Forum Topics

British Culture

Well this tiresome subject is once again being raised by desperate Tony (along with animal experiments and nuclear power). Seems like there's something new every day.

What do you all think regarding this issue.

My personal thoughts are that culture is a product of society. He's portraying it as some ideology that people should be following.

"Britishness" has never been particularly popular except among the middle and upper classes of the imperial era and during the world wars.

Plus it seems a bit rich for him to be promoting Britishness while making Britain a province of Europe.

Cartoons article

Christopher Bollyn American Free Press

Under the guise of free speech, a leading Danish newspaper published a
provocative anti-Islamic cartoons clearly designed to offend Muslims.
predictable result has greatly increased the possibility of violence
and left
Denmark in a costly and dangerous predicament.

Four months after Jyllands-Posten (JP), Denmark's most widely read
paper, published 12 anti-Islamic cartoons, Danes woke up to the fact
that there
is a very high price to be paid for promoting the "clash of
