
Warner Bros. to release a Lollywood Pakistani film

Warner Bros. to release a Lollywood Pakistani called film Waar

Pakistan’s director Bilal Lashari has shot his first full-length feature film called Waar, in collaboration with ISPR.

The film will be releasing on FEB 2012

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Lollywood Movie Bol (Speak)

This movie has raised quite a few eye brows because it tackles subjects which are considered taboo in Pakistan or Muslims societies

Here are few of the things the movie looks at

Taking responsibility for your actions in this case the action is child birth people having lots of children just for the sake of it and then not being ab;r to feed them as we believe that its “gods will” that you will have so and so number of sons and daughters

Pakistani are disappointed when there wife gives birth to girls
if there are 3 girls born one after the other then the man would marry another women thinking this wife may not be able to give birth to boys

Culture caste and Lollywood Pakistani Films

The caste system among Muslims

Sources indicate that the castes among Muslims developed as the result of close contact with Hindu culture and Hindu converts to Islam.

Religious scholar Yoginder Sikand elaborates that the caste system among Muslims was not due to the "influence of Hinduism among a previously 'pure', 'uncontaminated' Muslim community," but rather to "the continued impact of Hindu beliefs and customs on the converts who still remained within a largely Hindu cultural universe and retained many of its associated beliefs and practices"


In some parts of South Asia, the Muslims are divided as Ashrafs and Ajlafs.
Ashrafs claim a superior status derived from their foreign ancestry.