Muslim Unity-What Does It Mean To YOU?

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Clearly Med is an extremist. His twisted version of Islam has made him a fanatic.

I bet he would kill anyone whom he views as an infidel. Its people like him that encourage terrorists.



Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:

[size=24] If a shi'te is known to utter slander on Sahaabah Karaam then I support his extra-judicial killing. [/size]


So Med-am I lying?

Did I put words in your mouh?

Did you not say that?

Please explain to me my lie so that I may see the errors of my ways

"Med" wrote:

It is from ALLAH's mercy that He has not made me like you.



"Med" wrote:

. For now you can continue in your misunderstanding.


Yes. We're all confused individuals. Only you are the all wise enlightened one.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:

er . . . LilSis teeny weeny suggestion?

er.....Med teeny weeny Question.

Why bang on about supporting extra-judicial killing of shia's and then delete ur posts and accuse me of being a liar?


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar


I don't care if we disagree.

But why delete your posts.

loads of people visit this public forum-why delete what u said?

it makes a person think you have sumin to hide

are u ashamed of ur fanatic tendencies?


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

Maybe he doesn't want Naj to read what he said.


"Beast" wrote:
Maybe he doesn't want Naj to read what he said.


I doubt it-

if that was the case he shud delete all his views about daughters being a headache and how brides must be depressed on their wedding day

Maybe he's afraid that a few Shias might read it and beat him up.


"Beast" wrote:
Maybe he doesn't want Naj to read what he said

[b]EDIT: Behave Omrow ------------Judge, Jury, and Executioner [/b]

"Beast" wrote:
Maybe he's afraid that a few Shias might read it and beat him up.


Is that the reason Med?

You might as well tell us otherwise we'll spend all our time speculating

He's just gone around and deleted more posts.

Strange fella.


Beast the boy has deleted EVERY post of his

from now on when debating with him quote his ENTIRE post

dont want to be accused of being a liar now do we :roll:

I have become complacent in speech.

My posts are no longer pointed, they meander.

This malady should be rectified.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
I have become complacent in speech.

My posts are no longer pointed, they meander.

This malady should be rectified.

So you deleted your posts because of their literary unremarkableness.

Unity is on Haq.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Med" wrote:
I have become complacent in speech.

My posts are no longer pointed, they meander.

This malady should be rectified.

Hai Ku.

5 syllables, then 7 then 5, and then 2 lines of 7 each.

This will definitely make your posts more concise - AND stylistically interesting!

[color=green]The basis of unity is to sustain the limits of the Deen. And this unity will remain as long as there is Taqwa.[/color]

[color=olive]-- Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi[/color]

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

islam is at its most disunited than ever before

It saddens me dearly to see how islam is at the weakest point ever in its illustrious history

Islam was once a hugh empire streching from africa to southern europe to india and to malaysia

islam is now broken into seperate states , seperate sects and seperate beliefs

We as muslims cannot even decide a day to celebrate our greatest festivals of eid toghether. We have formed sects and divisions and then are proud to be part of them, I.e we have one group who constantly disagrees with the other and shouts shirk and biddah at every opputunity it can, then we have the group that is too stubborn to see there faults and screams at anybody different to them as crazy wahhabis.

There are estimately just under a billion muslims in the world , muslim countries own vital resources such as oil, islam is the largest growing religion in the world, just count the muslim countries in the world on a map,

If Islam and muslims unite

What a thread.

Classic example of disunity amongst the Muslims.

I guess we feel that some "groups" are beyond tolerance.

I disagree. This thread shows unity. You are wearing different goggles.

"Omrow" wrote:
I disagree. This thread shows unity. You are wearing different goggles.

I disagree.

Here the murder of our fellow Muslims was discussed because of strong disagreements with their beliefs.

I don't know why you see social solidarity when there isnt any.

The thing is Med could have almost justified alot of his anti-shia views by just quoting an aayah.

But what can never be justified is extr-judicial killings in any manner.

SSP are a terrorist group. Their leaders should be tried and punished for the murder they have supported...

How he will never understand Unity.

Its not about agreeing. Its about agreeing when to agree, and when to disagree.

Originally there were very few shias. If the Sunnis wanted to eradicate them they probably could have. They did not. Why? why did they not do what is being asked today? maybe because it was not justified...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:

SSP are a terrorist group. Their leaders should be tried and punished for the murder they have supported...

This is the first I heard of the SSP.

Does such violence only take place in Pakistan. Are they present in any other countries?


Anyone can quote a verse from a holy book to justify anything.

As they say: Even the Devil can quote Scripture for his own ends.

What do you think radical clerics do. They use holy texts from
the Quran, or the Bible, to brainwash their followers into committing atrocious acts.

The result of this can be loss of many innocent lives all over the world.

Pakistan is in the middle of a sectarian war that is waging with intense ferocity:

