Forum Topics

Website aims to connect those working with Muslim youth

A website that aims to bring together those working with Muslim youth was launched on Saturday 23rd October, at the GPU conference, ExCel, London.

With the ambitious motto of 'the one-stop shop for those working with Muslim youth', the Connect Online website is an expansion of the highly successful quarterly newsletter Connect, which has developed into a resource providing news, a blog, articles, projects, videos, research and policy information, and many other resources for those working with Muslim youth.

Is there ANYONE who wants to go beyond talking about the youth to ACTUALLY helping?

Is there ANYONE who wants to go beyond talking about the youth to ACTUALLY helping? Deadline extended to 25th June.
Community Reporters wanted for national Muslim youth website:

Passionate about your community?

Are you Muslim, aged between 17 and 27 and passionate about your community?

The Young Muslim Association (YMA) is looking for twenty five Youth Leaders to join the Central Management Committee.

Youth Leaders will act as role models to young Muslims, helping them develop their personal, moral, social and spiritual skills to become active and good citizens.

For more details and information about how to apply to become a Youth Leader, please follow the link:

The closing date for applications is 21st June 2010

Volunteer Regional Community Reporters wanted

Everyone has something to say… what about you?

What do you think is news-worthy that can be discussed on a Community Forum?

Have you got something to say about issues affecting Muslim Youth?

Connect, a national quarterly newsletter that celebrates work with young Muslims will be going ONLINE in July.

Muslim Youth Skills is giving you a platform to tell your story on this new initiative - - The 'one-stop-shop' for those working with Muslim Youth

We are looking for individuals that can report on events, projects or general news affecting Muslim youth across the UK.

Criteria and Application:

Age: 18 upwards

We are very keen to have individuals from a diverse range of backgrounds, including both male and female.

Website aims to connect Muslims

A free website designed to help those working with Muslim youth to enhance work practice will be launched soon!

Connect Online is an expansion of the highly successful quarterly Muslim Youth Skills newsletter 'Connect', which has developed into a free resource providing news, a blog, forums, case-studies, research and policy information and resources. Individuals, charities, community groups, voluntary groups and social enterprises will be able to benefit by accessing information and also contributing to the resource.

One Day Course - Working with Muslim Youth: Using the Four Ares Model

Do you want to improve your skills and knowledge in engaging more effectively with disaffected and hard to reach Muslim Youths?


By the end of the course you will have:

  • *Gained a better understanding of the complex issues and experiences of Muslim Youth in the current climate.
  • *Gained knowledge, skills and confidence in identifying those complex issues.
  • *Gained knowledge of barriers affecting access to service provision.
  • *Gained knowledge, skills and confidence in developing a systematic way of engaging and empowering Muslim Youth, in the context of the Every Child Matters agenda.

YOUTH EVENT: Are You Passionate about YOUR Community?

Are you aged 16-24 and want to discuss YOUR views and help make a change in YOUR Local community, HARROW?

Would you like to have a ‘Safe Space’ to discuss issues affecting you?

What about the recent anti-Mosque protests in Harrow? Have you got anything to say?

Join us and take part in a series of workshops on:
Date: Tuesday 16th February 2010
Time: 11am-3pm
Venue: Harrow Council, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2XP

For further details, please contact:
Tafazal Mohammad - or call/text: 07861 698 132
Shaban -


Event is in partnership with Harrow Council

One Day Course - Working With Muslim Youths: Using The Four Areas Model!

Muslim Youth Skills: FIVE Dates, FIVE Locations

Do you want to improve your skills and knowledge in engaging more effectively with disaffected and hard to reach Muslim Youths?


By the end of the course you will have:
>>Gained a better understanding of the complex issues and experiences of Muslim Youth in the current climate.
>>Gained knowledge, skills and confidence in identifying those complex issues.
>>Gained knowledge of barriers affecting access to service provision.
>>Gained knowledge, skills and confidence in developing a systematic way of engaging and empowering Muslim Youth, in the context of the Every Child Matters agenda.