
Is it better for children to have siblings?

There are frequent warnings about how expensive it is to have a child in the UK, but father-of-six and Sticking Up For Siblings author Colin Brazier says scare stories shouldn't detract from the benefits of children having siblings.

Financial service providers - and their press offices - like to treat us to bulletins about the cost of raising a child.

There are several studies each year and they peddle catchy acronyms like Cots (the Cost Of The Sibling).

But it would be naive to assume the authors of these reports are entirely disinterested. Most PR folk in the City are there to plug a product.

In recent years Cots estimates have been running well ahead of inflation. Recently the figure has been put around the £250,000 mark.

One Food Bank Opening In UK Every Four Days

Food banks were almost unheard of just a few years ago - now they are being opened in the UK at the rate of one every four days.

For Kenny and Leanne Jones, spiralling debts caused by rising utility bills and high rents led them to the St Andrew's Community Centre in north Liverpool.

The goods they will take home from the food bank there to their four children will mean, for a few days at least, there will be meals on the table.

The Revival Guide To Islamic Finance

By Irfan Jalil

Islamic finance is a system of monetary trade based on the Islamic principles and jurisprudence. It seeks to create wealth based on partnership and fairness with risks and profits being shared.

Islamic finance, believe it or not, is worth £250bn worldwide. So, clearly, there's a buck to be made. And it's not just about mortgages – multi-million pound global businesses based in Muslim countries increasingly want to base their trade on Islamic principles. Recently, two Kuwaiti companies bought Aston Martin using Sharia-compliant finance.

*Online Exclusive* - Credit Crunch

By Irfan Jalil

For the past year and a bit the world has been going through a financial crisis. People have been unable to pay back debts that they owed and now there is less money going around in the world economy. Businesses are going bust. Prices are getting higher and higher. Banks are running out of money and people are losing their jobs. This is leading to a global economic meltdown.