satan."

Why do people waste then?